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Cordelia and her friends entered the Gryffindor common room as Remus, Dorcas and Lily, "Oi! Moony, where have you been? And have you seen Wormtail?" Sirius and James ran to them, "Uh, the library?" Maeve looked at Cordelia who nodded her head, "Remus was helping me with my potions work," Cordelia linked her arm with Maeves for fun to see their reaction, James looked a little hurt while Sirius was shocked. Maeve was catching on what was happening, "Yeah, all alone," she held onto Cordelia's hand, "Alright, I'll see you later," Cordelia paused, "Baby," Maree was chuckling but quickly put her hand over her mouth.

The next thing that happened shocked Cordelia and the other two, Maeve kissed Cordelia as Remus and Lily, Cordelia couldn't move, but just went with it. They looked at Sirius and James's face, it was priceless, there mouths were hanging wide open.

"Hey!" The real Lily and Remus shouted as they walked into the common room, "You never told me you were going to do that!" Lily shouted hitting Cordelia, which confused the two Gryffindor even more because Lily was hitting Lily, "What the bloody hell is happening," Sirius shouted and then it hit him.

"Davis and Goldstein," the two nodded their heads while the poly juice wore off, and revealed their true selfs, "You scared me for a second," James breathed out in relief and went to hug the real Remus, "Mate, I would never do that," Remus chuckled and patted James's back, "You're going to pay for that, Davis!" Sirius shouted as the three Hufflepuff girls ran out of the Gryffindor common room.

The next few days were chaos, with pranks going back and forth from Cordelia and Sirius, one where Cordelia put yellow hair dye in Sirius's shampoo bottle, the next day, he put a spell on Cordelia where she couldn't pronounce her t's and f's for the whole day.

Today, Cordelia arrived at the library and found a spot in the corner where she could read in silence with no distraction from the first years. She moved towards the spot and looked for a book about Grimoires. All Cordelia could think about was the vampires who were trying to track here down, most likely to kill her.

She knew that even though her cousins are not wizards or witches they can still enter Hogwarts grounds, and enter the halls since there were no boundary or protection spells to keep their kind out, proved by the vampire that attacked the Ravenclaw who later was brought to St Mungo's Hospital. Cordelia wanted to create a sealed boundary spell, but did not know the indication for the spell and she needed another witch to do the spell. She had limited amount of spell books that she had since most of them were ancient, so she decided the next time she goes to Hogsmeade that she would try and find some. She gave up looking for a book about Grimoires and went to ask the librarian.

"Miss, what can I get you?" The librarian put her book down and looked at Cordelia through her rectangle small glasses, "Erm, yes. Do you have books on Grimoires?" The librarian stood up and pointed her wand in the air, it showed the dewey decimal system and where books were located, "Turn left and past the vampires and werewolves section, it should be on the right on the Spellbooks section," She turned back to her book and ignored Cordelia.

"Thanks," she turned around and followed the librarians instructions, "Vampires," She ran her hand through the books as she kept on walking finding the Spellbooks section, "Ah ha!" She found the section of Spellbooks and saw a book labelled, "Grimoires and Significant Spell".

She snatched it from its spot on the shelf and turned to the vampire and wolves section, and snatched a handful of books, then returned back to her spot, sitting on a chair. She skimmed through the book and stopped at the definition of Grimoires.

"A Grimoire, also known as Spellbooks, is generally a book where a  documents all of their ,  or  remedies, and any other forms of . The darker tomes can be filled with information for hexes, curses, and other dark magics. Grimoires vary in content, depending on the witches who own them, making some more valuable than others given their unique and powerful spells. They can also vary in size and are generally aesthetically beautiful, bound in leather and contain pages of parchment; others seem only like old books with torn pages."

She read out loud and thought 'My mother had her own Grimoire with all the spells, rituals and potions that she used.' Cordelia quickly closed the book and opened her mother's Grimoire, the book was leather-bound and had crisp pages that looked hundred years old.

She read in her mother's Grimoire multiple spells that she had uses such as Blood-Knot Unsealing Spell which is Representational Magic to untie a knot in a rope and to break a link between two people who were bonded together. There was different spell which people who have taken possession of another body can return to their original body; however, once they try to jump into another body again a spell can be used to bring people back from the dead without needing their original body.

There were also several drawings and diagrams that related to rituals her mother did, she moved her fingers over the drawings and could feel the engraves on the notebook from the ink. She reopened the book about Grimoire, and turned to the next page.

"Siphoning Spell?" She said as she kept on flipping the pages reading the paragraphs, 'A unique spell that is only used in conjunction with , that allows a siphoner-witch to absorb the magic of a certain spell or source of magic; granting them power. The unraveling of large spells releases energy that can cause wind storms.'

"What the fuck..." she whispered continuing to read, 'Alternatively, they can siphon sources of magic and redirect it without absorbing the magic themselves. The requirements for the Siphoing Spell is salt boundary spell ten candles, or eight torches. The indication of this spell is 'Utera aso utox'.'

An hour had passed, and she finally put down her mother's Grimoire; however, she wanted to know more. She summoned her spell book from her room and flipped to a telekinesis Spell. The page read:

The "Sacrificial Telekinesis Spell" is a spell where it allows a witch to telekinetically lift and throw a person or object with great force such as an Original vampire. An Original vampires are a group of extremely powerful vampires that are the first generation of  and progenitors of their respective . The indication for the telekinesis spell is "Lec tare sel viprr". This spell was created by an ancient witch named Lia Coreopsis and first used on her rival Daniella Coreopsis, her older sister.

Cordelia was intrigued and opened a book about werewolves, she read that werewolves were also called Lycanthropes, Loup Garou, Beasts, or even just Wolves for short are a   species of individuals who unwillingly transform into large, fearsome, and extremely hostile wolves on the night of the .

There was a known potion called the Wolfsbane Potion, invented by Damocles Belby, that allowed werewolf drinkers to keep their human mind during transformation. However, this was not for all cases of werewolves, since there were different breeds and the potion could not do harm to some.

"Reading about werewolves?" She jumped a little from the voice behind her, "Yup," Cordelia turned to see Sirius leaning against the book shelves, "Do you know anything about them?" He shook his head and looked down at his feet, "Be careful, dont accidentally push the book shelves over," She warned him, all he did was roll his eyes, "As if I would do that!" He shouted and quickly got stares from the other students including the librarian.

"This is a library, if you forgot, Black,"  Cordelia scolded him for making a loud sound, "Sorry," he whispered and accidentally pushed the book shelves and they collapsed like dominos. There were a couple students who were screaming, "Alright! Detention you two! Out you two!" Cordelia and Sirius ran out of the library before the librarian personally kicked them out.

"Phew, that was quick," Sirius sounded relieved and then felt a tap on the shoulder. He turned around and saw the librarian standing in front of him, "Detention at seven, potions classroom," The librarian was crossing her arms and tapped her foot on the ground, "We are deeply sorry," Cordelia apologized before grabbing Sirius by the arm and dragging him down the hall.

"She never gives detention to anyone," Sirius said shockingly, "Maybe, its because you knocked over about five book shelves and could have injured students," Cordelia sarcastically smiled, "just a theory," she dragged him to the end of the hall to disappear from the library, "I'm sorry," He said sincerely, she shook her head and walked away.

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