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Eleven Years Later...

"Mommy!" Eleven-year-old Esmée shouted as she ran over to her mother sitting on the couch, reading the Daily Prophet, "Yes?" She asked her daughter, "Oliver was pulling my hair!" Esmée cried to her mother who caressed her hair.

"Ollie!" Cordelia shouted, "Get down here!" The kid ran down and meet his sister and his mother on the couch, "I only pulled her hair because he threw my book on the ground!" He argued and crossed his arms.

Oliver and Esmée were twins, it was quite a surprise when Sirius and Cordelia found out they nearly fainted to think about two kids, but with support of their friends, they were able to feel better they had help.

"So, we are going to the Potters, make sure you are on your best behaviors, meaning no fighting, or pranks" she pointed her fingers between her two children who nodded, but winked at each other.

Sirius came home after a long day, he worked at the Ministry of Magic in Magical Law Enforcement Patrol Department, where his department made the laws of the wizarding world.

"Whose ready to see uncle James and aunt Lily?" Sirius shouted as he ran into the living room, playfully throwing his kids on the couch, "Daddy!" The children yelled and attacked him with hugs.

"Now," she pulled her kids off of her husband, "go get ready, be will be heading off in a couple of minutes," Esmée and Oliver ran up stairs, trying to push each other to get to their rooms first.

"How was your day?" she asked her husband as she took off his coat, "not much, I worked with Arthur today with muggle objects, and Remus and I had lunch together." He sat down next to his wife, "how about you?"

"Well, spent time with the kids this afternoon, but this morning Bartemius Crouch Jnr and Bellatrix, Rabastan and Rodolphus Lestrange were all sentence to death for kidnapping the Longbottoms."

Alex and Cordelia worked together in the Ministry as Aurors who took down all the Death Eaters and sent them to Azkaban. She got justice on Oliver's brothers, Fabien and Gideon Prewett, when she had caught Antonin Dolohov. She had saved the Longbottoms from being tortured by the Death Eaters.

Flashback to 1981

The Longbottoms were leaving their house after the downfall of Voldemort and his Death Eaters. They had left Neville, their one year old, with Frank's mother. Alice and Frank thought a celebration was in order and they decided to go out for a romantic dinner.

They arrived were walking down a dark alley when they were snatched by dark figures. They were placed in a dark basement, on their knees, "Where is he!" the two looked at each other confused.

"Where is our master!" The high pitch voice screeched as four figures too off their hoods, revealing themselves. It was Bartemius Crouch Jnr and Bellatrix, Rabastan and Rodolphus Lestrange, "We don't know about his whereabouts!" Shouted Frank as Bellatrix cursed him with the Cruciatus Curse. Alice was crying, seeing her husband in pain, "Please no,"

Alice whimpered as Rabastan used the curse on him again. Suddenly Rabastan, Rodolphus and Bartemius Crouch Jnr were flung again the wall. Three figures appeared, it was Remus, Cordelia and Alex.

"Expelliarmus!" Remus pointed his wand at Rabastan and his wand went flying to Remus, "Stupefy," Cordelia shouted at Bellatrix, as she went flying, "Petrificus Totalus" Cordelia pointed her wand at Rodolphus who was about to cast a spell at Alex.

Alex had been able to develop magic the past years from his mother's blood, and the Ministry of Magic allowed him to be an Auror since he was technically a wizard, "motus," Alex put his hand out front at Rabastan who went flying back, "ad somnum" Cordelia whispered and Rabastan fell unconscious.

"Stupefy!" Bartemius Crouch Jnr shouted and hit Remus down, "bulla!" Alex yelled as a blue shield appeared, Cordelia threw a curse at Bartemius Crouch Jnr making him fall down, hitting his head, "Well, well," Bellatrix appeared playing with her wand, "I love to see how this en-"

"Petrificus Totalus," Alice pointed at the witch as she fell down, Cordelia ran over to Remus who was slowly standing up. His nose was bleeding, "I'm fine," He said standing up, "Black, get Bellatrix. Danes get Bartemius Crouch Jnr and Rodolphus, I'll get Rabastan," Then he turned to Alice who was hugging her husband.

"Longbottom?" She turned her head towards Remus, "You will get him check into St Mungo's Hospital," Alice nodded her head and disapparated with her husband.

End of Flashback

"Ollie! Esmie! Get down here! We are about to leave to the Potters!" Sirius shouted from the bottom of the staircase and was scolded from yelling to loud by Cordelia. The twins came running down, and Esmée grabbed her mother's hand, "Let's go,"

The went out the door as Sirius locked it, they walked about four houses down and arrived to the Potters. The Potters had moved since the war because they didn't want to explain that there was a dark wizard who had died there.

The Potters and the Black lived on the same street. Cordelia knocked on the door, "Hello, Cordelia!" Lily opened the door and hugged her, "Welcome, Oliver and Esmée," She let the kids run inside the house finding Harry and his friends.

"Good evening, Sirius," She took his coat and placed it on the rack, the couple walked in to find James, Remus, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Alex and Dorcas.

"Sirius! Cordelia! Finally were able to join the party!" Remus raised his glass as the Blacks hugged their friends. They talked and watched their children play with one another. Ginny Weasley and Esmée were practically best friends, while Oliver was good friends with Harry, Ron and Hermione. Alex and Dorcas didn't have kids and were traveling the world on vacations.

——The End——

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