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Addison was sitting in Meredith's hospital room as she was watching the chemo drip into Meredith's body. She was here as her friend, not as one of her doctors. Addison had helped Meredith into some clean clothes earlier on

"Hey" She heard Meredith whisper a bit later

"Hi Mer" Addison softly rubbed Meredith's hand

"I'm cold" Meredith whispered and started shivering

"Oh-" Addison nodded before covering Meredith with two extra blankets, ignoring the five others that were already covering her

"Hmm" Meredith groaned and closed her eyes slightly as a wave of dizziness overtook her "Lay with me. I wanna talk" she whispered

"Bossy woman" Addison laughed but laid down next to Meredith

"How're you and Markie?" Meredith asked

"We've been good actually. Glad the house is finally finished, he got his mancave, I got my dressing" She giggled softly

"I can't wait to see your new house" Meredith smiled softly and laid her head down in the crook of Addison's neck "Derek said your dressing is almost as big as your bedroom"

"It is" Addison confirmed with a laugh "We have a bedroom reserved for your girls, they love it. It's painted so beautifully with pink and clouds, their beds are made out of wood which was painted very lightly brown. It's so beautiful" Addison

"I can't wait to see it" Meredith breathed

"Why don't you rest some more?" Addison asked as she brushed some hairs out of the way but they stick to her hand

"Don't look too shocked. You met me while I was bald" Meredith sighed and closed her eyes

Addison's hand searching for Meredith's while waiting until soft snores appeared, revealing she finally was asleep

"Oh god, Meredith" Addison sighed and kissed Meredith's head softly


Addison was still laying next to Meredith a few hours later. Treatment was already over but the redhead didn't wanna wake the blonde just yet. Addison was charting when she felt Meredith stir

"Oh-" Meredith gasped and sat up as quick as her body let her after the big surgery and she started throwing up all over herself. The vomit also reached Addison's lap

"I'm so sorry" Meredith cried with wide eyes

"Hey, it's okay. We'll clean that up" Addison nodded firmly

Meredith loved Addison a lot, they were like sisters so Meredith knew Addison hated doing this. She had never seen the redhead doing these kind of things but she was doing it regardless

"Okay, let's throw these on the floor for a minute" Addison said as she pulled the first 3 blankets away that were soaked in vomit "And let's cover you up a bit more so you stay warm" Addison softly rubbed Meredith's back and placed the bucket in front of her sister in law in case she would feel sick again

"Hmm" Meredith felt dizzy as she was sitting up

"Oh wait-" Addison quickly held her as she saw Meredith swaying. She pushed the nurse button and waited until someone would come and help them out

"Dr Grey?" A nurse walked in

"She threw up. Can you help me change her?" Addison asked

"Of course Dr Montgomery"

The two woman started cleaning up Meredith who was shivering

"It's okay" Addison softly kissed Meredith's head

"C-Cold" Meredith muttered

"I know, it's okay" Addison held her against her chest as the nurse was stripping her out of her dirty pajamas before handing Addison some clean ones

"Okay Mer, I need you to get in the chair next to your bed" Addison said and helped Meredith on her feet before lowering her into the chair "Now let's get you dressed" The redhead said and slipped a shirt over Meredith's head

"I'm back-" Derek walked in "Oh Mer, what happened?" He asked concerned

"She threw up and I was too late by handing her that bucket. She's okay now." Addison smiled softly

"Home" Meredith whined

"Yeah I just signed your discharge papers" Derek rubbed her back softly, being aware of the burned spot

"The girls?" Meredith weakly asked

"They're at mom's house" Derek softly reply

"Can we go get them first?" Meredith asked

"I'd rather bring you home first. Maybe mom can bring them home" Derek told her

"Wanna cuddle my babies" Meredith sighed

"I can get them and bring them home if you want?" Addison suggested

"Would you mind?" Derek asked

"No of course not! And if you want, I can get us some food if you'd like and Mark can come over once his shift is done" Addison suggested

"Ask mom and dad if they wanna join. Thanks Addie" Derek said as he felt Meredith nodding in response

"No problem. I'll help you getting to the car" Addison said and helped Meredith to put on her jacket

"I'll grab a wheelchair" Derek said

"Derek, I can walk!" Meredith weakly argued

"You had massive stomach surgery, we took out your ovaries and uterus. No way you're gonna walk, okay?" Addison said sternly

"Yes mom" Meredith rolled her eyes

"Here, put on those shoes" Addison laughed as she helped Meredith slip on the pair of UGGs. Meredith had received a pair of boots and a pair of slippers from Addison as a birthday present. Meredith let Addison slip her foot in and when she was finished, Derek already walked back inside


"We'll see you in a bit. Be careful" Derek said as he thanked Addison once he helped Meredith in the car

"You too. Take care of her" Addison said and pulled Derek in for a hug "She's already asleep" Addison sighed

"Already?" Derek looked at her as tears pooled in his eyes

"She must be exhausted" Addison softly rubbed Derek's back as she was close to crying herself

"I just wanna make her better" Derek whispered

"We all do.. Take care of her, Der. I'll bring your girls"

"I will. Thanks Addie" Derek said and got in the car. Meredith was already asleep in the car seat, her head resting against the window

Derek held his hand sternly on hers during the car ride and carried her inside the house, making sure she was comfortable on the couch before going to the kitchen to grab a bucket in case she would feel sick. He grabbed a bottle of water and some pain meds in case she would wake up

Addison had texted him to let him know she was on her way so Derek hooked her up to the tube feeding, making sure everything was connected right and eventually climbing in on the couch next to her, from time to time placing a soft kiss in her neck as he kept watching her like a hawk, scared anything would happen if he'd look away

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