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It was the end of summer, and Cordelia was starting 6th year. She got on the train and sat by Lily and her friends, "Have a good summer?" Lily asked Cordelia and she nodded her head, "pretty uneventful, sadly couldn't travel. How about you Lily?" She turned to her, "oh! I had the most wonderful time! My family went to my grandparents house and the renovated it looked magnificent!"

Suddenly heard a familiar voice, "Have you seen a woman with red hair, the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on?" All the girls including Cordelia looked at Lily, "No?" they heard the same voice but was angrier, "Well fuck off and get a life then!" The girls heard the compartment door shut and footsteps approaching them, "have you see-". He stopped and looked at Lily, he started to bend down on one knee and pull out a box.

"Lily Evans, will you accept this chocolate frog and be my girlfriend?" Lily crossed her arms and clearly was getting angry, but she was also blushing, "Potter, how many times do I have to tell you! NO!" Lily stood up and closed the compartment doors shut, they heard some 'boos' from students in the hallway of the train.

After a couple of hours, Cordelia decided to see Bryan, Oliver, Maeve and Maree. She walked past a few compartments until she heard familiar voices, "Hey!" She opened the door and saw Bryan, Maree, Maeve and Oliver. They all greeted her as she took a seat next to Bryan.

"So what did you guys do this summer?" Oliver asked the group and they told their stories of their summer break, "I went to Italy with my mother's boyfriend, to say the walls in the hotel room were thin," The whole made disgusted faces and sincere smiles at Bryan who pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I read some new books," Maree shrugged and reopened her book. Cordelia believed that Maree was not telling her and their friend group something significant, "My family went to Egypt, but quickly ended when Fabian and Gideon lit the whole place on fire," Maeve shook her head in disappointment.

"What did you do?" they all asked Cordelia, "Well, got attacked by Death Eaters at a diner with my family, so my dad had to add more protection charms to the house, and oh! I went to James Potters's house" The whole group gasped, "Yeah, I know, apparently my dad knew his parents from when they were in school and they were friends, but get this. James and I hungout when we were babies," They couldn't believe it.

"Are you and Black...all okay?" Bryan asked as Cordelia nodded her head, "Yeah, we kissed and made up, I already told Maeve in a letter," Cordelia smiled and looked at Maeve who was looking away from her. She looked around and no one said anything. The rest of the ride was dead silent and none of Cordelia's friends made eye contact with her.

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