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"Daddy, daddy!" Emma giggled as she tried to wake up her dad

"Em, what's wrong?" Derek groaned

"It's mommy's birthday!" Emma yelled

"Shh, Em. Not that loud. Remember we talked about being good for mommy? The trips to the hospital for the yucky medicine that makes her get better?" Derek whispered "Come on, we're gonna get dressed and then we'll wake up mommy" Derek got up out of bed and walked to Emma's room

"I want my favourite dress!" Emma smiled

"Well, which one is that?" Derek frowned

"The light blue one! With the white dots!" Emma laughed

"Oh, I see it" Derek smiled and took the dress out of Emma's closet "Let's get changed"


His two daughters were changed into their 'party' outfits. There probably wouldn't be much of a party as Meredith had another round of chemo two days ago but they did cancel her radiation today. Carolyn and Christopher would be here any minute for the brunch they had scheduled. Later today their friends would come over to celebrate Meredith's birthday, which he was trying to explain to his daughters

"So mommy will be tired, okay?" Derek just explained

"Mommy's always tired" Emma frowned

"It's the yucky medicine. Do you remember what it does to mommy?" Derek asked softly

"It makes mommy's tummy upset" Ava replied

"And mommy's very tired and we can't jump on her" Emma added "And cold, mommy's always cold!"

"And mommy starts wearing hats because the yucky medicine attacks the hair cells as well!" Ava shouted

Derek was happy his kids were picking up on this but he was so hurt when they said all these things with so much enthusiasm, the feeling he'd love to see on his wife's face

"Can we wake up mommy now?" Ava sighed

"Okay" Derek gave in "But gentle" He reminded them

The two girls giggled as they ran upstairs to their mom's bedroom. They gently climbed in and started kissing their mom's cheek

"Mommy, wake up" Ava giggled

"Mommy, it's a special day!" Emma chuckled

"Hmm" Meredith started stirring. Her hands covering her eyes and face

"Hey sleepyhead" Derek softly rubbed Meredith's thigh

" Wanna sleep" She mumbled

"I know but the girls won't let you"

"Mommy, wake up!" Emma yelled a bit too loud

"Em" Meredith groaned

"Mommy, it's your birthday" Emma cuddled against her mom, accidentally touching her back which made Meredith wince slightly but barely noticeable for the kids

"I'll put on cream soon but first I wanna kiss my very own birthday queen" Derek whispered and kissed her forehead

"Queen? More like some kind of old witch" Meredith mumbled

"You will always be my queen" Derek kissed her again

"Mommy, look at our dresses!" Ava giggled

"You two look beautiful" Meredith said as she slightly opened her eyes to look at the girls' dresses, immediately recognising them

"Come on mommy, you need to get dressed too!" Emma yelled

"Em, mommy will wear comfortable clothes, okay?" Derek rubbed the tiny girl's back

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