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"Derek, I don't want to" Meredith whined as the EMTs helped her on the stretcher

"No mommy!" Emma started screaming

"Emma honey, come here" Derek tried but Emma tried to push him away

"Em, listen to daddy," Meredith weakly muttered. Her heart broke for her kids

"Dear, will you drive Derek and the girls to the hospital? I'm going with Meredith"

"Wanna stay with mommy!" Emma yelled

"Can we please come with you?" Derek sighed as he held his two girls in his arms

"Of course Doctor Shepherd" The paramedic nodded

"But you need to be calm" He softly told Emma who stopped screaming. Her red and puffy eyes still focussed on her mother

"We'll be there in a bit" Carolyn promised

"We'll call Mark, Amy and Addie" Christopher told them

"Thanks" Derek forced his sobs back and followed the paramedics downstairs and into the back of the ambulance. He took a seat and strapped themselves in

"It's gonna be okay" Meredith weakly assured them

Derek was watching her. Her skin was pale, almost like porcelain. Her voice was raspy, her hands were shaking and she was slightly shivering despite her warm clothes and blankets

"See girls, it's all gonna be okay" Derek tried to keep them calm

"We're almost there, Dr Grey" The driver announced

Once they were there and the doors opened they were met with looks of pity. Bailey and Teddy immediately ordered to get her to get ct scans of her chest and then bring her to an examination room

"Mommy! Mommy!" Emma started yelling over and over

"Em, the doctors will take care of mommy" He tried to assure her

"Hey munchkins" Addison walked towards them "Need me to take her?" She asked Derek

"Em, wanna get carried by aunt Addie?" Derek asked and the little girl nodded her head. Once Addison had Emma in her arms the little girl rested her head on Addie's shoulder and whimpered softly. Derek was now carrying Ava who was crying as well

"Maybe we should go to you or Mer's office" Addison suggested

"Their beds are in Mer's office" Derek softly commented

Addison nodded softly and took the lead

By the time Carolyn, Christopher and Mark had arrived Ava was reading a book to Derek while Emma was asleep in Addison's arms, the little girl clenched onto the expensive fabric of Addison's dress

"How is she doing?" Carolyn softly asked

"We don't know" Derek sighed

"I'll go check on her" Mark offered

Carolyn sat down next to Ava and softly rubbed the little girl's back

"Nana!" She hugged her grandmother

"How are you Ava?" Carolyn softly asked

"I wanna go see mommy" The little girl whimpered

"I know you do" Carolyn kissed the top of Ava's head as they sat in silence until Mark returned

"Her fever dropped but she's on a high dose of oxygen to not put any strain on her body. If the fever stays this low she doesn't need to go to the ICU so the girls can see her" Mark told them once he had returned

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