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"Mom, what do you mean, they found us? Who found us?" Cordelia was all confused and took a chair to sit in front of her mother, "my sister and her sons," her mother cried and placed her hands in front of her face. Cordelia was completely confused about what was happening.

"Mom, calm down, just tell me what happened," she was still in her Hufflepuff uniform, she caressed her mother's hair, "you will be furious with me, I put all of you in danger." Her mother choked on her cries but she recollected her self, wiping her tears with a tissue.

"So, I lied that my family died, I have a family, not the best but family. My mother was a witch in the early tenth century and burned at the skates of our kingdom. The people in the Norway kingdom were going to do the same thing to my older sister and I when they figured out we were original witches; however, we escaped, it wasn't pretty," Her mother paused, "we burnt down the kingdom. Anyways, there-forth, we decided to stick together until my sister, Esther Mikaelson, found a man and husband, she was a powerful witch, more powerful than I. Esther turned her husband, Mikael Mikaelson into a vampire, an original vampire. She turned him through the immorality spell, and she had Freya, a witch, Finn, Elijah, Niklaus, Kol and Rebekah are all original vampires. She left me for that wicked man, it was not love, it was for power. I wanted to run away, but it would be too easy to put a trace on me, so I faked my death. It was not easy, at all, I was attacked by wolves in front of my sister, she tried to resurrect me; however, she couldn't due to a spell my close friend, Danielle Perks put on me. After centuries later, when I thought my she had died or passed away, Danielle resurrected me with her resurrection spell, I woke up and it was the 1900s. I decided not use magic forever when I meet your father, and then I had you. I'm guessing she knew I was alive because I was not on the other side with her. The thing I dont know is why they are coming after you, I will try to contact some friends in my past; however, they might not be reliable."   

There was a long silence, a couple minutes before Cordelia spoke, "What happened to dad?" She looked over at her father, resting in the hospital bed, "We were dancing in the living room-"

Flashback of Andre Davis attack

"Remember when we first met?" Andre asked as he spun his wife and dipped her, "How could I forget," she smiled as they swayed their hips, "It was at a pub, very romantic I must add," the couple chuckled as the music stopped, there was a cold breeze. The window flew opened, Andre drew out his hand as his wife stood behind him.

"Hello," the couple turned around and saw a tall man in front of them with blood on his lips that he wiped with his sleeve, "expecting me dear?" The unfamiliar man walked up to Esmée and grabbed her by the face, "You lied to her and you will pay, starting with him," the vampire bit Andre in the neck and disappeared, "Sweetie," she fell to her knees and held his neck so it couldn't bleed out."

End of Flashback

"-and the vampire came and bit your dad, and now he's here, but dont worry, the doctors said he would live." Her mother reassured her, "does dad know about you being," Cordelia's mother nodded her head, "is he okay with you being," once again her mother nodded her head.

"Well, there is something you should know," Cordelia gave a weak smile, "there was a vampire that attack this Ravenclaw a couple days ago," Her mother covered her mouth, "then the vampire walked up to me and said, 'they will find you soon enough', no idea what it means," Esmée paced back and forth thinking, "mom, you are starting to worry me,"

"They found us, I don't know what to do," She fell to the ground sobbing, "I lost most of my magic" Cordelia quickly stood up from the chair, "I probably absorbed all your magic then? In your womb?" Her mother shook her head and explained that Cordelia couldn't have taken the magic because it would have already shown, "It might be mixed with the wizarding magic so you couldn't tell if I was using old magic. Teach me something and see if my theory is right."

Her mother hesitated and stood in front of her daughter, "You are going to try a spell that rapidly cools down objects, okay?" Cordelia nodded her head and moved to a hot cup of coffee, "repeat after me, glacies corporis," Cordelia repeated after her mother, "glacies corporis" then went to touch the cup, "it didn't do anything," she said with disappoint.

A second later, the cup froze and the coffee was now ice, "It worked!" She celebrated while she watched her mothers face filled with horror, "Whats wrong, mom?" Cordelia touched her mother's shoulder, "It shouldn't have frozen the cup, your power are being powerful because it has not been used before. Usually, the first try it doesn't work," Her mother sounded amazed, "We have loads of work to do this spring break, to prepare you,"

"What happened?" Cordelia turned around and saw her father awake.

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