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A few months after her mother's dead, Cordelia didn't fully recover, but was getting better. She hung out with mostly Sirius, Alex and Oliver. It was the day of her mother's funeral.

Everyone wore black, and surrounded her mother's tombstone:

Loving Memory
Esmée Dubois
Daughter, Mother, Wife

Her mother's tombstone was right next to her fathers. The ceremony was not long, but Cordelia decided to stay and talk to her parents about her life. How she wanted to become an Auror like her father and how she would get justice from Esther Mikaelson.


It was autumn of 1979, and was Lily and James's wedding. Marlene, Dorcas and Cordelia were Lily's bridesmaids while Sirius, Remus and Peter were his groomsmen.

Cordelia helped Lily get ready, and was curling her hair while Dorcas and Marlene were working on her makeup. She looked absolutely stunning from head to toe.

"How do I look?" Lily turned around and saw her bridesmaids crying with tears of joy, "I cant cry, too. I don't want my beautiful makeup to be ruined," She moved the tears from her eyes with a tissue.

"James will fall in love all over again," Cordelia smiled at Lily who hugged her, "Thank you all for being my friends. I appreciate it," They went for a group hug.

It was time. The wedding was small due to the war occurring, so Lily and James invited close friends and family. Cordelia walked down the aisle with Sirius, she was carrying a bouquet of flowers to the front.

Sirius was James's bestman. James was standing in front of the crowd, waiting for Lily to appear. Cordelia saw his parents crying from the front row, barely could control their tears.

Lily appeared in a white dress, walking down the aisle, she was a company by her father, Mr. Evans, in one of her arms. He brought his daughter to the front, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Cordelia could see James trying to hold himself together, but his tears were falling from his eyes. He was wiping his tears and took Lily's hand, "You look beautiful," He said in awe.

"You don't look to bad yourself, Mr. Potter," she gladly took his hand, as he helped her up the step, "Thank you, soon-to-be Mrs. Potter," The couple chuckled as the marriage officiant said a couple of words.

"You may now read your vows," The officiant said as James cleared his throat, "The day has finally happened, I married the girl of my dreams, Lily soon-to-be Potter. The Marauders never dreamed of this would happened but it has," He looked over at his friends who were looking away from him, "Every since I met you, I fell in love with all of you, especially your eyes, your majestic green eyes. I love how they sparkle everytime you answer a question, I love how they spark when you talk about something you are passionate about, most importantly I love you." He choked as Lily was crying.

"wow," He looked at Lily again in disbelief, "I'm marrying Lily Evans," The audience chuckled, "Is this a dream?" James shook his head to see that Lily was still in front of him, looking gorgeous.

The officiant told Lily to say her vows, "James Potter, you weren't the brightest wizard when I first met you, pranking other students with your marauders. I wasn't sure this day would come, but you were," The audience and James chuckled, "I wasn't sure that our love could survive every obstacle, but you were. You were always strong and sure, and now I know that. I will gladly stand by your side for the rest of my life and call you mine forever, that's for sure."

At this point, James was sobbing, saying that they love each their. The officiant had married them, "Now you may kiss the bride," James dipped her and passionately kissed his wife. Sirius whistled as the couple stood back up, and wrapped his arms around Cordelia.


A year after the Potters wedding, James's parents had also died, but from the Dragon Pox since there was no cure. Cordelia had been feeling a little down after all the death in her life, she was sitting in Sirius's apartment, reading a book.

"Hello, love," Sirius appeared at the door, carrying groceries in both hands. He came back home from work at the Department of Ministry. He had been working their since they had left Hogwarts. Cordelia took a job as an Auror and had to go through training, it was pretty challenging.

Alex had also decided to become an Auror, he and Cordelia went through training together, and even made sure that they had training at the same time, "Hi," He kissed her on the cheek and placed the groceries on the kitchen counter, "So I was thinking," he jumped on the couch, sitting next to her, "You could move in?" Cordelia put her book down, "Are you serious?"

"Yes, I am Sirius," He joked as she smacked him on the arm, "No, but do you want to move in with me? I see youre miserable at that house your parents had both, you know, so come live with me. This apartment is big enough for two of us. What do you say?" She jumped on top of him, "I would love to!"


Sirius and Cordelia were getting ready for another meeting with the order. Cordelia was finally going to tell the Order about her powers. She took her boyfriend's hand as they apparated to the headquarters of the Order.

"No! We are not listening to a little girl who is talking about a prophecy!" Shouted Alastor Moody, throwing his cane on the ground, "She is a very talent women," McGonagall argued as the two started to muck.

Sirius stood up and the two stopped fighting, "We have something to tell you," Cordelia nodded her head and stood up, "I have these witchcraft powers, the ones where it does not require a wand, but it's different from the one you all know" she looked around, everyone was confused.

"Wandless magic you mean dear?" McGonagall questioned as Cordelia shook her head, "Old magic, like dark magic. My mother was a witch in the early centuries, she was killed by her sister, who kidnapped me a couple years ago. She was also a witch who had great power,"

The members of the order didn't believe her, even her friends, Lily, Remus and Oliver. However, Alastor, stood up and drew out his wand, "We duel," he said and told her to put away her wand.

The two moved outside on the grassy area, the rest of the members of the order watched from afar.

"Stupefy," He pointed his wand at her, "bulla," she shouted as a shield appeared, protecting her, "spasmis," she held out her hand, pushing him backwards, falling down, making her the winner.

Alastor stood up, bitterly as he lost the duel and passed by her with a huff. Cordelia turned around and saw amazed faces from everyone, "she is special," she heard someone say, "we could use her as a weapon," Cordelia was the only one who heard Dumbledore.

"I have no idea how you could do that. I've never heard those spells you casted before," McGonagall was in complete utter shock, "But it is true,"


Sirius and Cordelia woke up to loud bang coming from the living room, ready to be prepared for an attack, "Get up," Cordelia whispered to Sirius, as they pulled out their wands, slowly opening the door. They walked out, holding their wands out, prepare, "Surprise!" The couple turned their body and faced Lily and James.

"What the hell are you doing here at one am?" Cordelia looked at the clock above the couple, "To tell you some great news," Sirius raised his eyebrow and groaned, "couldn't have this waited until like in the afternoon tomorrow?"

"No," James said sternly as Sirius whined, "I'm pregnant!" Lily announced to Sirius and Cordelia who congratulated the newly wedded couple, "Oh, Lily! That's wonderful!" Cordelia hugged her friend, "Yeah, who's the father?" Sirius looked up at James who shrugged, "I'm not sure, I'm still figuring it out. He's one lucky bloke."

James kissed Lily on the cheek, "Lets open a bottle of champagne!" Sirius announced, running to the kitchen cabinet, and pulling out a champagne bottle, popping its cork. Cordelia gave a sincere smile to her friend who couldnt drink.

Sirius filled three glasses with champagne and one with apple juice, "To pregnant Lily Potter!" Cordelia toasted and raised her glass, "To pregnant Lily," they all repeated and clinked glasses.

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