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Cordelia got a note from someone on her bed, it read:

my love xx

meet me at the Gryffindor Tower, we can walk to detention together <3


She shrugged and walked to the Gryffindor tower, and saw a girl blocking the entrance, "You are not a Gryffindor," A girl with brown eyes looked up at Cordelia, "Stating the obvious are you," The girl started to cry and ran up to her dorm, "Isn't she like twelve?" She turned to one of her the brown eyed girl's friend who nodded, "Yes,"

"Then why is she crying, I didn't say anything mean." Cordelia said confusingly and turned to see Lily and Dorcas who came out of the common room, "Delia, did you make that girl cry?"

"Um, no?" Cordelia moved closer to the girls as Lily raised her eyebrow, "Okay, yes. I did, but I did not say anything mean. She is just too sensitive." The brunette witch shrugged her shoulders, "why are you here?" Lily asked as she walked down a couple steps, "waiting for Black, to go to detention with him."

Lily raised her eyebrow, "He left like five minutes ago to the potions classroom, was he supposed to wait?" Cordelia took a deep breath and ran down to the dungeon to the potions classroom to Professor Slughorn's classroom and when  she entered she was out of breath. She saw Sirius sitting in a chair in the first row facing the front, smirking at her.

"Miss Davis, you are ten minutes late." She quickly rushed to the desk that was at the back of the classroom, as far away from Sirius, "Now, I want you to clean all the cauldrons and organize the potion ingredients section." Slughorn showed the two students the cabinet of cauldrons and supply ingredients.

"I will be back in about two hours, if you finish early, please look up.  The keys are on my desk and I will be putting your wands in this box that will open once the classroom is cleaned and organized." Cordelia sighed and took out her wand, she saw Sirius give his to Professor Slughorn. Cordelia sat up and walked over to the Professor and turned in her wand.

"Thank you, I will be seeing you guys in about two hours. Happy cleaning." He walked out the room and shut the door behind him,. Cordelia walked over to the supply ingredient cabinet and started to organize. Thirty minutes later she realized Sirius looking around the classroom, opening cupboards, "not surprised you're not helping" Cordelia scoffed as she finished up organizing the ingredients.

"I'm done with this portion, and it will be faster if you can help with cleaning the cauldron, Black." She turned around and saw him play with a piece of paper, "Okay." Was all he said before walking towards the cabinet filled with cauldron and took something out of his pocket, "Is that a-" He nodded his head.

"I gave him Remus's wand instead of mine, so let's see now" He waved his wand and all the dirty cauldron were now clean, "Easy, now let's go have some fun," He swiped the keys from the desk and headed out the door, but stopped when Cordelia wasn't following him, "Shall we, Ma'lady?" Sirius walked up and bowed, putting a hand out for her to grab.

Cordelia declined and stayed back, "No way in hell am I going with you anywhere, Black." She turned back and sat down at a desk. Sirius groaned and pulled up a chair in front of her, "Why do you keep denying that you find me attractive, all the other girls at this school would jump out of there seats to date me. So, why not you?" He asked and she thought for a minute.

"You already asked me this," she annoyingly said, "Because they dont see the arrogant asshole behind all of that pretty boy face," His eyes lit up when she called him a 'pretty boy', "so you think I have a pretty face?" She rolled her eyes and then nodding, "No, denying that, Black." She stood up and walked towards the door of the classroom, "lock the room before you leave," she winked at him before leaving the classroom.

The next few days, Cordelia was working on finishing her Charms paper with aid of Remus and handed in a transfiguration essay to Professor McGonagall, she was finally free from work since he other projects were far away. She was walking to Defense Against the Dark Arts that was out in the courtyard today.

"Why are we outside today?" Cordelia asked Sirius who was standing next to her, "Probably dueling," He shrugged his shoulders and turned to her, "Do you want to be my partner if we are dueling?" He smirked and crossed his arms, "You sure you don't want to go with Snape," She joked and looked over at Snape who was talking with his other Slytherin friends.

"Okay everyone! Get with a partner!" The professor shouted and everyone quickly paired with someone else, "Now," He walked in front of the class so everyone could see him, "You will partner up and duel each other as practice; however, from two classes from now, you will duel your partner in front of the class. So! Be prepared!" He announced and told everyone to start practicing.

"Ready to lose, Davis?" He got into his ready stance, "Try me, Black," Cordelia took out her wand, "Three, two, o-". Sirius threw a spell at her that caught her off guard, making her move backwards, "That's not fair!"

"Stupefy!" She shouted as Sirius deflected the spell and move it to the side, "Stupefy!" He exclaimed, pointing the wand directly at her chest, "Protego!" A large shield charm appeared and bounced the stun to a Gryffindor who was flung backward. Cordelia turned around to see what happened when she was thrown backwards, hitting her back on the pavement.

"Fucking hell," she groaned and saw Sirius walking towards her, "need some help?" He chuckled with amusement, "I'm good down here. You have any plans tonight?" She asked as casually but added some 'ows' and 'ouchs' to the sentence.

"Well, it is Friday and I'm guessing you have nothing to do, so would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me for a friendly date?" He asked Cordelia while he helped her up from the ground, "Never heard of a friendly date, but sure. Why not, I need to stop at the book store to find a book."

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