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Cordelia and her friends were still in a fight, it has been almost three months and Maeve didn't let her talk to Bryan who looked hurt as well as Maree. She got a new wand one a week after her cousins snapped her wand.

Cordelia woke up the next morning and saw that Maeve and Maree had left. She look at the time and saw it was already eight, meaning class had already started. She quickly changed into her Hufflepuff uniform and ran out of the common room towards the potions classroom.

"Miss Davis, would you care to explain why you are late to class?" Professor Slughorn looked directly at her, "oh, erm," Cordelia couldn't think of an excuse so the Professor told her to sit down next to Remus. The rest of the class went by quickly with mostly joking around with Remus.

At the end of class, Cordelia grabbed Maeves' arm and asked if they could talk, "sure let's talk in private, or do you have to be with your boyfriend every second?" Cordelia scoffed and shook her head in disbelief, "First, he's not my boyfriend and second, you were the one who wasn't talking to me so who else am I going to talk to!"

"That's because Oliver and I are loyal to our friend and his feelings, if he can't stand to hang out with you, knowing you like someone else, we have to stay with him!" Cordelia walked closer to her friend, "Well, maybe he should control his feelings, it's been two months already, yes, i know it would be difficult, but not impossibleAnd you know what," She smiled and whispered in her ear, "I think you are actually in love with Bryan, instead of Oliver,"

Her friend's face turned completely red and walked back from Cordelia, "No, I love Oliver, not Bryan," She tried to convince herself, "because it seems like you hangout with him more than your own boyfriend. Tell me when you realize and I will be waiting for your apology," Cordelia smiled and turned around.

"Stupefy" Maeve yelled making Cordelia fly backward. Everyone from the Great Hall exited and saw the Hufflepuff duel, "you bitch!" Cordelia yelled as she got up, and threw a spell at her, "Expulso!" the curse blasted a blue light and threw Maeve backward into the wall.

"You started this!" Cordelia shouted and then whispered a spell to silence the room, so no one could hear them, "silencing charm? very smart. So smart that you used a spell on your own classmate that could cause severe hemorrhaging! Fucking hemorrhaging from being hit by a wall!" Maeve shouted and drew her wand at Cordelia as Cordelia walked closer to her.

"Veritas Tempus" Cordelia waved her hand in her friend's face, "what the hell was that," Her friend coughed and pushed her out of the way, "do you actually like Oliver," Maeve nodded her head and rolled her eyes, "He's my boyfriend what do you expect,"

"but you love Bryan," Maeve chuckled and nodded her head, "yeah and-" she paused as Maeve walked closer to her, "what- how did you do that?" Cordelia shrugged and walked backwards, "expelliarmus!" Maeve shouted and disarmed her friend then sent a curse flying her way.

Cordelia laid there unconscious when Maeve let some tears fall down her face before quickly leaving before any of the professors saw her.

Cordelia woke up by a pair of hands shaking her, "what the hell," she looked up and saw Sirius sitting in front of her,, "are you okay, Cordelia?" Her face had some cuts and her robe was ripped, "yeah, i'm totally fine. Just was went unconscious by my friend, so everything is fine," She sat up against a wall behind her, Sirius sat next to her.

Sirius face went pale and quickly stood up to get a professor, "don't," she sounded exhausted, "some first year had probably got one already," He slowly nodded his head and sat back down.

They both sat down on the ground in the most comfortable position for about an hour, "want a piece of chocolate? Got it from Remus" Sirius offered as he took a chocolate bar out of his pocket, "no thank you. What is that in your other pocket?" Cordelia pointed to the round thing in his pocket.

He took it out and passed it to her, "a lemon," she couldn't help but laugh, "why do you have a lemon in your pocket?" she threw the lemon back at him, "I have no idea," he shrugged and inspected the lemon, "I dare you to take a bite out of the lemon,"

She had a smug smile on her lips, "why would I do that?" he chuckled and almost put the lemon back into his pocket, "because Sirius Black does not refuse a dare, "I'll give you three galleons if you take a bite out of it," she threw it at him. He nodded and took a bite out of it, his face was all scrunched up with the bitterness and sourness of the lemon.

"impressive, Black. Now it smells strong," she reached in her pocket for the three galleons, but before she could give him the galleons she needed to sneeze, "Cordelia, don't you think we are past last names?" Sirius cheekily smiled at the Hufflepuff, "No, I don't think so, Black."


The door opened and Cordelia entered the common room. Candles were lighted all over the common room, there were some rose petals on the ground leading to the middle of the room. She saw Sirius standing there with a bouquet of roses in his hands. There were other Gryffindors staring at Cordelia entering the room, she could see the jealous faces on many of the girls, she looked over at Remus who was giving her a thumbs.

She made her way to the front, and stood in front of Sirius, "Cordelia Davis, will you be my girlfriend?" he passed her the bouquet of roses to her, "erm," she jokingly looked around the room, "yes, of course,"

she rolled her eyes as he quickly grabbed her waist, pulling her into a very passionate kiss that left her shocked and breathless, "you don't know how long I've been waiting to do that in from of everyone, know everyone knows you are mine," Sirius smiled as he put an arm around her.

Everyone started to cheer and his friends walked over by the couple, and Cordelia slipped out of Sirius's arms. She made her way to Oliver who shaking his head, "We should celebrate! It's on me!" He pulled Cordelia into a hug, "you git, I thought you couldn't talk to me." She playfully punched his arm as he passed a cup of some sort of liquid to her, "what's this?" the liquid smelt strong, "firewhiskey?" she looked at Oliver unimpressed, he nodded his head.

"Well, I can now, Maeve broke up with me," Oliver looked upset and chugged his drink, "I'm sorry," Cordelia gave a sympathetic smile and patted his back, "no, I'm sorry she made you go unconscious. She hasn't been herself these past couple of days, it's like someone put a spell on her,"

Sirius snuck up behind Cordelia and grabbed her by the waist making her jerk up, "I would like to steal my girlfriend, if you don't mind, Prewett?" he nodded and pushed Cordelia towards Sirius falling on top of him, quickly flipping him off.

"I was wondering," Sirius paused, "would you also like to go to the Winter Ball on the 31st of December? James's parents are throwing this winter break?" Cordelia jumped onto him, latching onto his neck, "Of course! I would love to!"

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