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Derek had placed Meredith in the tub. He was washing her thoroughly as she kept sobbing

"I'm sorry Mer" Derek whispered but he got no response, she just kept sobbing and shivering

Derek lifted her out of the tub and covered her with warm towels before dressing her in clean pajamas and bringing her to bed

"I wanna go downstairs" Meredith stated

"Mer- Ava's sick.." Derek sighed

"They are my daughters! This is my house as well!" Meredith started to get upset once more which caused her to have difficulty breathing

"I'll go grab the oxygen tank" Derek said

"Bring me my kids!" She kept going

Derek shook his head with tears in his eyes. He quickly grabbed the oxygen tank and adjusted the mask on her face

"Derek?" Addison knocked on the door

"Mer, yell if you need me" Derek kissed her forehead and walked towards Addison

"Mom and dad suggested to take Ava and Emma while you're staying here with Mer. It's probably just a small bug but mom and dad didn't wanna take any risks"

"Thanks" Derek nodded "She won't like this"

"No one likes this" Addison sighed and softly rubbed Derek's back

"I'll go tell her" Derek nodded

"Mark and I can stay here, we can clean downstairs and go get some food" She offered

"Thanks Addie" Derek nodded and walked back into his bedroom, seeing Meredith was fighting to stay awake

"Where're my girls?" She spat out

"Mom and dad will take them home, just until-" Derek explained but she was trying to interrupt him but he continued anyway "her fever's gone. I promise they'll be home soon" Derek softly kissed Meredith's head. She didn't respond any longer. She closed her eyes and felt Derek climb in next to her "I love you. We're only doing this because we don't wanna lose you"

"I know" Meredith sighed


Derek had gone downstairs for a bit while Meredith was asleep. He had collected some paperwork which he could take upstairs and fill in while Meredith was asleep

"Derek, you want another coffee?" Mark asked

"Quick. I don't wanna leave her by herself for too long" Derek gave in

"I understand.. "Mark sighed and rubbed Derek's back

"She was slightly warm when I left an hour ago but I hope it's just the blankets" Derek sighed

"When I entered the room she was still asleep. She hadn't removed the nasal cannula for once" Addison chuckled slightly

"I'll let her facetime with the girls once she's awake" Derek sipped from his cup

"That will do her good" Addison nodded

Derek finished his cup of coffee and walked back to his and Meredith's room. He placed the back of his hand against her forehead. She didn't feel warmer than she had before so he took a seat on the bed and grabbed his laptop to fill in some files

It wasn't until hours later that Mark had knocked on the door to announce dinner was ready that he had woken her up

"Mer, do you wanna try to get up and eat something?" Derek asked so

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