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"So, you are telling me that is what Snape did to Lily?" She looked between Sirius and James who was walking in front of her, "and that their friendship ended because he called her a 'mudblood'!" The two Gryffindor boys nodded their heads, "Lily would kill you if she knew you called Maree a 'mudblood'." Cordelia was talking to Sirius as he nodded his head.

"Wow, Snape is fucked up," She breathed out and sat back in to the chair, "but," she moved forward, "why do you bully, Snape. Did he do anything to you two?" They shook their heads and looked at Peter who was mumbling words, "Well now, that is fucked up," She stood up and looked at the time, "Shit, shit, shit," she turned to the guys, "why am I always late to everything!"

"Where are you going?" Sirius asked as she ran towards the direction to the kitchen "I had to meet Maeve and Maree an hours ago! They probably think I ditched! Bye!" She ran down the stairs, then through a hallway, then pass the kitchen to the Hufflepuff common room.

She opened the door and saw her friends sitting on the ground playing cards, "Were you snogging anyone?" Mave asked as she put a queen of hearts down on a pile, "What?" Cordelia shouted and crossed her arms, "I was not, I was walking with Potter and Black because they got into a fight with Snape," The two girls ignored her and went back to their game, "Oh, you have a letter on your bed," Maree said in her angelic voice, Cordelia immediately ran up the stairs.

Cordelia went up to her dormitory, and a letter sitting on her bed along with a package, she sat down at the edge of her bed. She opened the package and saw a book inside of it, "Esmée Dubois Grimoire". She looked at the note attached to the package, "From your mother," After, she opened the letter that read:

Dear Cordelia,

I received a letter from my oldest friend, a witch, she informed me that my nephews, the vampires, Klaus and Elijah are trying to find you a certain event since you are the youngest witch in the family; however, I am not sure all of the details, but be careful. She said that they are most likely to be traveling with a witch to break boundary and protection spells since they are forbidden in areas of Europe. I will give you more details when I receive them, and I hope you are having a lovely time at Hogwarts. Enjoy the book, I thought it would be a good time to give it to you.

I love you and stay safe,


Cordelia panicked about hearing that her cousin vampires would be finding her and that they were in Europe already,  she knew what they were capable of. She only knew that they were vampires, and could snap her neck instantly, "Fuck!" She yelled and pranced around the room thinking of what to do. She suddenly thought of an idea that would not keep herself from being found, but she assumed learning more spells would help her protect herself. She wanted to start off with accent black magic spells and reading her mother's Grimoire.

"We heard you scream, what happened!" Maeve and Maree appeared in their dorm, exhausted from running up the stairs, "oh nothing," Grimoire flicked her wrist and the letter from her mother turned into ashes, "Thank, Merlin!" Maeve sighed in relief, "We thought you died or that vampire came back," Maeve joked but Cordelia's face turned pale.

Maree moved herself so she could sit on Cordelia's bed, "What's that?" Maree questioned as Cordelia took the book as moved it on her dresser, "Present from my mother,"

"Oh, whats it abo-" Cordelia cut Maeve from asking any questions and suggested that they should go to bed and get up early for breakfast before Maeve's quidditch practice and Maree's prefect meeting, "um, alright" Maeve said suspiciously while Maree was already fast asleep on her bed.

The next day, Cordelia and Maree were getting ready for breakfast when Maeve shouted, "I'm famished!" running out the room grabbing both Maree and Cordelia's hands, who were telling her to slow down. Cordelia quickly got a grip of her book before Maeve nearly threw her in the wall, "Slow down! I mean it!" Maree shouted and whined, "Faster was that!" Maeve maliciously laughed as she sped up, running into many of the Hufflepuffs, while Maree apologized to them.

They arrived at the Great Hall, and went to sit down at the Hufflepuff table, Cordelia took a piece of bread and chomped it down, "So, what class do you guys have first?" She looked over at her giggling friends, "What's wrong?" Maree held up a mirror to Cordelia's face, it was as large as a pumpkin. She looked over at the Gryffindor table and saw Oliver and Bryan laughing at her.

Cordelia stomped over to Gryffindor table and slammed her hands on their table, "Alright, who did this!" She shouted at the two Gryffindor boys, who shrugged their shoulders, "It was you right, Ollie?" She pointed her finger at him as he vigorously shook his head, "No, but whoever did that is bloody smart," Cordelia didn't believe it wasn't Oliver, "Prewett, thank you for calling me smart, I'm so flattered," Sirius cheekily smiled and ate a piece of his bread, "Oh, Black. You are going to wish you were never born," She stood across of the table squinting her eyes, "I already wish that," He smiled before leaving the Great Hall with his three other friends.

Cordelia angrily stomped to the Hufflepuff table, "Its time to get revenge on them," Cordelia plopped herself on her seat as Maree took the curse off of her, "We steal a bottle of poly juice from the supply cabinet and prank Sirius," Maeve was excited and loved the idea while Maree was skeptical, "With whose bodies though?" Maeve asked while finishing her eggs.

"With Lily's, Dorcas and Remus's," Cordelia smirked and looked over at the boys leaving the Great Hall laughing, "What about their other friend, Peter?" Maree raised her eyebrow, "no worries about him," She thought that she could make Oliver and Bryan distract him for at least an hour. Later that day, Cordelia told the plan to Bryan and Oliver, who immediately agreed, "So, when is this happening?"

"Tonight," Maeve shouted as she walked in to the Hufflepuff common room with a bottle of poly juice potion, "we have to get Lily and Remus to agree," Maree worriedly said and walked over to the four, "I already convinced them, Remus land Dorcas loved the idea, but Lily was less. Took a longer time for her to agree."

Cordelia split the drink into three cups and put a strand of each of their hairs in one cup, Maeve drank the one of Remus and Maree drank the one of Dorcas. The three girls look at each other in the mirror, "Woah," the all said together and turned around to Oliver and Bryan who had the largest smiles.

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