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It was the end of the day, and she was hanging out with Bryan in the Gryffindor common room since Oliver was preoccupied with Maeve, and Maree was with Remus doing prefect rounds.

"Well, I think I'm going to bed. The Gryffindor common room is on the seventh floor and far away from the Hufflepuff?" Cordelia smiled as she hugged Bryan goodnight and went down about two cases of stairs before she started to lose her balance when the staircase shifted. She was about to fall when a person suddenly grabbed her by the waist, "phew, that was a close one." Cordelia found her balance and turned around, looking at the person who saved her.

"Woah its you, Black!" She shouted and quickly pushed him off of her, "You should be thanking me. I saved you from a trip to the Hospital Wing. You could call me your knight in shinny armor" Sirius winked at her as she rolled her eyes and stomped her way down the stairs, making sure she held onto the railing. "no thank you?" Sirius shouted as he chased her down the stairs, "Thank you, Black! Thank you for saving me, oh you I can't believe how amazing you are." She said the last part sarcastically as she made it down to the the third floor, "and it's shinning armor not shinny armor, amateur."

"Ha! I knew you fancied me! You can't resist the charm of Sirius Black." His eyebrow cocked up and he leaned against the railing, "yes, yes I'm totally in love with you." Cordelia shook her head as she finished the staircase, "You finally admit it! It's like music to my ears. Goodnight, my love. Dream about me, your knight in shinny armor." Sirius blew a kiss towards Cordelia before he quickly ran up the stairs back to the Gryffindor common room. Cordelia couldn't help herself from smiling, "Clearly you don't know what sarcasm is!" She shouted while he was climbing the stairs, "can't hear you, love!" Then he disappeared into the Gryffindor common room, "That git, totally heard me," she sighed and walked back to the Hufflepuff common room.

The next day, Cordelia decided to sit with Remus and Maree for breakfast at the Gryffindor table, she was sitting across the non-official couple and sat next to Lily Evans.

"You look ravishing this morning, Miss Evans." Lily tried to shift herself away from Potter, but she was failing when she accidentally bumped into a seventh year Gryffindor, "Good Morning to you, love." Cordelia moved her head to Sirius and gave a fake smile, "Likewise" He could hint the small sarcasm coming from her, "not an early bird I see," He placed his arm around her, "yes, so please remove your arm from my shoulder or I will break it," Cordelia glared at him and he slowly removed it, "Oh, I like the idea of that" He winked at her before moving her down a row of benches to make space for his other friends.

"Stop being kinky, Sirius," James said as he grabbed a piece of bread, "So are you doing anything for this upcoming spring break?" Remus asked the group and many of them told exciting trips like Maree is going to Germany and Lily was going France, "I'll be with my shit blood purist family," Sirius was ripping a piece of bread, "and attend a spring ball with all the worst snobby wizards ever, but that's okay," Cordelia saw a hint of sadness in his eyes, James offered to take him in for the break, "Mum and dad wouldn't mind your company, they always love having you over," Sirius denied the offer since his parents wanted him home to meet some special people.

"How about you, Cordelia?" Remus asked her, "Probably going to France too to see my grandparents," she shrugged and looked at the time, "Oh shoot, I need to go check the owlery for any mail," Cordelia stood up and walked out the Great Hall, but was interrupted by professor Dumbledore, "Good Morning, Miss Davis, follow me to my office,"

Cordelia was terrified if she did something wrong and some many possibilities were going through her head'did I cheat on one of my tests' or 'did I leave my curling iron on and burn the girls dormitory down', "wait, I dont have a curling iron," she said out loud, relieved but remembered she was standing next to the Headmaster, "Pardon?" He asked and she just shook her head and ignored the embarrassing moment.

They entered the office and she was told to sit down, "Your father has been in an accident, he is in St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. We have a portkey ready to see him, you have been excused from classes since it is the last day." Cordelia was thinking that this was worse than leaving her non-existable iron on. She quickly went to the portkey that transported her to the hospital.

She saw her mother sitting in a chair, holding her father's hand, "what happened?!" Cordelia tried not to panic, but she felt this pain in her chest, "they found us."

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