1 | Goodbye

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"Hinata-kun, we'll hang out again tomorrow, right?"

"Sorry, I have a doctor's appointment so I won't have time."

Komaeda frowned.

"That sucks... Well, we still have plenty of time after that!" He smiled.

Hinata leaned forward and kissed his forehead.

"Yeah, we do." They didn't.

"Then let's just have fun now, you said we could eat lunch together, right?" Komaeda asked.

"Right, I know a nice place we could go to."

Hinata grabbed his hand and lead him there. He knew Komaeda brought lunch for the both of them. He was a terrible chef, so he always asked Hanamura for help.

The both of them sat down on the grass.

Komaeda handed Hinata one of the boxes and a pair of chopsticks. They began eating.

It was summer. The weather was nice and warm. Komaeda had tied his blazer around his waist.

Hinata looked at him. The wind brushed through his hair as he began smiling.

Hinata loved him. Komaeda loved him back.

No one but Komaeda's best friend, Souda, knew that they were a couple.

Everything was perfect the way it was. Komaeda would hate it if anything changed.

"I love you, Hinata-kun."

"I love you too, Komaeda."

"Ah, there's something I got you!" Komaeda started rummaging through his bag.

"Got it!" He grinned, handing it to Hinata. "It's a lucky charm." It was a pin that looked like a four-leaf clover.

Hinata smiled.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." Hinata put the pin on his chest pocket, sticking it there.

After they were done eating, Hinata lead Komaeda to a park. They sat down on a bench.

Komaeda leaned his head on Hinata's shoulder, making the other's face turn red.

"You really are my favorite person, Hinata-kun. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You're my favorite person too."

After a few hours, Hinata told Komaeda he had to go.

"Well then, see you sometime after tomorrow!" Komaeda giggled.

Hinata smiled, gently grabbing his face. Komaeda leaned in and they kissed.

When they pulled away, both of their faces were red.

"Yeah, see you." Hinata smiled and walked away.

When he was gone, Komaeda sighed.

He didn't know why, but that Farewell had felt too... permanent.

That was silly though.

Surely, they'd see each other again... right?

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now