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Derek had brought Meredith home after her chemo. She was asleep on the couch, a bucket next to her while Derek rubbed her back

"Planning.. good things" She muttered

"Maybe when you feel a bit better we can go to the playground with the kids tomorrow" Derek held her in his arms

"I'd like that" She nodded her head softly

"I can already hear the girls begging for ice cream" Derek tried to distract Meredith

"Mama, mama, mama" She softly laughed

"Begging for a thousand things at the same time" Derek laughed

"Hmm" She groaned as pain ripped through her abdomen

"Not much longer anymore. You'll be done in a few weeks honey" Derek kissed her head

"I know. Just a few more weeks. Then PT can start, finally" Meredith smiled weakly


The next day Derek was helping Meredith into some warm clothes. They were going to see their parents

"Mommy, can I bring my stuffy?" Emma asked

"Of course honey. I'll take care of it" Meredith smiled while Derek was wrapping the scarf around her bald head

"Okay!" Emma giggled and ran out of the room

"How are you feeling?" Derek asked as he unhooked her from her tube feeding

"I'm okay. Really" She smiled and pulled at his hand to kiss him

"Hmm I love you" Derek kissed her neck

"Der-" Meredith giggled

"So so much" He kissed her forehead

"Daddy!" Emma yelled "We have to go see Nana and Poppa!"

"Hurry guys!" Ava yelled

"You heard them, hurry" Meredith giggled

Derek scooped up Meredith and carried her downstairs where he installed her in the wheelchair

"Is it okay like that?" He asked

"Derek-" She giggled "Em, Aves, do you guys have everything you need?"

"Yes mommy" Both girls nodded

"Let's go to the car" Derek smiled and pushed Meredith out of the house, locked the front door and helped his girls in the car

By the time they arrived at Carolyn and Christopher's house Meredith was asleep in her car seat

"Girls, can you two ring the door? I'm gonna help mommy inside" Derek helped both girls out if the car

The girls ran away and he opened Meredith's car door.

"Mer, wake up honey"He lifted her up in his arms, quickly locked his car and walked inside

"My prince" Meredith giggled

"Hi, I was coming to check on you two" Christopher said and led them to the living room

Derek sat Meredith down on the couch and made sure a pillow was supporting her so she wouldn't have to waste energy on keeping herself up

"We found some old pictures back" Carolyn walked towards them and handed them old pictures

"Oh-" Meredith giggled as she looked at a picture of her and Derek, around the age of 17

"Girls, look! Mommy and I when we were younger" Derek pointed out

"Wow!" Emma gasped "So pretty!"

"Mommy, you look like a princess!" Ava pointed out "And daddy, you're mommy's prince"

"Mommy and I had our prom night" Derek explained

"Nana, can we play outside?" Ava asked

"Of course sweetie" Carolyn smiled "Just be careful"

"Mommy, do you wanna watch stuffy?" Emma asked

"Of course honey" Meredith took the stuffed animal in her hands

Derek placed his hands on top of hers as he noticed her hands were shaking

"Do you think the tremble will get better?" Meredith looked into Derek's eyes, fear visible in her eyes

"It will be. PT will help and if it's not working out we'll look further into it. It will be okay" Derek rubbed her back as he pulled her on his lap

"Still so in love" Carolyn laughed as she looked at her kids

"This love will never stop" Derek tightened his grip on his wife

"Never" Meredith muttered

"Are you tired honey?" Christopher asked

"A bit but it will be okay" Meredith rested her head on her husband's chest

"You can close your eyes" Derek kissed her forehead

"Hmm.. Mom.. Dad" Meredith protested

"Sleep, sweetheart" Carolyn said and rubbed Meredith's back

"Take your rest honey, it's important to give your body what it needs" Christopher spoke up

"I know" She sighed and almost immediately fell asleep

"She's looking a lot better" Christopher smiled

"Her weight is still an issue but we can work on that" Derek sighed

"She's a fighter, son. Always been" Christopher felt proud as he thought of Derek and Meredith but the same with Amelia, Mark and even Addison

"Thanks for helping us out all the time" Derek smiled but they got disturbed by the girls running inside

"Poppa, can you help us?" Ava smiled

"Of course. Excuse me, I have to help my ladies" He chuckled and followed them outside


A while later all of them were sitting outside, Meredith in Derek's arms and covered with several blankets to keep her warm

"Go Em! Go Aves" She weakly cheered

"Come on Christopher" Carolyn laughed

"We won!" The girls jumped up and down as they kicked the ball in the goal

"My girls!" Derek smiled

"Did you see? We won!" Emma ran towards her parents

"I saw! Congrats" Meredith smiled and opened her arms so both girls run into them

"Daddy, Poppa is way better than uncle Mark!" Ava smiled

"I bet! Uncle Mark's really bad at soccer" Derek chuckled

"Hey!" They heard Mark

"Uncle Mark! Aunt Addie!" The girls smiled but stayed in Meredith's arms

"Hi guys" Addison smiled and they all hugged

"Glad to see you, Mer" Mark breathed as he pulled her in for a hug

"Glad to be here, Markie" She smiled

"Okay boys, go take care of the grill, we're gonna drink something" Carolyn laughed and walked into the kitchen, the girls following

"How are you?" Addison asked as she sat down next to Meredith

"Glad it will be over soon, at least I hope"

I need your ideas. Do you want me to wrap this one up, do you want a 4th one and if so what would you wanna see, what age would they be? <3 plzzzz help me out 

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