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Cordelia got to know Alex to the ride to the airport, "so are you telling me that you and Rebekah had dated before?" Alex was a vampire as well, "Yeah, she was a handful," She chuckled as the car stopped and arrived at the airport.

"How do we get a flight back to London??" she looked at Alex who just took her hand and ran into the airport, "By magical witch powers," Cordelia rolled her eyes and stood in front of the line, waiting for a desk to open. She put the lady on a spell to get them tickets to London, immediately.

"So, you will be sitting with each other, first class, is that right?" The two nodded their heads and grabbed their tickets, "it leaves in ten minutes" Cordelia and Alex took each other hands and ran passed security to the gate.

"Are you Alex Danes and Cordelia Danes?" Cordelia looked over at Alex before she could respond he nodded his head, "Don't you two look young to be traveling together?" They shook their heads and ran onto the plane, finding their seats.

After a couple hours later, they had arrived to London, Alex and her took a train to Cordelia's local railway station to get home. They got on the train without a ticket, "All aboard," The passenger train conductor shouted as the train let off some steam.

"How long do you reckon this ride will take?" Alex asked Cordelia, "Should be about like six hours? It's pretty far," She took out a book as he flipped a coin up and down.

"I need to feed," He growled when Cordelia started to feel hungry, "I'm hungry too, I'll find the food lady," She smiled and walked passed the other passengers, "wait i'll come with you," Alex quickly stood up and followed her out of their compartment.

"So how much do you know about vampires?" Alex whispered as they past other people, "Quiet a lot, mostly about original vampires." He nodded his head, impressed.

"Well, how are you not freaking out about you being a hybrid of a witch and a vampire?" She turned her head and looked at him, "Well I am in my head,"

"How about your fathers death?" She glared at him, "Oh sorry, right." Alex apologized, "It okay, while I was in my four month coma, I saw him. I spent time but he told me I wasn't ready. I really thought I was going to die in there," She sighed and looked over at him, who was patting her back.

The rest of ride went by pretty fast, all she did was sleep, read and had been explained about the routine of a vampire, "Elijah told me I only have like 2%, vampire blood in my veins, it's not severe. I think him saying I'm a vampire hybrid was to scare me or something. I'm not sure."

"Well, we should make my mother check when you get home," She looked at him confused, "Your mom is at my house?" He nodded his head and moved his bag from the luggage compartment.

"I think they're waiting for us outside of the train station," Cordelia turned her head towards the window and saw her mother, with another women, she was presuming was Alex's mother.

Cordelia ran out of the train and hugged her mother, "Youre alive," her mother breathed out, "Barely," she joked, her mother wasn't laughing, "I cant believe it, your friends have been worried sick about you, so was I,"

Esmée pulled her daughter into another hug, "This is Ophelia Danes, she has been helping me through dad's death," The tall skinny women who looked like Alex walked up to her.

"Nice to finally meet you, Cordelia," Her voice was angelic and shook Cordelia's hand, "Shall we go home?" Her mother looked at her daughter then to Alex, "We shall," Ophelia smiled and grabbed her son's hand. On the ride home, Cordelia and Alex explain everything to their parents. Ophelia did a diagnostic on Cordelia and found out she was indeed not a vampire, her magic had kept the venom out of her veins.

With a few persuasions with Cordelia and Alex, "Fine, you can go back to Hogwarts, finish your year, but only if Alex will join you next year," Cordelia continue to nod her head, "wait! no way i'm going to a school with magic, I'm a vampire not a wizard," Ophelia pulled her son into a room and convinced her son to go next year.


Cordelia arrived to the Headmasters office when she flowed back to school, "Miss Davis," she turned around and saw Albus Dumbledore standing behind her, "I'm sorry I have been-"

He put his hand out, "Don't worry, your mother has told me about your leave," he winked at her, "She has also persuaded me to pass you this year if you can pass your NEWTs." She nodded her head and thanked him, "Good to be back, your friends have been worried, especially Mr Black."

She smiled and was excused out of the Dumbledore's office, and ran into the halls, towards the Gryffindor common room, "LET ME IN!" she shouted wanting to see her friends.

"Who is that yelling outside?" She heard Lily's voice coming near the door. The Gryffindor prefect opened the door, "Cordelia?" she asked and immediately hugged her, "Oh I've missed you" Lily hugged her and were walking into the common room.

Oliver and the Marauders stood up when they saw her, they ran to her, throwing her on the ground when they saw her, "CORI!" Oliver jumped ontop of her, making her laugh.

"Where the hell have you been?!" He shouted as he helped her back on her feet. She didn't know what to say because she knew she couldn't tell them about being kidnapped by a psycho witch who was dying and her vampire kids.

Before she could respond, she saw Sirius walking down from the stairs, "Cordelia?" he asked quietly as a tear fell from her eye, "yeah," he ran up and picked her up, spinning her around, "I've missed you," they both said at the same time.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see your letters until two days ago, I'm truly sorry," She said as she hugged him, "It's okay, you're here now,"

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