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Cordelia had finished her potions essay and they received an excellent grade on it, exams had ended today, and the three Hufflepuff returned to the common room. Maeve was talking about the Quidditch quarter-finals against Gryffindor that occurred a couple weeks ago. She was bitter about loosing and cursed at Oliver the whole night, "The game was unfair and was biased, Potter did not catch the snitch before I scored, its just everyone can't believe that Hufflepuff is better than Gryffindors."

They entered the common room, "At least exams are over and I heard there is a party in the Gryffindor common room tonight," Cordelia smiled and looked at Maeve who was already excited, "Are you coming, Maree?" The little Hufflepuff shook her head, "I'm going to stay, tell Remus I'm sorry, but I rather not be by drunk fools after my exams." Maree had a good point and valid reason.

Later that night, Cordelia and Maeve got ready to enter the Gryffindor common room, "why didn't you want to wear the dress I picked out?" Maeve asked her and Cordelia shook her head, "uncomfortable, these jeans and a shirt is better for me." The fifth year Hufflepuff rolled her eyes and proceeded to walk into the common room. There was some loud music, drinks and many people.

"I'm going to get us some drinks." Maeve pushed her way through the crowd. Cordelia felt a pair of hands on her waist that made her jump, she turned around to see Lily, "I didn't think you'll actually come!" she shouted and Cordelia smiled, "wouldn't miss it, I can't believe you came too" Maeve handed her a drink and before she could take the cup, Sirius snatched it from her hands. "Sirius! Give it back." She reached for it then got distracted when a Hufflepuff bumped into her, "fine, here." He passed the cup back to Cordelia right when James pulled him to the dance floor.

Cordelia found Maeve dancing with Oliver and his friends and she decided to join them, after an hour or so. Maeve decided to get her and Cordelia another drink, "I want Butterbeer, Mae!" Cordelia yelled as she pushed through the crowd and saw Bryan who looked like he drank a bit too much, "okay, that's enough fire whiskey." She took the cup out of his hand and helped him to the side, "How many of those did you have?" Cordelia asked him and his eyes were droopy, "two.... four," he held up six fingers, "Blimey how have you not died?!"

Maeve came up to her and passed her a drink, Cordelia took a sip and coughed. "did you get me fire whiskey?" she shook her head, "oops, you took my drink." Maeve switched the drinks and left Cordelia and Bryan. She took Bryan's arm and placed it around her neck, supporting him up to his dormitory, it was quite difficult since he was much taller than her. He stopped in the entrance and threw up, Cordelia looked away and used a spell to clean the vomit up, "oh, Bryan," she shook her head.

They entered the messy dormitory with clothes thrown everywhere, "Let's get you ready for bed." She dragged him to the bathroom, "where's your toothbrush?" he shrugged and laid his head on the bathroom counter, "here!" She took the toothbrush in a bag that had his name on it, "why is it in a bag" she asked as he just groaned, she passed him his toothbrush. "and wash your face."

Cordelia saw some vomit on his lip then left the bathroom. She was sitting on the bed and saw Bryan that exited the bathroom all cleaned up, but still drunk. "now go to bed." She demanded as he rolled his eyes then walked to his bed, "okay, mum." Cordelia couldn't help but laugh at him, she was about to leave when Bryan grabbed her arm.

"Stay with me until I fall asleep," he slurred and put his head on his pillow, "sure, I'll read you this book," she picked up a book next to her, "The Tales of The Three Brothers?" Cordelia raised her eyebrow and started to read the tale when she saw Bryan fast asleep, "huh, that was confusingly easy." She walked out of the dormitory and bumped into Maeve, "why are you here?" she asked her, "and why did you just come out of the boy's dormitory?" she raised an eyebrow, "Bryan was drunk and he couldn't walk by himself, so I helped him." She shrugged and headed down the staircase

"oh and vomited, but I cleaned it up." Cordelia was walking down the stairs when Maeve grabbed her arm, "yes?" Maeve was just standing there blocking the way from Cordelia to get back to the party, "erm, stay please dont turn around." Cordelia rolled her eyes and moved her arm away. She saw Sirius on a table kissing some girl, James was cheering him on when Lily quickly elbowed him.

Maeve saw Cordelia walk up towards the two, "dont-" Cordelia shoved her arm away from her and stomped up to Sirius, "you git!" She took a cup out of some boy's hand and threw it at him, "It burns!" Sirius shouted and rubbed his face with his shirt. Cordelia ran out of the common room bumping into Remus, "are you okay, Cordelia?" He sincerely asked as she nodded her head, "Maree sends her apologies for not coming," with that she ran out of the room.

"Why did you throw that drink at me!" Sirius shouted while exiting the common room, "oh it just slipped, my bad," Cordelia sarcastically scoffed, "clearly your tongue was down that girls throat like you didn't say you liked me a couple days ago," she crossed her arms while she heard him snort, "well I'm not the one who brought some guy upstairs, and from what I know, you guys did not only just kiss. I have to say that was short, like seven minutes maybe?"

"Well you dont know anything because we didn't kiss! Nothing happened with Bryan up there! He was drunk and I helped him to bed, I didn't sleep with him. While you were here, about to shag some girl right in front of everyone," Cordelia yelled and turned around to see everyone was watching, Sirius became quiet, "well, I didn't kno-"

Cordelia put her hand up, "I dont care what you have to say. I can't even look at you," She ran down the stairs ignoring his voice and apologies. Once she was in her common room, she started to sob and recollected herself when she heard a loud sound from upstairs. She quickly went up to find the sound was in her dormitory, she quickly hid behind the door, seeing Maree going through her desk and things.

She looked carefully hearing her whisper some things, "where the hell is that stupid spell book!" The little Hufflepuff shouted as Cordelia quickly went back in the common room, quietly so Maree couldn't hear her. Cordelia wondered why she was going through her things, "oh hello," she turned around and saw Maree walking down from the stairs, "Oh, hi,"

"Came back early?" Cordelia nodded her head, "so what were you doing tonight?" She asked Maree who sat in front of the fire, "Oh, some light reading, not much," Cordelia was suspicious, but felt drained from today and decided to go to bed.

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