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Cordelia was now in her fifth year and her closest friends was Oliver, Bryan, Maeve and became friends with a new girl named Maree Patterson, a muggle born.

Cordelia was not quite the brightest witch in her year and absolutely hated the Marauders, except Remus Lupin and she found Peter Pettigrew the strangest wizard ever. She mostly hated Sirius Black for pranking their house and always causing trouble, more trouble than Oliver, Bryan, and her.

"Watch where you're going" The boy with black hair and grey colored eyes looked up and Cordelia quickly apologized until she realized who it was, "Oh its you, Black." She got up and bumped into him again, hitting his shoulder on purpose, "Fuck you, Davis," He shouted as he rubbed his shoulder, and ran up to her.

"Davis! Why did you hit me! What's your fucking problem with me!" He shouted as she pushed him away from her, "Oh yeah, pretend like you didn't call Maree a fucking mudblood in front everyone after she said she did not want to shag you!"

She shouted and Sirius pushed her against the wall, "Get your hand off me you bastard fucking twa-" She was interrupted by a girl who was taller than her, she looked about 5'5 and had long red hair and she had green eyes with light freckles.

"Black, what are you doing here harassing another girl," she shouted and gently took Cordelia hand to move away from him, "Go," the girl shouted but he did not move instead two other boys were walking towards them, "Oh Lily! Come and see your favorite Gryffindor?" The girl scoffed and rolled her eyes, the boy with round glasses moved closer to her and Cordelia, "Shove off, Potter. Will you just forget about it!" She started to walk away and Cordelia quickly followed behind her to get away from them.

"I'm Lily Evans, you are Cordelia Davis? Remus and Oliver told me about you,." She smiled and Cordelia thanked her for helping her out with Black, but she secretly knew she could kick his ass, "We have potions together right?" Lily nodded her head and she offered to walk Cordelia to potions, which she accepted.

"Wait!" She heard the same boy who was flirting with Lily shout, "What!" She shouted and turned around to see the boy with glasses was leaning against the compartment door, clearly flexing his muscles to impress Lily, "Come on a date with me?" He asked as he winked at her.

"Ugh! As if! Potter that was absolutely disgusting, never do that again." Lily shook her head and mumbled some stuff to herself. The red haired woman started a conversation with Cordelia until they reached the potions

They reached the potions classroom, "No! I refuse to believe that we had potions work!" A girl with light brown hair and brown eyes, "Slughorn will not be happy to hear about this, Dorcas," Lily shook her head in disappointment and was about to say something before the dark haired girl shushed her, "fuck off, Evans will you. I don't need to be scolded by the Gryffindor Prefect." The girl crossed her arms in a huff as the two girls sat down.

"Cordelia, do you want to sit with my friends and I?" Lily offered at the table however Cordelia kindly declined telling her that she is already sitting with someone, "Hey, Delia!" Maeve waved to her Ravenclaw friend who ran over by Maeve, "Hey!" She sat down at the front tables where she could get a clear view of the blackboard.

"Actually, I was going to save that spot for Oliver," Maeve hesitantly fidgeting with her fingers, she had liked Oliver since their first year but was too nervous to tell him because she didn't know if he liked her back, "Mae, just saying, he fancies you too," Cordelia, a little hurt by her friend, stood up from the chair and scanned the room to find somewhere to sit, she really wished she could take the offer to sit by Lily and her friends. She spotted Remus sitting by himself and flipping through some pages of his book.

Cordelia walked up to him, "Can I sit here?" He quickly looked up and meet the Ravenclaw's eyes, "Sure," she sat down once she saw Professor Slughorn walking in the classroom with a box of what looked like empty vials.

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