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Four months later, Cordelia woke up in a cell, feeling pain in her neck, she looked around and saw all darkness with some lit candles. She went to a small mirror and saw a bite mark on her neck, then it completely healed, she didn't see anyone, she started to panic. She didn't have her ball dress on but a rugged shirt and long pants.

Cordelia looked around seeing, skeletons everywhere and saw a figure slowly walking to her, "Please dont hurt me!" She said, in a raspy voice and was sobbing.

"I won't," the figure assured her, she opened her eyes and saw Elijah, "I'm not supposed to be down here, but," he entered the cell and held a pair of keys behind his back, "I have to explain everything, so please clam down," She couldn't stop hyperventilating.

A few minutes later, Cordelia was breathing fine and told Elijah to continue, but kept her distance from him, "My mother believes you are dead; however, I turned you," Her eyes were widened with confusing, "bu-but, I'm a witch," she shouted and walked further away from him, "I know, so I have no idea how you are alive, luck I'm guessing,"

"My mother thinks you're dead, so we have to get you out of here before she comes down, she suspects we buried you already," She nodded her head but stopped him, "How long have I been out for?" Elijah looked hesitant when he answered her, she started to yell at him and throw objects around

"How do my family know if I'm not dead!" She shouted and pushed Elijah who tried to calm her down, "Your mother knows you are live, she has many connections," Cordelia looked up at not believing him, "one of her closest friends, Ophelia Danes, has a son named Alex Danes, he is here to bring you back,"

Cordelia was confused on why he would want to help her because Elijah's mother was dying, "Why are you helping my mom? Shouldn't you be helping yours?" she asked as he unlocked the cell, he nodded but explained to her that she was here to kill Klaus.

"What? why would she want to kill her own son?" Cordelia was confused, her family adored her and never wanted her dead and she never wanted her family dead either, "She can feel he's going to cause some trouble, she said she can sense it. With the power from your mother, she can defeat Klaus. However, if she takes your mother's power, she will have to kill her too."

"Well can't you stab her with a dagger or something while she is weak?" Cordelia questioned as they went out of the cell, "Niklaus and my other siblings would see I'm betraying them and see me as a threat." He walked over to a table near the exit out of the dungeon.

Elijah passed Cordelia's wand to her, "This stick might be the strangest thing ever," he said before he quietly opened the door, she saw a field of flowers and a large white house, and wondered where in the world she was.

"This doesn't seem a place where your mother lives, I was expecting something else, like a black castle with a thundercloud above," Elijah chuckled as another figure appeared out of sight.

"Hello, I'm Alex Danes," He put his hand out for her to shake, "Cordelia Davis," she smiled as at the tall seventeen year old with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He is approximately 6'1" in height, very handsome and with a lean and athletic build.

Elijah moved towards the two, "Being a vampire is difficult," He looked at Cordelia who was nodding her head, "You will have an urge to feed and you have to control yourself when you feed from a person, if! And
compelling people will be difficult at first,"

She nodded her head and told him that she had read book about the original vampires and told him that she would be all right. Then he told them to leave immediately before they are caught.

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