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"Is she still asleep?" Christopher asked as Carolyn walked back into the living room after she went checking on Meredith

"Yeah. The girls kissed her good morning before Mark dropped them off at school"

"Derek will be home in a bit, let her rest so she has energy to spend time with him" Christopher softly said

"She's weak, Christopher" Carolyn sighed

"She's fighting Carolyn. If anyone can do this despite a death sentence, then it's Mer" Christopher held her hand and walked her towards the couch "I wouldn't push anyone under these circumstances but Mer-"

"Mom, dad, did she have her tube feeding yet?" Addison asked as she walked in

"Not yet" Christopher shook his head

"I'll go set it up" Addison softly smiled and collected all the supplied before walking upstairs to Meredith's room

Addison walked inside and saw Meredith was still asleep. She grabbed everything she needed and started setting it up. An IV at the same time to give her fluids to make sure she would stay hydrated

"Mom?" Meredith whispered

"It's Addie. Derek will be here in a few hours" Addison rubbed Meredith's shoulder

"Girls?" She weakly asked

"They're at school. Mark's gonna go get them in a few hours" Addison told Meredith as she laid down

"I just need a small nap, I'll get up after-" Meredith said. She felt guilty for spending time upstairs in bed

"Oh don't you worry. Why don't you sleep until Derek is back" Addison suggested

"Sure? I should help you-" Meredkth started but Addison interrupted her

"We're sure, Mer. Just rest" Addison kissed Meredith's forehead. She waited until Meredith fell asleep before she returned downstairs


Derek parked his car and quickly walked inside. He left his luggage at the door

"Derek, hi!" His mother walked toward him

"Hi mom" Derek breathed "Where's Mer?" He asked with a sparkle in his eyes

"In bed. Go see her" Carolyn smiled

"Going" He chuckled and ran upstairs

He gently opened the door and walked in. He saw Meredith buried with blankets, she looked pale but in peace so he climbed in next to her

"Der?" She breathed and turned, wrapping her arms around Derek's waist

"I'm home" Derek smiled and wrapped his arms tightly around her

"Missed you" Meredith breathed as she rested her head on his chest, not wanting to let go of him any time soon

"Missed you too. So so much" Derek kissed the top of her head "How did it go?"

"Okay" She quickly replied

"Mer?" Derek frowned, turning her so he could face her

"Not that good but doesn't matter now" She sighed and cuddled closer into Derek "Wake me when the girls are home, please"

"Of course" Derek sighed. He felt bad for leaving. He kept thinking about the past days. He had spend nights and days away from Meredith and if things would go bad, this could be his new 'normal. There was a huge chance he would lose his wife

Derek hadn't even noticed that tears were streaming down his face until Addison knocked on the door

"Yeah?" Derek said loud enough

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