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"Derek, let me help" Meredith weakly argued

"You need to rest" Derek said sternly

"I'm always resting.." She sighed. It had been 3 days since her chemo, tomorrow would be another round. Once again, it never stopped

"You'll need all your strength" Derek sighed

"Gonna check on the girls" Meredith weakly tried to push herself up, Derek quickly ran over to assist her "It's okay" She nodded firmly, her hand searching for the couch as she weakly made her way over to the playroom

"Mommy! Do you wanna play with us?" Emma smiled

"Mommy needs to rest, Emma" Ava said sternly and walked towards her mom to lead her to one of the small chairs

"Thank you" Meredith softly nodded and winced as she lowered herself

"Mommy, look!" Emma ran towards her and started showing her toy

"It's very nice, sweetie" Meredith smiled weakly as she shook off the dizziness she suddenly felt

"Mommy, do I need to get daddy?" Ava asked

"I-It's okay" Meredith shook her head but Ava went anyway

"My pink pony wants you" Emma giggled as she kept playing, not noticing Meredith's paleness

"Mer?" Derek ran in and saw Meredith sitting down, heavily leaning against the wall "Oh god, Meredith!" He ran towards her

"Mommy's playing with me" Emma told Derek

"Em, go to your sister for a minute, please" Derek said sternly which scared her. She got up, her eyes filling with water as she ran towards her big sister

"I'm 'kay" Meredith sighed, barely conscious

"Damnit Mer, you can't keep doing this. I need you. I love you!" Derek whispered, barely able to continue talking, his hand brushing over her cheek

"Sorry" Meredith murmured

"When are you gonna learn that it's okay to ask help" Derek started sobbing as he scooped her up in his arms and carried her towards the couch where he felt her pulse, it was slow but strong

"Didn't know.. I'd feel so bad" Meredith grabbed his hand

"Don't do this, Mer. Let me help you for god's sake" Derek wiped his tears away

"Love you" she murmured, barely loud enough for Derek to hear

"I love you too. I can't lose you" Derek forced back sobs

"Hmm.. Girls" She whispered

"I'll go talk to them. Just rest. I'll give you more fluids and your tube feeding in a bit" Derek kissed her lips "Just rest, please" Derek kissed her forehead once more before walking towards the kids

"Aww" Meredith cried in pain once more

"Mer, are you okay?" Derek frowned

"It hurts so much" She sobbed

"Ava, Em, can you guys come here please?" Derek yelled, he didn't wanna leave her by herself now

"Is everything okay?" Ava asked immediately, her younger sister hiding behind her

"Come here" Meredith opened her arms and Ava walked towards her mother "Em?" Meredith craned her neck

"Mommy" Emma started crying

"Come here baby" Meredith tried once more

"Sorry" Emma whispered and she crawled into Meredith's arms

"What's wrong honey?" Meredith asked concerned but Emma shook her head, Meredith winced one more as the pain flared up again

"Oh Mer" Derek sighed


Sweetie, I love you so so much" Meredith whispered and cuddled closer into Emma while Derek and Ava were doing some chores around the house

"I love you too" Emma whispered

"What's wrong, love bug?" Meredith asked as she brushed her hand over Emma's blind curls

"I think daddy and Ava are mad at me" Emma looked up at Meredith, some tears escaping her eyes

"Oh honey, no one is mad at you. Daddy and Ava are just scared like you are. Did they say something?" Meredith frowned

"Sissy sometimes is angry because I wanna play.." Emma started telling "And daddy was scary when he carried you"

"Oh honey, Ava and daddy don't mean it like that" Meredith rubbed her daughter's back

"I just wanna play with you" Emma said stubbornly

"Well let's play a bit in a few hours" Meredith suggested

"Can we play now?" Emma gasped

"Oh- Uh, yeah but just for a bit, okay?" Meredith weakly pushed herself up a bit as Emma came running in again with her favorite doll

"Look mommy, look at Elsa" Emma started showing off

"She's so pretty" Meredith softly breathed

"You're the prettiest" Emma giggled and kissed her mother's cheek before she started playing. She let Meredith hold the baby, feed the baby and much more until her mother was completely exhausted

"I just need to go use the bathroom for a second, honey. I'll be back in a bit" Meredith said softly as she pushed herself up

"Okay" Emma softly smiled and giggled

Meredith slowly made her way over to the bathroom. She sighed once she sat down, it was such an exhausting task to do and she didn't know if this was the chemo or her cancer that had badly spread inside her body

When she stood up she felt completely drowsy. Her head started spinning and she started losing her balance. She tried to sit down again but missed the toilet. She couldn't get up anymore, she was sitting on the cold tiles in the bathroom

"Der-" She tried to yell, her voice would be barely loud enough to yell for someone who would be in the room with her so Derek who was somewhere in the house would never hear her

She had no idea how much time had passed but her butt started to freeze, her whole body was cold, she needed a nap, she was completely exhausted. It wasn't until a while later that the bathroom door opened, revealing a concerned Derek

"Mer!" He gasped "What happened, did you faint?" He snapped her fingers in front of her

"C-Cold" She muttered

"Oh Mer" Derek scooped her up and ran to the living room

"Had to use the bathroom" She weakly muttered

"Shh, it's okay" Derek laid her down on the couch and covered her in blankets so she would warm up

"Mommy, you're back! Can we play?" Emma ran up to them

"In a bit, baby" Meredith weakly promised "Need a n-nap"

"I'll play with you" Derek offered "But let's wait until mommy's asleep so we can tuck her in first" He smiled softly

"Night mommy" Emma giggled softly and kissed her mother's cheek

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