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After school Cordelia went with Sirius to Hogsmeade, but didn't tell any of her friends because they would assume she and Sirius were together and would tease her. Sirius bought her to a place further away from Hogsmeade, "where are we going?" Cordelia asked as he lead her towards a secret pathway, "are you going to kill me?" She sarcastically gasped and looked him in the eye, "no, no, no, please have mercy on me, I'm still young and pretty, please dont kill me," Sirius rolled his eyes while guiding her through the bushes.

He revealed a large area by the bay of water, "are we just on the other side of the black lake?" She paused and he smiled, "yeah we are," He placed down a picnic blanket and a basket that he was holding, "You realize we could have taken the boat over there," Cordelia pointed to the little rugged boat by the dock that had two paddles in it, "instead of walking an hour to Hogsmeade then to this place," she looked up at him

"I know, but that would ruin the whole point of a nice walk," Sirius took out some bread rolls and biscuits from the basket, "I mean this is nice," she smiled at the view of Hogwarts, "that is the nicest thing you called me since we met each other," He smiled at her, a genuine smile.

"Hold on, you called me a 'pretty boy' a few weeks ago in detention," Cordelia rolled her eyes and regretted what she had said before, "Anyways, I need to get some books for...exams later," Sirius nodded his head before eating some biscuits, "no problem," He stood up and put a hand out for her to grab.

"I'm here to help you with dueling.I'll give you some tips," Sirius suggested as they walked back to the castle, "You?" She chuckled and looked at him rolling his eyes, "I admit that I am cocky, but when it comes to dueling, I'm the man for you," He gave a flirtatious wink where Cordelia make fake gagging noises.

"Fine, you can "give me some tips", but just know that I am extremely competitive," She winked at him while he just scoffed, "Cordelia Davis, I am also immensely competitive, let's duel and I'll tell you what you need help with" He drew his wand while she drew her wand, she curtsied before throwing a curse at him, but he quickly deflected it, "Now, you have to move your hand like this," he demonstrated as she did the same thing, "Good, so-"

"Stupefy!" She shouted and Sirius was off guard, he was hit in his stomach and laying on the grass, "Oh shit, I'm sorry," Cordelia ran up to him and kneeled down, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her down. She squealed and fell beside him, "That hurt," They laughed together and laid there for about an hour, talking about the most randomest things, before they slowly got up, "So does that mean I won?" She asked him as he was cleaning up.

"No, of course you didn't!" He shouted while he took her hand and she willingly took it, "Lets go back to Hogsmeade to buy you some books," Cordelia smiled as they started to walk, "so what's your favorite thing to do?" She asked out of the blue, "well, pranking of course, then bullying Snivellus," He said maliciously, "then, I'm not sure. What do you like doing?" He asked.

"Well, I love spending time with my family and friends, and OH! And coins from different countries," Sirius looked at  Cordelia confused, "coins?" He asked, fascinated, "yeah, muggle money," she explained. Even though Cordelia is a half-blood, her parents brought muggle culture to her and her family usually went traveling on their breaks, "Interesting"

"So what do you think you will do this summer?" Cordelia asked the Gryffindor who looked slightly sad, "not much, but first one to the bookshop is the winner," the bookshop was about hundred meters away, he shouted before sprinting forwards, Cordelia immediately ran after him, shoving him down to the ground.

Then she sprinted like her life depended on it, and arrived at the bookshop, she turned around and saw him a couple meters away, "I win! I win! I win!" She shouted, jumping around, "That's because you cheated," Cordelia rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, "You never said you couldn't," Sirius was about to argue with her, but decided to let her have this victory, "Ha! I win-in, and you, lose-ose." She sang while entering the bookshop.

They walked in the bookshop, Cordelia ran over to the section that read, "Old Magic", she saw Maree standing where by the curses section, which was odd because Cordelia never took her Hufflepuff friend as a cursing person, "Hello, Maree," Her friend looked startled to hear Cordelia's voice, "What are you doing in this section?" Maree looked around and saw Sirius walking up to them, "What's he doing here?" She quickly changed subjects, Cordelia was oddly suspicious of her friend.

"We are going out on a friendly date," Maree raised her eyebrow, "Oh, okay," with that, the little Huffleppuff girl left, carrying the curse book in her hand, "Whats wrong with her?" Sirius asked as he leaned on the bookshelf, "I have no idea," she looked at him, "You dont want that bookshelf to fall as well," she chuckled while walking off to the old magic ritual section.

"What book are you looking for," Sirius questioned as she was running her finger through the different books, "ah ha!" She shouted and pulled out 'Everything To Know About Rituals', "why do you need to know this on the exams?" Cordelia smiled and turned to him, "My mom just suggested it to me, and there might be something in here that I will need later on. I need to pay for this now" She started to walk to the cashier, but Sirius grabbed the book out of her hand.

"Well what kind of date would this be if I didn't pay for you," she grabbed his arm and yanked the book out of his hand, "first off, its a friendly date, like you said. Would you pay for Potter's book?" Sirius was about to answer but was interrupted by Cordelia, "Exactly, so let me pay," she quickly walked over the cashier but Sirius blocked her, but did something she never thought he would do, he kissed her.

She was in shock and didn't move a muscle, Sirius took this as his chance to take the book and pay for it, "Are you coming?" He looked over at her, walking slowly towards him nodding her head.

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