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A few months went by and Lily's due date was almost here, Cordelia was woken up by her alarm going off. She couldn't turn it off so she threw it across the room breaking the alarm and creating a small dent in the wall. "ugh," she groaned as she sat up rubbing her head. She unconsciously walked over to the kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee to wake her up more.

She remembered that Sirius went to stay with Remus to put up protection charms all over James and Lily's house. She stood up and examined the kitchen, and to her surprised it was that filthy as she thought.

Cordelia walked into the bathroom and saw a stash of clean white towels folded neatly, then moved towards the mirror that could be opened. It was cleaned out and had a small glass cup inside the cabinet. She entered the bedroom and saw a clean sheet on the chair with two pillows and pillowcases.

She walked over and placed the sheet over the mattress and placed the pillow into the pillowcases. A blanket was hungover a drying rack along with some other sheets and pillowcases. "not too shabby." She sighed and laid on the bed.

"Love!" She heard Sirius shouting from the living room, "I'm in here!" she shouted from their bedroom, "Lily had the baby. It's a boy" He smiled and was out of breath. Cordelia immediately stood up and grabbed his hand, "Well let's go,"

She said apparating from their apartment to St Mungo's Hospital. The doctors brought them to where Lily and James were. They opened the door, seeing Remus already there, however they didn't see Peter.

"Aw, he looks so cute," Cordelia ran over to Lily who was holding her baby in the hospital bed, "Can I hold him, please!" Sirius begged James who rolled his eyes and looked at his wife, "yeah, be careful, Padfoot," He picked up the baby as it cooed.

"Baby Sirius is adorable," Lily shook her head at that name, "We are calling him Harry, definitely not Sirius, sorry," Sirius pouted and gave back her baby. After a while of just the five of them, Lily asked them a question.

"James and I have been thinking, before you lot came. I wanted to ask if you could be Harry's godparents?" Cordelia bursted out in tears and nodded her head, "Of course! I would love to be little Harry's godparent," She went over and carefully hugged Lily.

There were sobs behind her and she saw Remus and a sirius holding each other, hysterically crying, hugging each other, then moved to James who was also crying.

"What a bunch of softies," Lily whispered in cordelia's ear, who snickered at the boys crying in a little circle, "We aren't," Sirius glared at them with tears rolling down his cheek.

Cordelia carried Lily's baby as she wobbled to the bathroom, the three of the guys went to get some food other than the hospital food since it was literal muck.

"so when do you think Sirius will propose to you?" Lily asked out of the blue, Cordelia hadn't really thought much about it, "I'm not sure," She shrugged her shoulders, moving a chair towards Lily, "Well he should soon. I'm not surprised if he does, it's been five years, you two have been together."


Cordelia had tried to forget what Lily had said about her and Sirius dating for about three years, and he hadn't proposed. A couple days later, she went over to Alex's loft he got with Dorcas after they finished school.

"Alex! Are you home?" She shouted after she apparated into his house, she was grabbed by a hand and brought in his study room. Alex became a successful Auror in his department, catching Death Eaters and making them tell the truth, mostly through compelling them, but the ministry didn't need to know that.

"Why? What?" She looked over at her friend's sweaty forehead, "What's wrong?" She was concerned for his well-being, "I have a question to ask you," he moved back and took out a ring. Cordelia covered her mouth and shook her head, "You have a girlfriend! And I'm in love with Sirius!" She shouted as she backed away.

"I'm not asking you," He rolled his eyes and brought the ring so she could see it. Then it clicked in her mind, "Dorcas?!" she shouted and was over the moon, "I know it's early, but it's true love. I love her so much,"

"Yes!" Cordelia shouted and jumped into his arms, "I'm doing it when she comes home," He smiled and placed the ring box back in his pocket, "Honey, I'm home," The two heard Dorcas voice coming closer to them.

"Darling, I'm in my study," Alex shouted as Cordelia quickly wished him good luck. Dorcas appeared in the door way and surprised to see Cordelia. She hadn't seen her since the last Order meeting, "Oh, hi, Cordelia. How is Lily? I'm planning to see baby Harry tomorrow,"

Cordelia couldn't contain her smile, "She's great, I'm just going to step out," She walked out of the room, giving a thumbs up behind Dorcas to Alex. She peaked through the door and saw him get on one knee.

The next thing she saw was Dorcas crying and nodding her head, he placed a ring onto her ring finger, "Congratulations, you love birds," She hugged the happy couple.

"Well, we should go to tell our families!" Dorcas jumped up and looked over at Alex who nodded his head, "Yeah, I should tell my mother. She will be thrilled," Alex and Dorcas disapparated from the house, hugging Cordelia goodbye.

Cordelia was about to leave the couples house, when she saw the knife that belonged to her mother, in a crack of the entrance. She walked over to it and took it, as soon as she picked it up. She had fainted.

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