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Today it was time for Meredith's first chemo session after her surgery. Derek was already up, he had made breakfast for the girls, he had put clothes ready for them and Meredith

Derek was packing a bag for them, so they had some things to do while the chemo would be dripping into Meredith's body, when he heard Ava walking into the living room

"Morning daddy" The little girl quietly said as she rubbed her eyes

"Morning honey. How did you sleep?" He asked as he pulled her in for a hug

"Good. Dreamt about the restaurant" Ava smiled

"Sounds like a very nice dream. Did you enjoy yesterday evening?"

"It was so much fun. Thank you daddy" Ava hugged her dad before she took a seat on her seat

"You're welcome honey. Mommy and I are glad you and Em liked it" Derek said and placed a waffle down on her plate

"Thanks daddy" Ava giggled and started eating her breakfast

"I'll go wake up your sister" Derek said and rubbed Ava's shoulder

Derek made his way upstairs to Emma's bedroom but saw an empty bed. He had a feeling where his youngest daughter could be

He walked towards his own bedroom and saw Emma laying down in Meredith's arms which caused him to chuckle

"Em, honey. Wake up please" He softly whispered

"No" The little girl muttered without even opening her eyes the slightest

"Honey we have to get ready" Derek tried again

"Stay with mommy" She whimpered

"Honey, mommy and I need to go to the hospital. Mommy needs treatment" Derek softly rubbed her back

"Don't want you to go" Emma whispered

"We'll be back before dinner" Derek assured her

"Kay" Emma sighed but refused to move so Derek picked her up and carried her downstairs

"You made waffles?" She asked with a grin on her face

"I did" Derek smiled

"Yay!" Emma cheered as Derek put a plate in front of her

"Daddy, I'm done" Ava said proudly

"Very good honey. Do you wanna sit here with us a bit longer or get dressed already?" Derek asked

"I'll wait" Ava smiled and waited for her little sister

Once Emma was finished the three of them made their way upstairs to quietly pick out an outfit for the day as they were going to the zoo with Carolyn and Christopher

"Daddy, can we come with you and mommy instead of going to the zoo?" Emma asked as Derek helped her pick out some clothes

"Honey, mommy will be very sick because of the meds. Remember?" Derek held Emma's hands in his

"But Ava and I can give mommy hugs to help her feel better" Emma whimpered

"I know mommy would love to but maybe tonight. Once you're back from the zoo you can go say hi to mommy" Derek rubbed Emma's back

"Can we bring a stuffed animal for mommy?"

"Of course honey. I bet mommy will love that" Derek kissed Emma's head

"I really wanna go to the doctor with you and mommy" Emma whispered

"I know Em. But it's better if mommy gets to sleep a lot so it will go faster" Derek tried to convince his daughter of going to the zoo

"Will you take really good care of mommy?" Emma asked which made Derek chuckle

"Of course I'm gonna take good care of her" Derek smiled

"But really good care. Like I do with my doll!" Emma said sternly

"I will honey, and if you don't trust me, aunt Addie and uncle Mark are working at the hospital today, they'll help me" Derek smiled

"Okay then" Emma sighed which made Derek chuckle again

"Any preference on what to wear?"

"Something pink!" Emma said sternly

"I could have expected that" Derek laughed

"Daddy, what's mommy's favorite animal?" Emma asked out of the blue

"Oh- Mommy loves bunnies. She also loves lions like you" Derek replied

"Okay!" Emma smiled

"Nana and Poppa will be here soon, can you get yourself dressed?" Derek asked as he laid her clothes on the chair

"Of course I can" Emma smiled

"I'll go check on Ava and mommy really quick" Derek kissed his daughter's head and walked out of the room and went to Ava's room

Ava assured him she was fine so he went to Meredith who was still asleep

"Mer, honey. You have to wake up" He gently shook her awake

"Hmm.. Already?" She groaned but didn't open her eyes

"Yeah, you chemo in two hours"

"O-Okay" She nodded softly and very slowly opened her eyes

"Should I get you dressed?" Derek asked

"Please" She sighed, feeling vulnerable and even worthless

"Okay, I grabbed some warm clothes for today" He smiled and helped her out of her pants and changed her into new panties and in more comfortable pants

"Hmm.. Fancy" She giggled softly

"You have your very own dresser" Derek smiled

"Addie will judge you" Meredith softly laughed but started shivering as she was topless

"Just one more minute" Derek said and quickly cleaned her armpits with a wet washcloth

"Always c-cold" She muttered

"I know, I'm sorry" Derek pulled the first shirt over her head before he put a sweater on top but she kept shivering so he wrapped a cardigan around her and covered her again with a blanket

"C-Cold" Meredith muttered as her teeth chattered

"Come here" Derek held her in his arms in a try to warm her up with his own body temperature but it didn't seem to work as Meredith's very small body kept shivering against his chest

"Derek?" Carolyn knocked on the door

"Mom-" Derek breathed

"Hi" She entered and saw Meredith was shaking in Derek's arms "Are you cold honey?"

Meredith nodded her head as Derek looked at his mom with a sad expression

"She's tired and cold" He rubbed her back softly

Carolyn placed the heating pad on Meredith's back which gave her some warmth

"T-Thanks" Meredith muttered, she was completely worn out

"Of course dear" Carolyn kissed both Meredith and Derek's heads "Can I let the girls come in so they can say bye?"

"Yeah please" Meredith nodded softly

It didn't take long before the girls walked into the room

"Mommy!" They yelled and climbed on the bed where Meredith was still sitting in Derek's lap, barely awake

"Hi babies" Meredith struggled to keep her eyes open

"We're going to the zoo" Ava smiled

"I know, be good for Nana and Poppa" Meredith said as she brushed her fingers through Emma's hair

'We'll be good mommy" Both girls promised

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm really trying to update as much as possible but it's been a bit harder lately but I'm shocked this one gets updated so often :p

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