10 | Planning

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When Komaeda woke up, he felt dried tears on his face. His whole body felt gross.

He sat up, letting out a tired groan.

What time was it?

He checked his phone.

"Huh?! Already 7 a.m.?!" Komaeda gasped. He'd slept for that long?

Well, there was still an hour left before he had to go to school.

He would just have to ignore the pain in his chest he'd felt ever since Hinata's death.

Even if he felt like he could never be happy again.

And even if he felt like-

"Just move on already!" He hissed to himself, cutting off his thoughts.

Komaeda made his way over to the bathroom and brushed his teeth.
He looked horrible.

He had bags under his eyes for whatever reason, there were tear stains on his cheeks and he looked exhausted.

Komaeda decided to just splash water in his face. Yep. He looked at least somewhat presentable now.

After brushing his teeth and hair, he went to put on his uniform.

"How do you tie a tie again..?" He muttered, grabbing his phone to look it up.

He'd always been bad at tying his ties so whenever it looked messed up, Hinata would fix it for him on their way to school.

Komaeda grabbed his bag and left his house. He'd given up on his tie after three attempts.

Yawning, he reached the school grounds.


"Kamukura-kun... hey." He looked at him.

Kamukura was pointing at Komaeda's chest.

"What?" He frowned.

"I can fix that." Before Komaeda could say anything, Kamukura had began tying his tie.

"Oh... thank you." Komaeda smiled slightly.

He still felt exhausted, like he could collapse any minute now, but he had to ignore it.
The both of them entered the classroom together.

"Nagito-chan! Are you feeling better now?" Mioda asked.

"Mhm." He walked towards his seat. Everyone was so loud. He hated it.

Luckily, Yukizome walked in shortly after and greeted the class.

During p.e., Komaeda felt terrible. His whole body was hurting at this point and he wanted nothing more than to just sleep.

"Komaeda, you alright there?" Souda whispered.

"No, I... uh... catch me, please..." With that, he passed out and fell onto Souda's chest.

"Huh?! Dude, you okay?! Soul bro?" He put him on the floor, shaking him slightly.

"What happened?" Kamukura crouched down next to him.

"I don't know, he just passed out." The whole class was circled around the three of them at this point.

"Souda, let's get him to the nurses office." Kamukura said.

"Y-yeah, of course."

The both of them carried him there and put him on a bed.

"Ugh... any idea what's up with him?" Souda asked.

"You are his closest friend, correct? Did something happen to him recently? Like a shocking or traumatizing event? He has been more exhausted and easily scared lately."

"Uh... well someone really close to him passed away."

"I see. That is probably the cause." Kamukura nodded.

"What can we do then?"

"I do not know, everyone mourns loved ones differently. We should try to support him as good as we can."

Komaeda groaned, slowly opening his eyes.

"Souda... kun..?" He slowly sat up.

"Yeah, I'm here. Kamukura's too," Souda explained. "You suddenly passed out."

"Sorry for worrying you guys..." Komaeda looked out the window.

"Uh, Kamukura said you might be feeling so bad because of Hinata," Souda said.

"That might be it, but... Ah, never mind,"

"Hm... how about we spend time together this weekend? The three of us, I mean. That could get your mind off of things," Kamukura offered.

"You think so?" Komaeda titled his head.

"He's right, let's do it!" Souda grinned.

"Well... if you're both fine with it, I'd like to." He smiled.

"Awesome! So, what will we do then? It's summer, we could go swimming, maybe?"

"Uh... sure..." Komaeda nervously agreed.

"And we could go to the movie theater. I heard there is a good horror movie," Kamukura said.

"I don't know... I've been scared more easily recently..."

"Don't worry, I will protect you," Kamukura promised. Komaeda giggled.

Souda got up. "We should wear matching outfits!"

"Huh? Why?"

"Because it's fun!"

"I am not wearing something you like to wear." Kamukura shook his head.

"Oh, come on! Komaeda?"

"As long as it's not one of your jumpsuits..."

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now