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Cordelia went home and told her parents about the Potter's party that they already knew about. They had got an invitation a couple days ago for the party, "are you going to be escorted by Sirius?" Her mother asked her as she walked up to her bed room, "of course, he's my boyfriend," Cordelia giggled as her father turned around, "Dont be touchy, touchy with him," Her father said in a stern voice, he wasnt all that happy that his daughter had a boyfriend.

It was the day of the ball, and Lily came over to Cordelia's house to get ready with her. Lily was going with James just out of pity,  "Oh my! You look wonderful!" Lily squealed, Cordelia was wearing a navy blue dress that was long and had thin straps, her mother had picked it out for her that came along with black high heels. Lily helped her with my makeup while her mother helped her with her daughter's hair.

"Well, you look magnificent!" The dress her mother was wearing showed a bit of leg and her whole back was revealed, a bit scandalous, but she loved it on her mother. Lily wore a light pink dress that fitted perfect for her skin tone, Cordelia absolutely knew she was going to blow James off of his feet.

The three women walked down the stairs, her father grabbed her mother by the waist and dipped her, "You look stunning, love," He kissed his wife on the lips, "you don't look to bad yourself, big guy," she smiled as she fixed his tie.

James and Sirius were waiting downstairs as they saw Cordelia and Lily walking down, "You look, wow! You...are stunning!" Sirius took out his hand and jokingly bowed, "Why the tone of surprise," Cordelia smiled as her father sent her a wink, "I got to say, you look wow wow handsome yourself." Sirius put his hand through his hair, "Thank you very much, Miss Davis," He took her hand, and lead her to the fireplace where they arrived at the Potter's house.

They dusted their selfs off and waited until her parents came out as well as James and Lily, "Don't you look scandalous tonight Esmée?" James's mother walked up to her and kissed her on both of her cheeks.

"Would you like to dance now?" Sirius asked and took Cordelia's hand as they rushed over to the dance floor, "No, I would not." She took his hand and he took hers, "Such a pity, princess." He put his hand on her waist and they started to dance.

"Ive been saving these moves for you," She chuckled as he spun her around in circles, "You aren't that bad you know." He told his girlfriend who rolled her eyes, "Well, thank you. I tried my best to contain myself from stepping on your feet," Sirius scoffed and dipped her as the song ended.

Cordelia and Sirius went over by James and Lily who were sitting and talking, "We'll get you some drinks." The two girls nodded their heads, Sirius kissed her cheek and moved through the crowd. Oliver made his way towards the two girls, "Hello, Cori.  Would you like to dance?" Oliver asked in a deep gentleman voice, she looked over at Sirius and James who were stuck in a deep conversation with some of James's parents friends.

"Oh, I would love to," she said in her most girliest voice, "Sorry, Lils," Lily shook her head and told Cordelia she would go find Remus somewhere at the party. The two walked on the dance floor and immediately made a goof out of themselves.

They were dancing like monkeys and spinning each other into couples who were scolding them, until a slow song came on. The two couldn't stop laughing the whole time as they tried to slow dance the song, "Sorry to break it up, I would like to have a dance with my date." Sirius appeared behind Oliver who nodded.

"phew, you're my knight in shinny armor," Oliver patted Sirius's back, the couple just laughed at the memory from a year ago when Sirius said the exact same thing. Cordelia movements were becoming sloppy and she had been stepping on Sirius's feet.

"Let's just stop," Cordelia fumed with frustration, but Sirius told her that he wanted to dance more, "Your feet are going to be bloody sore tomorrow." She whined as he placed a hand on her waist then took Cordelia's hand, "I'll take that chance." She took his hand and put her other hand on his shoulder.

The couple looked at James and Lily who were starting into each other's eyes, "they're kid is going to be cute." She whispered in Sirius's ear, "if he even gets a chance to take her in an actual date" Cordelia slapped his shoulder and he winced in pain, "joking."

He leaned in and whispered in her ear, "not as cute as ours will be." He wrapped his hands around her waist, "that's not going to happen soon, but a little baby with my eyes and my hair will be adorable." She laughed to herself, "oh and of course my brain because if our baby had your brain, oh it would be definitely screwed," Sirius huffed and argued with her about how their baby would look.

After a couple more hours of dancing and talking with Lily and James, the new years count down was occurring in a couple of minutes.

Everyone stood up and counted down, "Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One!"

"Happy New Year!" Everyone screamed as confetti was popped out of cannons.

Sirius dipped and kissed her, "Happy New Year, love" she smiled, "Happy New Year," she kissed him back and saw Lily and James kissing, "ughh, my feet hurt now," She whined, ruining the moment, he lifted her up and walked her by a chair.

"I want to go home now," she mumbled, feeling sleepy, "Let's get you back home," he grabbed her and went back to her house. They arrived and it was colder than usually. Sirius moved close, their lips were less than an inch apart, she turned by head slightly and kissed him on the cheek, "you," he said attacking her with kisses, "I'll see you soon, I had a great night.

"I had a great night as well," she waved him good by and he went back to the Potter's. She took off her shoes and shouted, "Dad!" Her father came home earlier that night to answer some calls from work, she knew her mother was disappointed he left, but her smile quickly reappeared as she danced with Euphemia on the dance floor.

"Dad!" She shouted running to the living room and saw her father's body on the ground, she looked around, but didnt see anyone.

goes back home and finds her dad dead

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