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A couple months past by, and Lily and James spent most of their time together as Head Girl and Head Boy for Gryffindor. She finally cut ties with Maeve and Bryan who had been vile to her and Oliver the whole year. Oliver was with Marlene along with Frank who were good friends. Cordelia had not hung out with Oliver in a long time since they did not have classes with each other.

Cordelia stayed with Sirius and Remus as well as Peter sometimes. She walked with them to the owlry when she saw Alex leaning against the wall, talking to Dorcas Meadowes.

"They have been getting close this year," Remus told Cordelia who just nodded, "I heard he's going to ask her to be his girlfriend in a week or so," Peter added.

"Good for him, she's nice," Sirius wrapped his arms around Cordelia's waist, "Shall we go to Transfiguration now?" The three boys nodded their head as they headed to Professor McGonagall's office.

Sirius, James, Peter, Remus and Cordelia shared a Transfiguration class together. They were sitting in class finishing their work when Professor McGonagall asked the students a question, "What's the difference between an animagus and a werewolf?"

Sirius immediately raised his hand, "Yes, Mr Black," she pointed at him, who cleared his voice, "Well, for starters, an animagus has better hair than werewolves"

Remus raised his hand after Sirius's comment, "well werewolves are taller," he smirked at Sirius, "generally speaking. Cordelia snickered because she knew that Remus was a werewolf and the Marauders were animagus.

"WELL," Sirius raised his hand again," animagus have great bodies," He winked towards Cordelia, "I second that and I also second that animagus have great bodies," James shouted from across the room.

"Werewolves don't have time or energy to style their he hair for an house to impress their girlfriends, particularly around the full moon!" Remus shouted and and slowly sat back in his chair.

"plus, werewolves don't sing obnoxiously loud in the shower," Peter added quietly, the whole class went silent. Professor McGonagall slowly collected her thoughts, "I appreciate the compliments, but that was not the answer I was looking for boys," She turned to Cordelia who was raising her hand.

"Lycanthropy is caused by a blood infection transmitted through being bitten by another werewolf, whereas the Animagus skill was learned." Cordelia smiled as the professor awarded her house twenty points.

"Thank you, Miss Davis for giving the correct answer," The professor looked at the four boys who were rolling their eyes, "I also want to add," Cordelia moved closer to the table, "I third that animagus has better hair," She looked over Remus with frizzy, messy hair who glared at her.

After class, Cordelia left the Marauders to help a third year with a project when she was asked by the Herbology professor a couple weeks ago. She couldn't refuse because she had missed four months from sixth year and wanted to repay what she missed.

"I'll see you later," Cordelia walked over to the greenhouse, seeing a third year Slytherin girl, "Hello, I'm Cordelia Davis," She waved to the Slytherin who nodded her head and put out her hand.

"I'm Narcissa Black," Cordelia recognized her, she was Sirius's cousin, "Nice to meet you," She shook her hand, "Now, the Professor Beery told me that I should help advise you if you have any questions," The third year nodded her head.

Cordelia allowed Narcissa to work by herself, watching her work with a Puffapod, that produced large pink seedpods full of shining beans, which instantly flowered when they came into contact with any solid object.

She watched as Narcissa took notes as it flowered, after a couple minutes, the Slytherin said she was done, "That was fast," Cordelia said and gathered her things.

Narcissa had accidentally bumped a plant, and it the plant bit Cordelia in the arm, "I'm sorry," The slytherin went over to Cordelia who was holding her arm.

She looked at the plant and recognized it as a Venomous Tentacula, that was a green, spiky, toothsome magical plant with mobile vines.

"calm down, Narcissa. I'm fine." Cordelia knew she was not fine but wanted to make sure the third year would not freak out, "Would you please pass me that cloth," She pointed over at the sink, "Of course," Narcissa ran over and grabbed the cloth, giving it to Cordelia.

"Look it's fine. I'll be fine." She looks like she's about to faint, "but, I need you to help me bring me to the hospital wing, just in case i faint," Narcissa grabbed Cordelia's arm, and helped her out of the greenhouse.

She slowly became heavier and heavier, "are you okay?" The slytherin asked, worriedly, "I feel like I'm going to faint, but only a couple stairs left. I'll be fine," The two quickly went up the rest of the stairs, entering the hospital wing. The nurse rushed over and caught Cordelia before she had fainted.


Cordelia woke up in the hospital bed and saw three figures standing in front of me, "rise and shine, sissy." She saw rubbed her eyes and saw Lily, Sirius and Oliver. Oliver moved his face in her face, "ahhh!!!" she screamed and punched him in the face, "I told you." Cordelia quickly apologized

She looked over at Lily who was sitting on the chair next to me, "glad your awake, you looked like you were dead." She rolled her eyes at Sirius who was leaning against the hospital bed, "thank you, Sirius. A lady loves it when her boyfriend says she looks dead. Say that to your future wife, you will end up sleeping on the couch."

Cordelia sarcastically said as I picked up her cup of water, "what happened?" Lily asked worriedly, "I'm fine now, Narcissa brought me here" She looked at Sirius who had a glimpse of a smile in his eye.

"so I went to the greenhouse and helped Narcissa with her project, mostly just watching her so she wouldn't get hurt. I have no idea why professor Beery asked me because I'm horrid at Herbology," they all murmured in agreement.

"Anyways, Narcissa accidentally moved a plant that hit me, a poisonous plant, Venomous Tentacula, that attacked me. The end." Lily covered her mouth when she heard the plant, it was extremely venomous.

"At least you're okay, and the nurse said you could leave whenever you're ready, but I think you should rest most" Lily suggested as she pushed the two boys out of the hospital wing.

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