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It was almost four months since Cordelia found out she was pregnant. It was the night of halloween, Cordelia was getting ready to meet up with Lily, Dorcas, Alice and Marlene to go out to a have dinner while the guys were going to James's house to watch baby Harry.

"Sirius, I'm going to leave soon!" She shouted from downstairs, getting her purse, she was wearing long jeans and a shirt. Her bump was showing, even though she was in the second trimester of her pregnancy. They didn't know the gender of the baby yet, but Sirius hoped it would be a boy, while Cordelia didn't really care but secretly wanted it to be a girl.

"All right," Sirius came down and bent down on one knee, "Make sure your mum is responsible," he talked to the large bump forming, "I love you," He kissed her, "I love you too,"

Suddenly there was a bright light coming from behind, the couple saw a cat that was prancing around. Sirius and Cordelia knew what that meant. They quickly apparated to the Order's headquarters, they looked around and saw everyone was already there.

"All right, folks, it's time, about an hour ago. The Death Eaters are to strike Hogwarts and now they are coming for us. Someone had betrayed up, and our safe spot is now know to the Dark Lord himself." Alastor Moody announced to everyone and gestured to Dumbledore, "Be careful, everyone." He said and disapparated with McGonagall.

"We need to get Harry," Lily cried and grabbed James's hand, "Where's Peter? I haven't seen him in a long time," Oliver said out of the blue, only Sirius, Remus and Cordelia head ma turned to Oliver.

James and Lily had returned back to Godrics Hollow, while Dorcas and Marlene exchanged some words before going off with their fiancés. Cordelia walked up to Alex and Oliver, "Whatever happens out there, do not die!" hugged the two. Everyone left but Remus, Sirius and Cordelia.

"I'm here," the three turned around saw Peter Pettigrew standing in front of them, Cordelia was oddly suspicious about him. She walked up to him, "Why have you not been to many of these meetings?" she asked as she crowded him.

"Uh, I was busy, I got a job at the Ministry," he looked around the room, Sirius walked up and raised his eyebrow, "I thought you said you got a job at Diagon Alley?"

Peter was sweating and didn't know what to do, "Stupefy." he shouted and knocked Remus into a wall, "Corporis impetus," she put her hand out, making Peter stuck in his position, "Veritas Tempus!" She stared into Peter's eyes, "are you the one who betrayed us?" Peter nodded his head.

"What is Voldemort planning?" Sirius stepped up and asked his trapped friend, "To kill a baby who is one years old." The three of them paused when it hit Remus's head, "Where is he going?"

Peter shook his head, "incendia," a flame appeared in Cordelia's hand, "tell me or I will hurt you like hell until you break," He shook his head once again, Cordelia started to get closer to him, the heat of the fire, touching his face, "Godrics Hollow," he whimpered.

The fire from Cordelia's hand dropped and she turned to the two boys, "He's going to kill Harry, we have to stop!" she cried as she turned back to Peter.

"You will rot in that filthy prision," she slapped him in the face and pointed her wand at him, "Stupefy," she stunned him as he passed out on the ground.She took his wand from him and made seal so he couldn't get out.

"We have to save Lily and James," The three of them shouted and immediately apparated to their house, "What the hell are you doing here!" she shouted, "Voldemort is here to kill Harry," The three of them warned the couple.

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