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Andre pulled his daughter and his wife under the table and slowly pulled out his wand; however, Cordelia quickly stopped him, "There are three, you are one," She whispered as she turned to look back at the Death Eaters, "Three of them, three of us," She winked at him and whispered in her fathers ear. Before Cordelia and her father could say anything, her mother stood up and put out her hands, "get down, Esmée!" Her father shouted at his wife however she ignored him.

"Ventus," Her mother whispered and there was a torrent wind that appeared, "Get up now!" Her mother shouted as she made the wind stronger, Cordelia felt anxious because she could end up dead since this was not a practice duel, "Fuck it," she whispered soft enough so her parents couldn't hear her, they both got up from the table, "Stupefy!" Her father shouted and pointed his wand at the Death Eater that was in the middle. The Death Eater flew across the street as Andre grabbed the other two attention, "Stupefy!" One of the Death Eater threw in Cordelia's direction and she quickly deflected it, "Expelliarmus!" She shouted hoping that the wand in the Death Eater's hand would fly towards me.

The wand flew into her hand, "Stupefy!" Her father pointed the wand at the Death Eater that was disarmed, "Bastard!" The last Death Eater shouted and threw the Killing Curse towards Cordelia's father, Cordelia was in a panic and put her hands up, "Bulla," She said and a large shield appeared like a bubble, the shield protected her and her family. The flash of green light disappeared and Cordelia lifted her hands, "Ignalusa!" She shouted and a large ball of fire flew from her hands to the Death Eater remaining.

The Death Eaters disapparated with black smoke as Andre helped his wife up from the ground who was drained from using her powers, "are you guys okay?" He looked from his wife to his daughter. They both nodded as her mother hugged her, "You go ahead and find yourself a dress, I should send them to headquarters," Her father quickly said as she nodded her head, and ran towards the boutique. He contacted the Ministry to take the Death Eaters away to Azkaban.

They got home and Cordelia got the dress she had wanted, "why were they after us?" Her mother asked her father who shrugged, "Many reasons, the dark wizard is getting stronger and I guess with me being a top Auror, they want to recruit us?"

"Hopefully, they didn't find out about Delia," her mother sighed and turned to her daughter as Andre left the room to get a report about the Death Eaters, "Dont be mad at Maeve, but she told me about that boy who broke your heart," Cordelia rolled her eyes and started to play with her fingers, "She did not tell me the whole story though,"

"He kissed a girl a couple days after we confessed out feelings for each other," she sobbed and looked at her mother who came over to her, comforting her, "and I want to forgive him, but I can't," Cordelia looked up at her mother, using her fingers to comb her daughter's hair, "things will get better, but only forgive him if he shows that he is truly sorry," Cordelia nodded her head, "Oh, and we have been invited to the Potters for dinner," Cordelia didn't think James was terrible, but he was git at times.

A week later from the attack by the Death Eaters, Cordelia's family were getting ready to have dinner with the Potters, "Dad!" She yelled from the fireplace, her father went running down, "yes, yes, I'm ready," Cordelia and her mother were standing by the fireplace.

Once they were ready, they used the flow system to get to the Potter's house, Cordelia was the last one to arrive, "Oh, Andre and Esmée," Euphemia Potter welcomed the couple, "Oh, Cordelia, my dear," Euphemia hugged Cordelia and looked at her, "You have grown up so much," James's mother smiled as she hugged Cordelia's mother. Fleamont Potter shook Andre's hand and welcomed them to the kitchen.

"James! Company is here!" Euphemia shouted but there was no response, "Just go upstairs to the left, his room should be there," She smiled before disappearing with her parents in the kitchen. Cordelia looked at the large manor that belong to the Potter, the Potters were wealthy but humble. She walked up the large staircase and heard conversation from James's room.

She opened the door and to her surprise she saw James and Sirius, "Nope," Cordelia blurted and turned around, "Cordelia!" She heard both Sirius and James's voice, Cordelia ran down to the living room and sat down on the couch. A few minutes later, Cordelia was joined on the couch by James, they sat in silence until James spoke up, "He's had a rough week,"

"And you dont think I haven't. Imagine if Lily told you she liked you and then kissed Peter Pettigrew, then a couple weeks later you get attacked by Death Eaters," Cordelia huffed and turned away from James, "Sirius was disowned from his family," Cordelia turned her head with widened eyes, "what," James nodded his head and sighed "Just hear him out, he is truly sorry. Please just, he was drunk, come on, Davis," Cordelia took a deep breath and walked to James's room.

She knocked on the door, "Can I come in?" Cordelia mumbled as Sirius opened the door, "Of course," she sat across of him on the ground, "James told me what happened about...you know your family. I'm sorry," she said sincerely, "It all fine, they were a rubbish family anyways. Glad Euphemia and Fleamont were glad to take me in when they heard the news," Sirius paused, "I'm sorry about what happened at the party, I was drunk and jealous which is no reason for me and excuse to do that. I really do like you and I hope you still like me, I'm really sorry. If I could go back in time I would, I just fell so awf-"

Sirius was interrupted with Cordelia's soft lips on his, he was taken aback, "does that mean you forgive me?" Sirius smiled, "yes, I forgive you, but dont you dare do that again or I might as well sleep with Bryan," Cordelia joked as there was a little cough from behind, "Dinners ready," James leaned in the doorway holding a glass of water, Cordelia grabbed Sirius's hand and went down to the dinner table.

There was loads of laughs and chatter during the dinner, "so, you knew each other before?" Cordelia asked her parents and James's parents, "well, of course, dear," her father chipped, "I went to school with Euphemia and Fleamont," Cordelia was surprised that he hadn't mentioned that before, "yes, and you and James dont remember, but you two meet each other as kids," Cordelia and James looked at each having no clue, "you two were the cutest things as baby," Euphemia went on to tell an embarrassing story about James as a baby. The rest of the dinner was great and she held hands with Sirius under the table the whole time, she was relieved that they made up.

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