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It was September first, and she had brought Alex the Kings Cross. They walked over to the train, as Cordelia pulled him through the aisle, finding her friends.

She saw the Marauders and Lily sitting in a compartment, arguing about something, "James Potter! I cant believe you!" Lily shouted and crossed her arms.

"I'm sorry for not telling you first! It's just you were with your friends and-" The two stopped arguing as Cordelia and Alex entered.

"Hi, guys. This is my friend, Alex Danes," He waved to them all, "Nice to meet you," He shook their hands as each other introduced themselves.

Alex and Remus started to talk when Cordelia turned to Lily, "So what's this arguing about?" Lily almost forgot the fight she was in, "This Gryffindor here," She pointed at James, "Didn't tell me he was Head Boy of Gryffindor," She slapped him on the shoulder and crossed her arms.

"Well, to be fair, you didn't tell me you were Head Girl," James murmured but Lily heard him perfectly well, "What did you just stay!" The two started fighting again, Sirius pulled Cordelia to the other side.

"Good job, you made them fight when they were just about to drop it," Cordelia rolled eyes and saw Alex getting along with Remus and Peter, "You know you have to start liking him," She looked over at Sirius who was glaring at Alex, "I know, just not soon,"

Once they had arrived at Hogwarts, Cordelia brought Alex to Dumbledore's office to get him sorted. She was told to wait outside of the office. She was sat down in halls when she saw Oliver holding hands with Marlene, "Ollie!" She shouted and ran into his arms, "I haven't seen you all summer,"

"I've missed you" Cordelia looked over at Marlene and hugged her too, Alex had came out of Dumbledore's office with black and yellow robes, and slowly walked up to them, "This is my friend, Alex Danes,"

"Marlene Mckinnon," Oliver's girlfriend shook his hand, "Oliver Prewett," Oliver looked at the robes Alex was holding, "Hufflepuff, I see," He raised his eyebrow, "Hope, Cori here treats you well," The couple said their goodbyes and left Alex and Cordelia.

Cordelia had shown Alex to the common room and decided to let him get comfortable, "I see you later?" Alex nodded as she left the common room, she saw Oliver walking down to the kitchen.

"Oi! want some late night snack?" Oliver asked and before she could answer, he grabbed her hand and dragged her to the kitchen, "I didn't even respond!"

"We all know you would've said yes," He winked and asked the house elfs to get some chocolate cookie, "Alex seems nice," Oliver smiled as he took a bite of a cookie, "Yeah he is, and-"

Before she finished her sentence she saw a couple enter the kitchen, Maeve and Bryan. Oliver and Cordelia sneered at them, "Don't they look sad there," Maeve teased and threw a piece of bread at them.

"was that really necessary?" Cordelia picked up the bread from the ground and placed it on the counter, "no, but I really wanted to do that," Maeve laughed sinisterly as Bryan took her hand.

"What have we ever done to you?" Oliver asked, standing up, "Nothing, we aren't friends anymore, you were just there, so we became friends with each other. Now we have a better idea of what we want, and it's not coming from you two dimwits," Bryan said with disgust in his voice.

"Well, have fun being with your Death Eater friends," Oliver shouted as Cordelia charmed the door so they couldn't come back in. The Gryffindor and Hufflepuff bursted out laughing.

Two months past, and it was now Sirius birthday, he was turning eighteen years old. Cordelia wanted to throw him a surprise birthday party in the Hufflepuff common room.

The Marauders were thrilled with the idea and brought booze to the party, mainly James who got it. She made sure the lights were off and everyone was in their places.

"All right, I'll be back," Cordelia told everyone and went to find Sirius who was sitting all alone in the Gryffindor common room.

"Where is everyone?" He asked her as she entered the common room, "I'm not sure," She lied as he smirked, "Well what are we going to do with an empty common room, with no one around," Cordelia chuckled and shook her head.

"I've got a better idea," She took his hand, kissing him before leading him out of the common room. She ran with him through the corridors, "Where are we going?"

"You'll see," She smiled and went down to a couple flight of stairs, appearing at the Hufflepuff common room. She put a crown on his that read 'Birthday Boy', and opened the door.

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled, "Happy Birthday!" the all shouted as James jumped onto Sirius, "You oldie," Sirius hugged him back, "eighteen years old, and closer to death!" James shouted and raised his cup of firewhiskey. Everyone cheered.

The party went on for an hour when Cordelia could finally get a hold of Sirius, "Happy birthday, love," she kissed him as he grabbed her waist, "How do you love your party, birthday boy?"

"As much as I love you," This was the first time he said that he loved her, "You what?" She repeated, "I love you," he smiled, "Merlin, how many drinks have you had?" She raised her eyebrows.

"None," Then turned to James, "because someone drank the whole damn bottle," then turned back to his girlfriend, "I love you too, Sirius,"

Suddenly, she felt something touch her legs, she turned around and saw water all over the floor. She looked at Alex who was drenched in water, no one had slipped but Cordelia moved towards Alex.

"Wait, let me get you a towel," She looked at Alex who miserable from the liquid spilled on him. She apologized to Sirius as she went up the stairs.

Cordelia ran to her room to grab something for the party, she saw a letter on her desk, she flipped it over and saw it was from her father. Cordelia sat down opened the letter.

Dear My Lovely Cordelia,

I started to write this letter when I heard about Esther and the vampires. I don't know how this will find you, as a child of wonder, a teenager filled with opinions, or a women with the world at her feet. I am writing to tell you I love you and you will always be in my heart. I am above you, watching over as you become the amazing powerful women you are. Please do not mourn me, my soul regret is that I am away from you. Be good to your mother, I am in comfort knowing she and that boy will protect you. You are, and always be, my beautiful Cordelia.

I love you,

She closed the letter and put it up to her heart, I miss you, she thought and stayed in her room for awhile, crying on the cold floor.

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