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Cordelia Davis, daughter of Esmée Dubois and Andre Davis, has always lived in Kingsburgh, Scotland in a cozy midsized house built out of funky colored stones. The house seemed actually enormous to the family of three, but they did not mind the quietness, plus her father had inherited it from his mother before she passed away when Cordelia was born. The inside was even more magnificent with two floors and designed with large ceilings and her mother followed a greyscale to decorate the house. She knew about magic ever since she was a little kid, mainly because her parents told her that her family were filled with wizards and witches; however, they lived in a muggle area, so she experienced a muggle life as well. Cordelia went to primary school at Kingsburgh Primary School.

Cordelia was excited to receive her letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizarding, and would not stop talking about it ever since she turned elven today, the sixth of August. She paced back and forth the living room while her parents were slow dancing to "La Vie En Rose" by Edith Piaf.

Qu'il me parle tout bas

Je vois la vie en rose

Il me dit des mots d'amour

Des mots de tous les jours

The couple stopped and looked over at their daughter who was kept pacing until she looked up at her parents, "Yes?" She asked as her parents just chuckled, "You are adorable, love. I don't think I was that nervous when I was eleven." Her father smiled and took his wife's hand and they both sat down on the couch while Cordelia stood in front of them.

"Well, it is possibly, maybe a theory, because my letter has not arrived yet. It is almost ten o'clock in the morning and it has not arrived yet!" Cordelia panicked and crossed her arms, tapping her foot on the ground. Not even a second after, she heard a knock on door, the eleven year old ran to the door and immediately opened it. In front of her she saw the muggle mailman who placed a letter with a red stamp seal in her hand, "Thank you, sir!" Cordelia chipped and slammed the door, running back to the living room.

She placed herself in between her parents and ripped opened the letter, "To: Cordelia Aimee Davis" she read and a bright smile appeared on her face, "We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizarding!" The little girl squealed and hugged her parents, "I'm going to Hogwarts!" She jumped around her amused parents who were holding their laughter. "Congratulations, Delia darling!" Her mother hugged her and attacked her with kisses, Cordelia could not help but giggle from her mother's kisses.


It was the first of September, the day Cordelia leaves for Hogwarts, she was thrilled as well as nervous, "Mom!" She shouted from downstairs, "Do you have my luggage?" Cordelia collected her wand she got from Ollivanders when she went to Diagon Alley the day she received her acceptance letter. She was wearing a black turtle neck and a skirt that went down to her knees, "Oui, c'est déjà en bas, Delia." Her mother said in French. She liked to speak in French because she thought it would be important for her to know two languages and her grandparents only know French, and force Esmée to teach her daughter French. She thought speaking the language in the house would help her learn the language better.

"D'accord!" Shouted as she ran down the stairs and looked at the clock, it was about a half an hour till eleven, "Mom! We have to leave soon!" Usually, it would take eleven hours to get to Kings Cross; however, that was by car, and they were going to apparate to the station. Her mother collected her purse and took Cordelia's hand and apparated, it was not Cordelia's first time apparating. It was their family's main source of traveling around, although, they did have a flow network, but did not seem to use it fairly as often.

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