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"Okay Meredith, we're gonna take you for radiation" Tom walked in

"Mommy, what's that?" Emma asked

"They're gonna send special radiations to help mommy" Derek jumped in

The girls quickly gave a kiss to Meredith

"Come on guys, we're gonna get some lunch" Amelia said as she lifted Emma from the bed

"I want lunch with mommy!" Emma whined

"Girls, please listen to aunt Amy. Nana and Poppa will come in a bit" Derek lifted Ava off the bed

"Bye mommy" Emma whispered as her lower lip started trembling

"Bye mommy" Ava waved

"Bye babies" Meredith's voice cracked

Derek helped Meredith out of the bed and into the wheelchair and grabbed the handles. Meredith kept quiet as they made their way over to radiology

"Okay Meredith, you know the drill" Tom said softly as he helped her lay down on her stomach

Derek grabbed a jacket and took a seat next to her as Tom disappeared to the room nextdoor

"Okay, Meredith. Are you ready?" Tom asked

"Yeah" She whispered

Derek watched his wife's face change. She was completely shutting out her mind, it was her way to deal with everything


"Okay Meredith, you are done for today" Tom said as he walked back into the room

"Are you feeling okay?" Derek asked as he helped her off the table

"Don't feel very good" She sighed

"We're going to your room" He rubbed her shoulders gently as he helped her back in the wheelchair

Meredith winced as her back touched the wheelchair

"Shh, it's okay" Derek kissed her forehead and wheeled her to her room where he helped her lay down on her side in the bed. The spot on her back was sore, Derek used some cream and noticed her skin was already pretty badly burned and knew these sessions would be hell on her

"I miss the girls already" She sighed

"They will come over soon. You should rest a bit more" Derek kissed her temples

"Lay with me?" She quietly asked, showing her vulnerable side

"Of course" Derek climbed in next to her and helped her lay on his chest so she wouldn't lay on her back

"You're the best pillow" She smiled softly

"Sleep" He chuckled

"Sleeping" She muttered


Meredith had been asleep for two hours. The girls apparently had been throwing fits because they wanted to go back to their parents. Derek had texted his sister to let them know they could come over. Maybe they would sleep a bit while waiting for Meredith to wake up

"Daddy!" The two girls yelled

"Shh, mommy's asleep" He quickly said as he got out of the bed, stuffing her up with a pillow

"She's still asleep?" Carolyn frowned

"Yeah, she's exhausted" Derek sighed "She has her first session of chemo tomorrow, I want her to be fully rested"

"But I wanna play with mommy" Emma's lower lip trembled

"I know baby" Derek placed her on his lap as he took a seat on the couch

"You should let your mommy rest a bit longer" Carolyn quietly said as she watched Christopher who was carefully checking out Meredith's IV

"Dad, I checked it a thousand times already" Derek softly smiled as Ava climbed on the couch next to him

"I know son" Christopher sighed and took a seat in one of the chairs next to Meredith's bed

"Daddy, I'm sleepy" Emma yawned

"Well then close your eyes for a bit, Em" Derek brushed his hand through her hair

"Will you wake me up when mommy's awake. Please?" The little girl begged

"Of course Em" Derek smiled as she closed her eyes, her older sister joining quickly

Two more hours had passed and the girls were still asleep. Derek hadn't moved from his spot on the couch, he kept looking at his beautiful wife who now looked pale and exhausted

He quickly moved the girls and laid them down on the couch as Meredith started stirring. His hand softly brushing over her cheek

"Hi" He softly whispered and his parents quickly stood up too

"H-i" She whispered before her eyes grew wide "Bucket!" She spat out

Carolyn quickly grabbed the basin the nurses had left for Meredith and held it in front of her daughter in law

"Aww" Meredith winced

"Mer, what's up?" Derek asked concerned

"B-Back" She whispered as she closed her eyes but kept gagging but nothing came out

"It's okay" Derek softly rubbed her arm "I'll put on some more cream" He nodded

"Where are the girls?" She frowned

"Asleep on the couch" Derek chuckled as they slept through everything "Just like their mommy"

"That's good" Meredith sighed, not in the mood to joke around

"Oh Mer" Derek kissed her cheek softly "The girls asked if we could wake them up if you were up. Do you feel up to it or do you wanna rest a bit longer?" Derek asked

"Wake them, please" She weakly said as she pulled the blanket higher as she was shivering

"I'll go ask for some more blankets" Carolyn said

"I'm gonna get us some coffee" Christopher said as he wanted to give them some time for themselves

Derek started waking up Ava. She was cherish, even if they wake her up right after naps

"Mommy awake?" She whispered

"Hi Ava" Meredith said, trying to sound as cherish as possible

"Mommy!" Ava gasped and jumped off the couch which woke up Emma

"Hmmm" Emma groaned

"Hi Em" Derek chuckled at his daughter's moody mood

"Nooo" Emma whined

"I thought I had to wake you when mommy was awake" Derek chuckled again

"Mommy awake?" She turned her head and opened her eyes before struggling to push her own body up to jump off the couch

"Hi Em" Meredith softly smiled and watched as Emma ran towards her. Carolyn lifted up the little girl and placed her next to Ava

"Mommy" Emma chuckled

"Hi babies" Meredith breathed as she wrapped her arm around her two girls, holding them tight against her but without hurting herself. She looked at Derek and was able to really smile. Her family was all she needed right now

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