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The rest of the spring break, Cordelia was learning about old and ancient magic from her mother who she just discovered was an original witch. She had sent letters to her friends telling them about her father, and received get well cards.

After a few hours, they arrived at the Hogsmeade station and Cordelia fell asleep against the window, "Cori, we're here" Oliver nudged her awake, "Oh already?" She sat up and took her bag then walked off of the train bumping into a dark-haired girl who sneered at her, "watch it." Cordelia scoffed and walked away when her hand was grabbed by the dark-haired and green-eyed girl, "Do not roll your eyes at me ever again or I will ruin your pathetic little Hufflepuff life of yours." She spat at her, "Oh, I'm sorry." Cordelia said in a sarcastic tone and walked away from the girl, but heard her whine to her friends, "Tenebris Lapsus," Cordelia whispered and the dark haired girl slipped and fell into mud, her purse flew in the mud as well.

She thought her mother would be worried if she found out that her daughter used her magic the first time was to trip another student. She had learned this spell from a book she stole from the library in her home, she thought that she could learn some other handy tricks.

"That bitch got my Hermès Birkin designer handbag fucked up!" Cordelia couldn't help but chuckle at the hopeless girl, "Paige Parkinson, such a bitch." Maeve looked over at Parkinson who was trying to use a handkerchief to wipe away the dirt.

The two caught up with the other girls and the two Gryffindor boys, "..... oh come on Oliver, she was totally into me....." Bryan continued to rant about the girl he met on the train with Oliver, "His ego will be broken if he finds out that girl doesn't like him."

Bryan stopped talking and hit Oliver, "I heard you, Oliver. Shut it." Bryan huffed and move to the end of the carriage, "so what did you this summer?" Cordelia asked Maeve who just giggled, "Oh did you guys," Maeve blushed all kinds of red shades, "OH!" Cordelia shouted, moving closer to her friend, "So how was it?" She quietly asked, "Well, it was my first, so pretty bloody great actually,"

"Did you guys use protection? Please tell me you did," Maeve rolled her eyes and nodded her head, "Of course we did," Cordelia back down as Maeve was getting defensive, she looked over at Oliver who moved by his girlfriend. There was  a large proposal to ask Maeve to be Oliver's girlfriend, but Cordelia was not there due to her early leave when her father  was at the hospital. Oliver asked her to be his girlfriend by sending fireworks in the sky and giving her flowers in the courtyard for everyone to see.

They arrived at Hogwarts and the group separated when they entered the Great Hall, Cordelia found Maree reading a book at the Hufflepuff table, "Hi," Cordelia and Maeve greeted at the same time, "hello," Maree smiled as the two sat across of her. There was a long welcome back speech and talk about OWLs and N.E.W.Ts coming up in about two months.

After dinner, Cordelia wanted some pudding, so she left Maeve and Maree for the Hogwarts kitchen, "I'll be back, in time for some cards," She got there and kindly asked for some chocolate pudding, and ate some alone at a table. She got three more puddings to satisfy her, and was kind enough to give an elf one of her bracelets for gratitude.

She was walking back and minding her own business when she turned the corner and saw a duel between James, Sirius and Peter Pettigrew against Snape. Cordelia saw Snape pinned to the wall by James, "get the fuck away from me, Potter!" He said as he pushed James off of him and drew out his wand, pointing it at him, "oh little Snivellus you never learn" James said disappointingly as the other two boys laughed,.

Sirius threw a hex at Snape making his nose bleed and his ears grow large, she felt bad until Snape threw a spell at him, "Stupefy!" He shouted and Sirius went flying across the hall, landing hard on the ground, "Sectumse-" Snape pointed the wand at Potter, but Cordelia quickly came out of hiding and pointed her wand at Snape, "Expelliarmus!" She shouted and his wand went flying towards her and she walked towards Potter, grabbing his shoulders and kneed him in the stomach.

"What the fuck was that!" She shouted as she placed the two wands in her pocket, "Why are guys such daft twats! Honestly!" She threw her hands up in the air and looked at Peter who was pointing his wand at her, "Give James his wand, and I will not hurt you," He tried to threaten her, but his voice came out weak.

"Huh, try me Pettigrew," She raised her eyebrows before deflecting the spell he threw at her, "That was weak," Cordelia pointed her wand at his head and whispered, "Redactum Skullus,". Peter's head instantly shrunk his head to about the size of a mini pumpkin, "Help! Help! Help!" He said running around until he crashed into the wall in front of him and clearly fainted, "She doesn't seem like a nice Hufflepuff," Peter said before he passed out.

The two of them heard Sirius laughing behind them, "A little help here!" He shouted as James ran over towards him, but not before he snatched his wand from Cordelia's robe, "What the bloody hell, Potter!" She shouted as she walked over to Severus.

"I could handle them myself," He spat and grabbed his wand from her hand, "I thought I would get a 'thank you', but no. Fine, go fuck off then!" She yelled at him as he dramatically threw his robe over Cordelia's head. Then turned her head towards the Gryffindor boys, "You guys clearly can't stay out of trouble," She shook her head didn't bother helping the boys up, she watched Sirius and James helped Peter.

She walked with them for a while, "Why do you pick on Severus Snape? I know he's a little odd and mysterious, but that is no reason to bully him," The three boys agreed on the 'odd' and 'mysterious' part of her speech, "He did something terrible to my Lilypad's a couple months ago." Cordelia tried her best not to roll her eyes at his nickname for Lily.

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