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A few days after Sirius had kissed her, she tired forgot about the whole thing and couldn't be stressed about any but exams coming this week. She entered Charms class and sat through the whole professor's lecture which was the whole class, she was sitting further back of the class and reading a book about vampires and hybrids. She felt a little hit from the shoulder, she turned and saw a crushed piece of paper.

She opened it and it read, "what are you reading?" she looked behind and saw Remus looking at her. Cordelia couldn't help but smile, she wrote down on the paper, "Reading about vampires and hybrids" She said the crushed paper back to Remus and he opened it with an impressive smile. He threw another paper back, "Impressive, Cordelia. You should tell me about them later."

"Excuse me, Miss Davis," The charms professor grabbed her attention, "is there anything you would like to tell the class," He gestured to the paper Remus and her were passing back and forth, "I'm sorry, what paper?" she asked and the professor came near her and she whispered, "Ingendia". The paper started on fire and the Charms professor quickly took his wand and summoned water to take out the fire.

"How did you do that?" He looked at her amazed, "Wandless magic?" she said not sure he would believe and looked up at the professor, "brilliant!" He said before returning back to the lesson. She was actually practicing what her mother taught her, and her mother called her a natural.

Cordelia turned her head around to see Remus chuckling, "so! The two page essay is due next week Monday, so I suggest going to the library and asking me any questions,"

The class was dismissed and Cordelia caught up with Remus, "that was hilarious," he said as he helped her take her charms book, "I'm so confused how he did not give me detention for starting a fire," The two laughed as she reached the dungeons for Potions class, Sirius was behind them, following them since Charms class.

"Since when did you and Remus get close?" She turned around and saw Sirius carrying a vial of some sort, "Because he's not a dickhead," Cordelia smiled at the Gryffindor, "Hello Miss Dvais, I have switched your seats from Mr. Lupin to Mr. Snape." He pointed to the quiet Slytherin who was already sneering at her, "He is a brilliant student and one of the best I have had," Professor Slughorn paused and turned to him, "He will also be beneficial to you if you need academic assistance."

Cordelia nodded her head and sat down next to him, "Hi," She greeted him and all he did was scoff, "Pathetic," He whispered, but enough for her to hear. She ignored him the rest of class until the new project was announced, "You and your partner will both write an essay about the Power of Amortentia and the positive and negative effects of it to witches and wizards."

"Parks and Longbottom, Black and Patterson, Parkinson and Zabini, Goldstein and Lovegood, Higgs and MacDonald, Davis and Snape." Slughorn announced as Cordelia faced her partner, "I know you hate me and I have no idea why, but I have a feeling you won't change your mind. Therefore, I'm proposing that we meet today to finish this essay in the library at 3:30. I will do some research about the disadvantages while you research the advantages. We can do the introduction and conclusion together. Is that plan alright?" she looked at him for an answer.

"Fine." He said as he collected his books and left the classroom, Cordelia didn't care whether he liked her or not, she just wants to pass Potions this year, "Uh, guess I'll see you later." she shouted and started to gather her things.

"Are you actually working with Snivellus?" He sneered in disgust as he walk towards Cordelia, "Of course, he's my potions partner. How else are we going to work together?" She chuckled while she grabbed her things and headed out the door, "but!" Sirius yelled, running up to her, "he is dangerous," he said sternly. Cordelia crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, "How so, Black?"

"He does dark magic and is insane about dark magic, basically making him a freak," Cordelia was slightly offended by intending that people who do dark magic are freaks, "I can defend myself, and he does not seem all...that bad."

She made the last part less convincing, "can we talk about what happened a few days ago?" Sirius looked hesitant but agreed, "So," she looked at him so he could say something, "Goddammit, Cordelia! I fancy you! I like you," he breathed out loud as Cordelia couldn't help but laugh, "what?" He looked at her like she was a maniac, "Fourth year me would hate what I'm about to say, I like, fancy you too, its embarrassing I know," Sirius cocked up his eyebrow, "I have done the impossible!" He shouted in the halls, while students were sneering at him for being too loud and bumping into people.

"We are having a party after exams at the end of the week, you should come," he suggested, "Sure, I have to get to transfiguration class," He nodded and kissed her on the cheek, "ew," She secretly loved it but all he did was wink. She quickly hurried to Transfiguration, entering Professor McGonagall's classroom, the classroom started to quickly fill in with students from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. 

After the Transfiguration class, she headed to the library to find Snape, "Fuck," she whispered to herself as she looked at the time, it was 3:32. She ran to the library and saw Snape waiting at a table in the back of the library. He had a pile of books next to him relating to Amortentia, she quickly ran over to him.

"You're late." He said in a monotoned voice, "Yes, I know. I was let out of class late." She placed her bag on the ground and started to take out a piece of parchment, "Oh you've started writing already," She said surprisingly as she looked at the parchment next to Snape who had written about two pages already.

"I've written everything," He paused and looked at her parchment that was blank, "except your part," She rolled her eyes, "I couldn't work on the essay during Transfiguration,"

He scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Just forget about it, Snape," She turned to her books and saw Lily and Maeve had entered the library, deep in a conversation, "Lily! Maeve! Over here!" Cordelia shouted across the library receiving multiple "hushes" from the other students including the librarian who let her come back to the library, "Be done with the essay by tomorrow" Snape said before quickly grabbing his books and bags, he rushed out of the library, but in the opposite way from Lily and Maeve.

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