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Cordelia woke up and ran to the side of the room, and threw up. She tried a spell, but it didn't work in this cell room. She looked up and saw Esther, "Fucking hell!" she shouted and stepped back, onto some skeletons bones, "Is this going to a common thing? Where you kidnap me?" Cordelia rubbed the side of her head.

"I thought Elijah had killed you," Esther walked up to her and grabbed her face, "now, give me the knife," she said as she threw her hand down from Cordelia's face, making Cordelia fall to the ground, "you killed my mom!" she shouted and slammed Esther to the wall, "you kill my dad!"

"And I will kill you now," Esther grabbed Cordelia and threw her to the other side of the room, "give me the knife!" Esther growled as she pinned Cordelia to the wall, she snatched the knife from Cordelia's hand.

"You will die like your mother," Esther moved closer to Cordelia, but paused before the knife touched Cordelia. The witch heard sounds from Cordelia, she looked down and immediately looked up at her, "Your pregnant," Esther dropped Cordelia to the ground, "Nine weeks old,"

"You will have the devil's child!" The old witch yelled and brought the knife up, crowding over Cordelia. The twenty year old closed her eyes, preparing for death as she quietly sobbed.

She flinched when she felt blood splattered on her face, she slowly opened her eyes, feeling no pain. Cordelia looked up and saw Klaus. Esther fell to the ground, Klaus removed the dagger from his mother's chest.

"Leave!" He shouted at Cordelia to leave him and his mother alone. She quickly grabbed her mother's knife and ran up the stairs. When she opened the doors, she saw Elijah and Alex standing in front of her, "Ho-how did you get here?" She looked over at Alex who had his hands in his pockets.

"We never left London," Cordelia looked around and saw this was not the same place she was a couple years ago when she was kidnapped by Esther, "Oh," she ran and hugged Alex.

"Elijah, you know that your brother just stabbed your mother?" She looked at the vampire who slowly nodded his head, "He did not take it lightly when I told him that she would kill him once she got the power," He passed her his handkerchief for her to wipe the blood from her face.

"Well, thank you, for everything, the letter and helping me out. I hope to see you soon, cousin," She waved to Elijah, taking Alex's hand, "Hopefully, not soon, cousin." He winked and disappeared, "God, he's scary," Alex breathed out as they walked, hand in hand, back to her house, but when Cordelia looked around, it was the order's home base.


The Order of The Phoenix was located near a beach house, it was charmed so it was invisible, with the help of Dumbledore and Cordelia as well as Ophelia Davis. Her and Alex appeared, she saw many members from The Order sitting around a table. Lily, James, Remus, Dorcas, Oliver, Marlene, the Prewett twins, Professor McGonagall, and Albus Dumbledore

There were some unfamiliar faces such as Alice Longbottom and Frank Longbottom, who she had not really known through her years at Hogwarts.

"Hi, guys," Alex grabbed everyone's attention, they all turned their heads and saw the two standing in front of them, "Hi," Cordelia shyly said as everyone came running towards her making sure she was okay. Alex and Cordelia explained what happened, "Esther had been killed, and Cordelia and everyone here will not have to worry about her," Alex assured all of the members.

"Unless a witch resurrects her from the dead," Cordelia was half joking then looked around and saw everyone dead silent, "She's joking, that can't happen," Alex gave her a stern look because he knew that witches were capable of allowing people to come back alive, that was what happened with his mother.

However, Cordelia's mother had crossed to the other side and was not able to come back home. She had found peace with her Andre. Everyone was having their own conversation and playing with baby Harry, "Why didn't you get him a babysitter?" Dorcas asked the couple.

"She cancelled last minute," James shrugged who took the baby in his hands, "He fired her once she got there, he wanted to watch him. He is attached to the baby," Lily whispered into Dorcas and Marlene's ear.

"I have something to tell you," she brought Sirius to the side of the room, "What is it? Are you hurt?" He worriedly asked her, checking for any bruises or cuts on her face and arms, "No, I'm fine," He breathed with a sigh of relief.

"Thank Merlin, that awful women is dead. It is now just the two of us," He kissed her on the cheek, "Actually, the three of us," Cordelia smiled and pointed to her stomach,  "Really?!" Sirius brought her into a bone crushing hug, "Yes really, don't crush the baby," He quickly released her and looked at her stomach that was not developing a bump just yet.

"I hope you are a Gryffindor or we will disown you," He pointed his finger at her stomach. She grabbed his head and made him stand up, "How did you find out?"

"I found out when Esther, the kidnapper, but I didn't believe her. I thought she was lying to insult me for a having 'the devils baby', but on the way back, I checked. It was positive, so should we tell everyo-"

Before she could finish, Sirius was already on the table, gently hitting a glass with a butter knife, "Attention, everyone!" Everyone looked up at him.

"My beautiful, strong Cordelia, is pregnant, she will now be receiving congratulations now," He stepped down from the table and gestured to Cordelia, the crowd waited for her to say something.

"It's true, I am, eight weeks," Lily squealed and carefully gave Harry to James as she ran over to her friend, "I can't believe it," Lily touched her stomach and hugged her.

"Padfoot, your going to be a father," Remus patted him on the back, "Don't scare him, Remus," James came along with Harry, "You will be an amazing father, Pads," He passed Harry towards Sirius, who immediately cried and was pointing towards Lily.

"Again, you will be a great father," James and Remus both whispered in their best friends ear.

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