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Her father woke up and saw Cordelia and her mother standing in front of him, "hello, sweetie," her mother ran her hand through his hair, "what happened?" He asked as he slowly sat up, and her mother immediately scolded him for doing that because he just came out of surgery. Esmée explained everything and everything that Cordelia told her that happened in Hogwarts.

"Oh, Mr Davis, you are awake," the two women turned around and saw the doctor, "He should be out of here in a couple of days, around two more days. Just to check his vitals and get that color back in his body." Her father was paler than usually and looked sickish. The doctor pointed his wand at Cordelia's father and a yellow spark appeared, "seems like he is healthy and slowly recovering. I'll let you be now," The doctor left and the two women brought him in a bone crushing hug.

The next two days, Cordelia and her mother stayed with her father at the hospital, they played cards and listened to music. They were also staying in the hospital together for safety because the house needed her father to put more protection around the house.

"Guess our plans to France are cancelled," Her father joked while exiting the hospital, "I guess," Cordelia didn't know how to respond to her father. She took her mother's hand and apparated to their house, "Sweetie, are you well enough to put protection spell around the house?" He nodded his head and went outside, the girls watched sparks flying around the house as her father was sealing the house.

"Mom," Cordelia looked up at her beautiful green eyes, "you know this magic is not enough to keep them away if you say how powerful and strong they are," Esmée sighed and looked at her precious daughter, "I know, but you aren't ready to add protection spells, Delia." She was correct because Cordelia had just realized her power and it was too early for her to do these spells.

"However, I can teach you, with the little magic I have left," Cordelia stood up eagerly, "really?!" Esmée smiled and guided her to the mini library they have in their house, "all of this shelf is based on Witchcraft, the history, spells and rituals." Cordelia walked towards the books, pulling out one, it was about the history of spells and rituals.

"Your lesson starts today," Esmée took her daughters hand and lead her in a backroom that was always locked, it was filled with crazy and strange objects. Cordelia looked at the labels of each object, phoenix stone, candles, moonstone, talisman and more. Cordelia felt strange walking around and thinking her mother used to use these things and was once a witch.

"Alright, the basics," Her mother took out her spell book and demonstrated the incantation, "we will start with the basic, such as creating fire and water," Cordelia nodded and followed her mother's directions.

In two hours, Cordelia had learned the fundamental basics to most of the simple spells, and her mother was quite impressed by her, "We will continue tomorrow, but you can read anything here," Esmée walked out the room, closing it behind her. Cordelia walked over to the vampire section and took out a thick book.

She flipped through pages until she found information about the original vampires, "The Original Vampires are a group of extremely powerful vampires that are the first generation of  and progenitors of their respective . They are the oldest, , , and most powerful vampires in the world. The term's use, however, has expanded as the  that created the Originals has been modified twice over and two additional types of "Original" vampires have been created; the ."

Cordelia was not going to lie, but that scared her, about how powerful the original vampires are. She flipped more pages and read a section about how they could be killed and their abilities.

Original vampires are indestructible and cannot be killed by anything on earth aside from the White Oak Stake, a large enough source of magic, the conditions suitable to reverse the original spell. They also can only be temporarily neutralized by a White Oak Ash Dagger, one of the Cursed Stakes, or through various spells or rituals.

"Where the hell can I find a white oak stake," Cordelia wondered out loud and kept flipping the pages, " Super strength, speed, sense, agility, durability, and manipulation," She read while seeing there is a longer lists of strengths, "damn, what do I have," She mumbled as the door of the library opened, "Far more better abilities if you know how to use them correctly," Cordelia turned around and saw her mother standing in front of the door, "such as,"

"Such as, spell casting, telekinesis, element control, divination, illusion, potion brewing, and many more. You may not be able to break necks or have super speed, but those are some damn brilliant abilities if you ask me," Cordelia put away the book and walked closer to her mother, "why didn't you tell me I had these powers earlier?"

"It was to protect you because if you started to use magic, one of my ancestors would realize I'm still alive," Her mother explained while moving to the back of the room to check out, "I'm sorry, it was for your safety," Cordelia nodded her head, still angry at for her mother not telling her.

Cordelia moved towards a book that was named, "Keepers of Balance," and opened it, there was a cut out in the book where the pages were supposed to be. Cordelia saw a small knife in there and turned around to her mother, "Mom, what is this?" She held up the knife where Esmée quickly ran over and snatched the knife away from her, "Do not touch that!" He mother yelled at her and placed it back in the book, taking it with her out. Cordelia was confused of what just had happened, she had never seen her mother that angry and shocked at the same time.

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