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Cordelia decided to go find a place where she could go practice her witch mirage in a silent area since everywhere in the castle has been taken by a group. She was walking down the hall thinking of this when a door appeared. She had never seen a door here before, she opened it and saw everything completely empty.

She had never seen this place in Hogwarts before, she looked around and saw candles have been lit but no where to be found. She took this opportunity to practice her witchcraft.

She took out a spell and ritual book out of her elbow and placed it on the ground. She was learning how to locate people by using a personal item from them. She placed one her mother's rings on a map and repeated the phrase, "Faire à voir là ré," she put her hand up and there was a line on the map, showing where her mother was.

The map showed that she was at home in Kingsburgh, Cordelia felt something dripping from her nose. She wiped it and saw blood, "I need a tissue," she went over by the candles and found some tissues, "this place really does have everything," she said amazingly.

"Let's look what else," she flipped through the pages of the book, "Phasmatos Tribum is the incantation of the spell that channels Nature to enhance and accelerate the growth of flowers, plants or entire gardens." she read and kept the book to that page.

She took an empty plant pot and filled it with dirt and a seed, she took a deep breath, " Phasmatos Tribum", she repeated and lifted her hands. She didn't see anything show, she tried again, "" she opened her eyes and saw a small flower growing

"What the bloody hell are you doing," She quickly turned her head and saw Sirius watching her as she sat on the ground surrounded by candles, "What are you doing in here!" She shouted, he was going to run out but Cordelia slammed the door shut.

"How the hell did you do that," He looked at her, with terroir in his eyes, "Let me explain," she said as he drew out his wand and pointed it at her, "are you a Death Eater? Are you working for the wizard!" He shouted and didn't put his wand down.

"Of course not! Don't be ridiculous!" she argued and flicked her hand, Sirius's wand flew over to her. He was backing up to a wall, "can I explain to you," she slowly was walking up to him, he was shaking his head.

"breath, I'm going to explain," she put her hand on his cheek and closed her eyes. She opened them so did Sirius, they were in a different area and location now. Somewhere in the fields, "How did you do that?" Sirius shouted and was ready to fist fight her.

"Magic," He rolled his eyes and told her that he knew that, "I have never seen that type of magic before," She explained that it was old magic and her mother was a witch from the earlier centuries.

"Why have you never told me this before?" he asked as they walked down a field of flowers, "Because it might result in you being harmed," She sighed and turned to him, "were you kidnapped by your the old magic witches?" she chuckled at his names for them.

"yes, by my witch aunt and her vampire sons and daughter," she looked over at Sirius's sad expression, "You cant tell anyone about this, it's a secret only Alex and I know," Sirius raised his eyebrow, "Alex knows this?"

She nodded her head, "He was the one who brought me back, I can never repay him. He's like a brother to me," Sirius was relieved i hear her calling Alex a brother to Cordelia.

"I thought he was going to steal you," Cordelia found it funny that he thought that, "I would never want to be away from you, Black," she smiled and kissed him, "again, the last name, it's really not necessary."

"Fine fine, let's get back," he nodded his head, "but don't attack me, okay?" She put her hand on his cheek, and closed her eyes. They reopened their eyes and returned to the room.

"Oh, your nose is bleeding," Sirius pointed out while wiping the blood from her nose with his sleeve, "It happens when I do large spells," She turned around and grabbed her things, "I love my little old magic witch," cordelia shook her head at that name he gave her, "never 'old magic witch' again."


A few months went by and Cordelia sent most of her time with Sirius since Alex had met a Ravenclaw girl and Oliver was spending time with his girlfriend, Marlene. Cordelia spent some time with the Marauders and Lily who usually went to the Black Lake to mess around.

Cordelia was studying with the Marauders and Lily at the library, they were almost kicked out due to James shouting at Sirius whenever he closed the page he was reading, "Will you two shut it! Some people are actual-"

Before Lily could finish scolding the two Gryffindors, there was a loud 'bang' coming from outside of the library, they all ran out, but the librarian and the professors in the library pushed the students back in; however, the group of seventh years were able to see what was happening.

They saw large men walking towards them with masks, one of them threw a curse at Peter, he went flying backwards, crashing into other students, "Stupefy!" Lily shouted and threw the Death Eater who send Peter flying.

"Get inside!" Professor McGonagall shouted as the professors pointed their wands at the Death Eaters, "You have no right to be here!" Professor Slughorn yelled sending a curse to one of the Death Eaters.

The group of seventh years were enjoying the battle between the Death Eaters and Professors until a curse almost hit Cordelia, "Not my girlfriend you monsters!" He shouted and cursed at them while hexing and throwing as many spells at them, until he was hit back where everyone was standing.

"At least you tried," Cordelia helped him up and thanked him for trying to do something, "Shows over!" The professors announced and told everyone to get back to class to to work

"You know," Sirius threw a spell at the one of the Death Eaters who were running towards them and fell on the ground, "While you were doing your freak witchcraft, the Marauders and I decided to join The Order of the Phoenix," Sirius smirked at Cordelia who was wrapped around Sirius's shoulder, "Hey! I did too," Lily shouted from behind, holding hands with James

"Whatever, Evans, it's an alliance to take down Voldemort and his minions. Dumbledore talked to us about it and we agreed to join after we graduate," Cordelia liked the thought of that, "Why not, sounds fun," She said half jokingly, "fighting one of the powerfullest wizard, sounds like my cup of tea,"

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