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She entered the Hufflepuff common room, Maree and Maeve immediately ran up to her, and checked if she was okay, "We heard about that vampire who injured that Ravenclaw threatened you," Maeve quickly said and brought Cordelia to the yellow couch, "Are you okay?" Maree asked timidly and caressed Cordelia's hair. Maree has always been a timid girl that loved to read, but she was the sweetest girl. She would always ask how everyone is doing and make sure Cordelia and Maeve were happy.

"Yes, I'm okay," She stood up, "it was a little threat and I don't think it was even for me because I didn't understand it. The vampire made no sense basically," Cordelia said a little annoyed she couldn't figure out the problem, "what did he say?" Maeve questioned but was scolded by Maree to not ask questions, "they will find you soon enough", Cordelia crossed her arms, "then I went to Dumbledore, and he didn't give me an answer. Nothing!" She let fell on the couch, exhausted.

The door slammed opened and appeared two boys, "What the bloody hell happened, Cori!" Oliver shouted and ran over to Cordelia, "language," Maree gave him the death stare, "You guys shouldn't barge in here," Maree told the Bryan and Oliver, "Maybe you lot should have a password," Bryan retorted while Maree was about to start punching him, "just a suggestion, don't go all angry on me, little puff," Cordelia retold the story and told her friends to forget about it.

"Oh, Remus told me to tell you to meet him in the library to work on your potions assignment due on monday," Oliver said while sitting in between Bryan and Maeve, "What?! When?!" Cordelia fumed that he didnt tell her earlier, "About," he looked at his watch, "ten minutes ago," She took a pillow from another couch and threw it at him, "YOU COULD HAVE TOLD ME EALIER!" She snapped, "HES BEEN WAITING FOR TEN MINUTES!" Cordelia quickly ran out of the common room to the library, "for a Hufflepuff, she is quiet loud and a bad temper," Bryan and Oliver chuckled while the girls were shaking their heads in disappointment from the Gryffindor boys, "I heard that!" The angry Hufflepuff shouted from behind.

Cordelia ran to the library and saw Remus sitting by himself at a table, reading a book. She quietly walked into the library and tapped Remus on the shoulder then sat next to him, "Oliver said we have to do a potions assignment?" Remus nodded and pointed to the multiple potions books opened, "I can do the assignment by myself if you need to rest, its only like two pages," Remus kindly suggested from the gossip about the vampire threatening Cordelia, "Not you too," she gave him a sincere smile, "Remus, thanks, but I'm all good," He smiled, "and how is Maree? Is she doing well?" Cordelia rolled her eyes and chuckled to herself, "Remus, why don't you ask her yourself, or better yet ask her on a date. She is a lovely person and I'm sure she would love to go on a date with you," Remus's eyes were filled with happiness, "do you think she would say yes?"

"Of course! You guys are good together, but I swear if you-" Remus crossed his arms and nodded, "Yes, yes, I know."They dropped the conversation and Remus explained to her about the assignment and what she should write about.

They were in the library until they were kicked out by the librarian, "be gone!" The librarian shouted at them to leave the library, Cordelia looked at the time, it was almost eight already, "We missed dinner," Remus sighed pulling his sleeve down, "yeah, but we can go to the kitchen to find something to eat?" Cordelia suggested hoping he would take the offer, "I'm sorry, Cordelia, I need to do my prefect rounds. Have a good weekend" He apologized and left Cordelia by the kitchen where she asked for a basket of bread.

She turned the corner and saw Severus Snape running towards her, she looked forward and saw Sirius Black and James Potter running towards her, "woahhh!" Cordelia stopped the two boys, "what the hell are you chasing Snape for?" The two shrugged and continued to chase him down the halls, "boys will be boys," she sighed then slowly walked back to the Hufflepuff common room.

She entered and saw Maeve and Maree playing muggle, where Maeve was clearly losing by how many piece Maree had, "you are cheating!" Maeve accused her friend when Maree took her queen, "I would never do that!" Maree argued as she took her king as well, "this is unfair!" She stood up and left to the dormitories.

Cordelia sat down across of her and put the piece in the correct order, "Game?" Maree nodded her head and recollected the white pieces on Cordelia's side which were only three, "Bryan, Maeve, Oliver and I were planning on going to Hogsmeade tomorrow morning, do you want to come with?" Cordelia nodded her head taking Maree's pond, "Remus asked how are you during our study session," She saw Maree blush bright red out of the corner of her eyes, "he did?" She asked in her timid voice while taking her bishop, "yeah, he did," Cordelia moved her queen to check her king, "You could invite him tomorrow to Hogsmeade" Maree moved her king to the left, "no, I don't have the confidence to do that, plus he just asked me how I was. That is nothing," Cordelia's queen and her knight trapped Maree's king, "Checkmate, and not it was not nothing. He was blushing bright red like you are."

"Why are you so good at this game!" Maree crossed her arms, ignoring what Cordelia said, "Probably because I always play with my dad, he is the best." She helped her friend clean up the piece and put the board back on the table, "Probably, well I'm tired, so goodnight, Delia." Maree skipped up the dormitory steps.

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