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"Okay Meredith. The same as usual, are you ready?" The nurse asked as she administered Meredith's chemo

"Okay" Meredith sighed and almost immediately closed her eyes as she saw the chemo started dripping into her body

"What's the medicine doing?" Emma asked from her spot on Derek's lap

"It's attacking mommy's cells so she'll get better again but it makes mommy feel icky and tired" Derek tried to explain "Like we explained before, honey"

"Why does it make mommy icky? It's 'posed to make her better!" Emma frowned

"We do but the chemo are here to kill the bad cells and they accidentally kill the good ones too, that's why mommy's sick sometimes but the doctors here make sure that mommy will be okay" Derek kissed Emma's head as the little girl watched every drip go into Meredith's IV and into her body

Ava was sitting next to Meredith in the bed. Carolyn and Christopher would come over in a bit and would take the girls with them when they would leave again

"You're really pretty" Ava was observing her mother

"Am I?" Meredith chuckled

"Aunt Addie said that every woman is beautiful" Ava told her with a firm voice

"She did? What about men?" Derek laughed

"Men are pigs" Ava giggled "But uncle Mark said that wasn't true"

"Hmm.. I think aunt Addie is right" Meredith weakly laughed and wrapped her arms tightly around Ava

"I like daddy and daddy's not a pig" Emma said with a stern face which made both Meredith and Derek chuckle slightly until Meredith winced

"Are you okay?" Derek asked concerned

"Just.. my stomach" She groaned

"It's 'kay" Ava kissed Meredith's cheek

"You sound like daddy" Meredith sighed as the pain didn't go away

"Do you want me to see if Bailey wants to give you something stronger for the pain?" Derek asks her

"No.. No" She shook her head "I don't wanna be asleep when the girls are here" She quietly said and he nodded in response but they got disturbed by a soft knock on the door

"Hi guys, can we come in?" Carolyn asked as she peeked into the room

"Of course" Meredith softly replied

"Nana! Poppa!" The girls smiled

"Hi!" They chuckled. Christopher and Carolyn both went over to Meredith to say hi. Carolyn softly kissed Meredith's forehead and brushed some hairs out of her face

"Strong dose," Christopher sighed as he checked out the chemo that was dripping into her body. "How are you doing?" He asked before he planted a kiss on her cheek

"It's fine" She sighed which caused Carolyn to frown

"Good to see that you like Mer more than you like me" Derek chuckled "Hi mom, hi dad"

"Derek, hush!" Carolyn laughed and walked over to kiss Derek's cheek

"We all love you equal" Christopher laughed and pulled Derek in for a hug

"We do have chocolate for the girls if that's okay?" Carolyn smiled

"Can we?" The girls looked at their parents who nodded in response "Thank you Nana"

"Hmmm" Meredith groaned again and clutched her stomach after she had made a poor attempt to sit up a bit more

"Mer" Derek gasped but his mother was already by her side and softly helped Meredith to sit up in a more comfortable position

"Oh dear, you've lost so much weight" Carolyn whispered as she felt Meredith's ribs poking out, she could see every vine in Meredith's arm. She quickly covered Meredith with blankets to keep her warm

"Don't want a feeding tube just yet" She muttered

"Meredith, it spread to your stomach. Eating won't get any easier" Christopher said sadly as he stroked her cheek

"Not yet" She argued weakly

"Okay" Christopher sighed and took a seat one of the chairs next to Meredith's bed

Meredith had fallen asleep not that much after so Carolyn and Christopher stood up to take the girls with them. They knew that when she would wake up, she would probably not feel very good and they wanted to keep the girls away from that per Meredith's request

"But I wanna stay here" Ava whined

"I know, Ava. But mommy really needs her rest" Derek helped her in her jacket

"Can we sleep at home tonight? Emma asked

"We'll see how mommy feels" Derek kissed both girl's foreheads "Now go give mommy a soft kiss before you leave"

He watched as his two girls climbed up the chair and gave Meredith a soft kiss on her cheek. She didn't stir, she didn't notice and Derek realized she must have been exhausted. Her body is exhausted.

"You really need her to give in for that feeding tube, she'll feel much stronger" Christopher softly said

"I know" Derek sighed

"Let's go, girls. Bye Derek" Carolyn kissed his cheek

"Bye!" He kissed his daughters goodbye and moved back to Meredith. He applied the cream on the skin of her back and sat on the chair next to her, ready to hold her when she would start vomiting again, ready to clean her up and change her if needed


The afternoon went by slowly as every minute was either spend by watching Meredith sleep or help her as she vomited into the bucket Derek held in front of her

"I hate this" She sighed

"I know, I'm sorry" Derek kissed her cheek

Meredith brushed her hand over her head and noticed some strains of hair came out

"Maybe we should cut it off soon" Derek grabbed the hair out of her hand and threw it in the bin

"Yeah.. Can we do it at home?" She asked as she rested her head on his chest

"Of course" Derek kissed the top of her head

"When can we go home?" She asked

"Bailey will come soon to see if she can release you" He softly said

He held her in his arms for the remaining time until Bailey walked in

"Hi, how are you doing?" She softly asked

"WannaGoHome" Meredith muttered, her head still buried in Derek's chest

"Usually I wouldn't agree on this but because you're both doctors, I do agree on it. But if anything seems off, I want you to come in immediately" Bailey said sternly

"Of course. We won't take any risks"

"And rest. Lots and lots of rest" Bailey sighed as she rubbed Meredith's leg

"Can't do much anyway" Meredith sighed

"I'll go get the discharge papers" Bailey nodded and left the room

"Home" Meredith breathed

"Home" Derek softly nodded

I really hope you all keep enjoying this story, I'm really scared it's boring so if any of you have ideas,.. let me know!

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