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"Are you comfortable?" Derek asked

"Yeah" Meredith breathed

It was getting late and Meredith finally stopped vomiting. She still gagged and her stomach was hurting a lot but besides that, she was doing a bit better

"Mom called. Does she need to take the girls for the night?" Derek asked

"Can you deal with two kids and a baby?" Meredith asked, her voice breaking as she couldn't even look into Derek's eyes so she looked straight ahead instead

"Mer, don't say that" He kneeled down so he looked right into her eyes but she closed them "You're my wife, I promised to take care of you" Derek kissed her forehead

"No one should clean up his wife 24/7, try to get her to eat and then be the one that needs to hold the bucket afterwards" She opened her eyes and looked right into Derek's. Her eyes tearing up

"Mer, I promised to love you in sickness and health. This is me loving you by taking care of you" Derek whispered "You would do the same for me"

"I would.. I love you" She whispered as her eyes started closing. Once she was asleep, Derek decided to call his mom

"Hi Derek, how's everything going?" Carolyn asked softly

"She's asleep now but I think she rather has the girls here in their own beds" Derek quietly said

"They'll be happy. They have been asking to see you and Mer all evening" Carolyn told him, Derek smiled softly

"Thanks mom for helping.. I don't know what we would do without you and dad" Derek sighed

"We're family. Did you have dinner yet?"

"No but we do have some lasagna in the freezer. Mer's still refusing to eat, only a few bits of applesauce and yogurt"

"We'll arrange it. Just relax, lay down with Meredith until we're there" Carolyn said softly before she ended the call "Emma, Ava?" She yelled

"Nana, what's wrong?" Ava ran in first, followed by Emma

"Daddy just called and asked if you wanna sleep at home" She smiled at them

"Yes! Wanna go see mommy and daddy!" Emma yelled

"Come on, Nana! We have to be quick!" Ava said sternly as her eyes grew wide. Both girls immediately grabbing their shoes and putting them on "Poppa, we need our jackets"

"Of course" Christopher chuckled and grabbed their jackets "Let's get you two in the car. Nana has to grab something"

The girls and Christopher walked out of the house and got into the car. Christopher buckled them in and got in himself

"Let's listed to some music" He smiled

"Clash!" Ava giggled

"You look too much like your father," He laughed. By the end of the song, Carolyn had entered the car

"We can go" She smiled softly and he started driving


Derek was still laying down in bed, tightly holding onto Meredith who was asleep in his arms. She was doing a bit better, except for the pain in her stomach. When he heard his parents and the girls arriving. His heart ached to see Ava and Emma but he didn't wanna let go of Meredith either in case she'd need him

"Derek?" His mother's voice pulled him out of his thoughts

"Yeah?" He breathed as he looked up

"We're here. Do you want me to give the girls a bath and let them change into their pajamas?" Carolyn asked

"Yeah.. Thanks mom"

"I put food in the fridge, enough for a few days. Food for you, the girls and Meredith" Carolyn softly smiled

"Thanks mom" Derek nodded and brushed his hand over Meredith's cheek "Her hair is starting to fall out"

"It was to be expected" Carolyn sighed "I still have some of her old scarfs. Maybe I can go shopping for a bunch of new ones"

"Thanks mom.. I just- Should I let the kids help if we.. cut it off?" He asked

"Maybe it will be easier for them to understand" Carolyn gave him an apologetical smile

"Yeah" Derek breathed "She'll hate it. She swore to never cut her hair shorter than her shoulders after last time"

"Mom?" He heard his sister's voice. Amelia would spend the night here to help out Derek with the girls

"Amelia, hi" Carolyn moved to hug Amelia

"Amy, would you mind sitting with Mer for a bit so I can give the girls their bath and just.. talk to them?"

"Of course, Der" Amelia smiled softly "I do have a lot of paperwork so I'll do it here" She smiled softly and watched as her brother and mother started walking downstairs

"Daddy!" The two girls giggled as they ran towards him

"Hi, how was it at Nana and Poppa's?" Derek smiled

"We had fun" Emma giggled

"Derek!" Amelia yelled from upstairs

"I'll be right back" He told his kids before sprinting upstairs towards Meredith

"Can we go see mommy?" They asked

"First you two need a bath" Carolyn instructed as she took over

"Amy?" Derek breathed as he ran into his and Meredith's room

"Her stomach again.." Amelia sighed as Derek saw Meredith curled up, sobbing quietly

"It's okay, I got you" Derek brushed his hand over her hair

"She needs a feeding tube, Der" Amelia sighed "It's not normal for her to be in this amount of pain

"No, please" Meredith begged weakly while looking into Derek's eyes

"Mer, you know it will make you feel better" Derek kissed her forehead

"It will scare the girls" Meredith whispered as she winced again

"It won't. We can talk to them" Derek assured her "They won't see it, it will be underneath your shirt"

"Aaaah!" Meredith screamed as he stomach hurt worse then ever before

"Mer?" Derek frowned "Amy, go get dad and make sure mom doesn't let the girls come upstairs, please" Derek instructed as he held his wife tightly in his arms, whispering things in her ear

"Awww" She groaned

"Mer, what's wrong? Derek, what happened?" Their dad asked

"I don't know. Her stomach was hurting until-" Derek started to explain but was interrupted when Meredith started gagging and spit out pure, clear blood

"We need to bring her to the hospital, now" Christopher stated

"Oh god" Derek whispered

"Derek, come on" Christopher led him outside "Amy, you have to drive"

Amelia nodded and went to grab her keys. Carolyn came running towards her to ask what what was going on

"Meredith was spitting up blood so probably a bleeding inside her stomach" She sighed and quickly ran out to her car

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