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Cordelia arrived home to see Alex and his mother, Ophelia, with her mother, talking at the table, "Hello," Cordelia greeted her mother and her company, "Can I have a minute alone with my daughter?" She looked up at Ophelia and Alex who nodded their heads.

Esmée took a mug out of the cupboard and filled the kettle with water, "are they staying with us?" Cordelia asked as she took a seat across of her mother at the breakfast table.

"? is that a problem, dear?" Her mother looked back at her daughter as she opened a tea packed and placed it in her mug, "it's just strange because you came back home and find two people who I don't know very well, sitting in the house."

Cordelia raised her eyebrow as she tried to understand what her mother was thinking. The kettle started to shake creating steam from the spout and the kettle started to whistle, "I invited them to stay with me because they were a big part of my life, and Alex brought you back here, safely."

Cordelia walked over and poured the hot water from the kettle into her mother's mug, "Thank you," she swirled the tea bag around before placing it into the bin, "Fine, that make sense, and Alex and I are basically friends already. Plus he's going to Hogwarts next year so we have to get along."

Her mother carefully sipped her tea as she gracefully took a seat at the dining table. "Thank you, Delia dear. Greatly appreciated" Cordelia placed herself next to her mother.

"now, tell me, because I've been wondering. The knife I found when you brought me to your study when you told me about you being a witch," Cordelia put her elbows on the table and hands on her cheeks.

Her mother stirred her tea and looked up at her daughter, "Yes, I'll tell you about that," She paused and took a sip of her tea.

"When I was resurrected by a witch, I still had my powers, they were powerful than ever. I had burnt down a house without control, so I decided to relinquished my magic into a knife to prevent a magic trace towards me. Therefore, as a non-practicing witch, I worked at a cafe, where I met your father.Before your father and I got married I told him I was a witch, but hid my magic, that's when he told me he was a wizard."

"Why were you so defensive when I found the knife? You looked so shocked like you didn't know where it was," Cordelia asked while her mother took another sip of her tea.

"That's because I forgot where I put it, I lost it. I couldn't find where it was for many years, and you found it a couple minutes in the library. When you opened the book and took out the knife, I felt some magic return to my body."

Her mother said she hid the knife somewhere so Esther and the vampires couldn't find her. She also told Cordelia that it would be beneficial to have a supernatural in the house to keep her protected.


Sirius came by her house, "Hello, Esmée," He greeted her mother, "She's outside with her friend, Alex," she pointed outside where Cordelia was being pushed on a swing by Alex, once she was high enough. She jumped from the swing and landed on the ground.

"Ha! I jumped further than you!" Cordelia shouted and ran out Alex, "That was because I pushed you, your pushes were weak," he crossed his and stormed off, passing Sirius.

Sirius walked up to Cordelia and kissed her on the cheek, "Who was that?" She looked up and pointed to Alex who was talking to her mother, "That's my friend, he came a couple months ago. His mother is best friends with mine. They are staying here until they find a place, maybe a few more months," Cordelia sat back on the swing.

"He's living with you," Sirius scoffed, clearly jealous that she would be around that boy for a couple months, "It's not like I'm going to fall for him," She chuckled and saw Sirius's sad face.

"Don't worry, Sirius, I won't," She patted him on the cheek, "Push me?" She asked as he swung her back and forth.

"What's Remus up to?" She looked over at Sirius who was standing behind her, he told her he went to see his family and they went to the beach. Sirius had hung out with Remus and James a couple times already this summer.

"Oh that's fun," Cordelia replied, as she explained how she was going to stay at Lily's house for a couple days with Dorcas and Marlene. While Lily's sister out of town with her fiancé. They were going to get married around October.

"also, don't be mad, but Alex is joining Hogwarts next year, he was never at a school before, alway home schooled," She took his hand as they walked back in the house.

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