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It was now summer break and Cordelia was back home, she tried to forget about Sirius Black and Maree going through her things. She tried to think about all the fun she was going to have at home. The first days, she practiced some spells and showed her mother who was impressed by her daughter progress, and the next days she hung out with her Maeve and Oliver. Within five minutes in Oliver's house, she had been stuck to a chair by Oliver's brothers and cursed to have a large nose. Her friend had told her that Sirius been writing to them to say he was sorry because Cordelia had not been opening any mail from him.

She was now at home "Fucking hell!" She shouted as she stubbed her toe against the coffee table, "Cordelia Aimee Davis!" Her father shouted as he entered the living room, "watch your language, young lady," he said sternly as she rolled her eyes, "sorry," she put her hands up in defense.

"Where were you this morning?" Cordelia asked her mother as she turned on the stove, "I was out shopping for you actually," Her head turned quickly and saw her carrying two bags of items, "Is that an owl?" She looked at the white snowy owl

"No, it's a ferret," She sarcastically responded, "Yes, it is an owl. A new one since yours flew away," She smiled and placed oil in the pan, "She's brilliant," Cordelia looked at her large golden colored eyes, "Do you want any eggs?" Esmée ask her husband as he sat down at the dining table. The table was not as big as many furniture in the house.

"Yes please, and a cup of tea," He smiled as he took off his coat and placed it on the chair next to him, "When I thought you couldn't be anymore British," He chuckled at his wife's comment, "Funny," He mumbled, looking at the Daily Prophet.

"The news has not become any better," He sighed as Esmée placed his eggs on a plate in front of him, "and your British cup of tea," she snickered and quickly placed the plan back on the stove. Cordelia loved to see her parents act like this, she always wanted a relationship like theres.

"Thank you, dear." He took a sip of his tea while she took a seat across of him, Cordelia groaned and looked at the time, "well, it's just the start of the day, so shall we?" She asked as she placed an arm out for him to take and one arm for her mother, "Where are you thinking of going?" Her father asked suspiciously.

"Well, I want a new wardrobe," she smiled as her father waited for a better response, "Oh come on, I don't want to wear my sweatpants on weekends at Hogwarts. I need some more fashionable clothes, and," she added as they left the house, "you can tell me more about the brothers, well your nephews, that want to kidnap me" She looked at her mother with a fake smile.

"Of course," Her mother locked the door as her father placed his wand in his pocket, "Mom will tell you everything, but we are stopping to get lunch," He said as they walked down the stairs, "Wait," Esmée paused at the top of the staircase, "You didn't like my egg?" Her husband chuckled as he continued walking down the stair, "I don't think one small egg will fill me. I'm not saying I didn't like it. I just want more food, love" Esmée shrugged it off and went down the stairs.

They arrived at a small coffee street across a boutique that Cordelia wanted to go later, "Good Afternoon," The waitress smiled and looked between the family of three, "What would you like today?"

"I would like fish and chips, please," He said while the waitress quickly wrote down his order, he looked over at his daughter waiting for her to order what she wants, "I would like an order of chips," Cordelia smiled up at the waitress, "I would like fish and chips as well," Her mother added, "oh and an order of black coffee," Her father quickly said before  the waitress left to tell the kitchen.

"I got more information from my friend?" She placed her elbows on the table and folded her hands together, "She told me that my sister is dying and needs you, but your father and I will make sure that won't happen. You should make sure you dont tell anyone about this because its easy for people to betray you. Especially that uprising Dark wizard "

"Here you go, your food," The waitress placed down a plate of chips and the plate of fish and chips, "thank yo-"

Before her father could thank the waitress, the glass window of the shop burst open. Cordelia could vaguely see a couple of Death Eaters entering the coffee shop, she had never actually seen one before. Only from the Daily Prophet, and she never wished she would actually see a Death Eater. There were three standing at the large hole in the coffee shop, one of them hit the waitress with a curse and sent her flying across the shop.

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