37 | Broken Promise

367 17 9

I'm sorry abt this I swear

"Glad you're back, soul bro! You missed a bunch of stuff," Souda was talking to Komaeda. "Mioda came up with a new song on Wednesday and played it for us. Honestly, it's kinda shit, but she seems to be happy so that's cool, right? Anyway..."

Kamukura listened from outside the classroom. As he stepped inside, he didn't listen to Souda anymore.

Komaeda looked at him and gave him a small smile and wave.

Kamukura shot him a glare, obviously making the other boy nervous as he looked down at his desk.

"Ayo?!" Kamukura suddenly heard Souda gasped. Then he smirked and whispered. Kamukura had good ears, so he heard it. "Looks like you got lucky, eh? Who's the guy you're with?"

"What do you mean?"

Souda gestured to his neck. You could see some sort of blue mark there. "You have a hickey," he whisper-yelled.

"No, I don't. That's a bruise,"

"Oh. And here I thought my soul bro finally got a guy,"

He laughed. "Souda-kun, you're acting like I've never dated anyone before,"

Kamukura gritted his teeth. 'Like I've never dated anyone before'? More like 'as if I'm not dating anyone at the moment'.

"You seem upset," Hanamura said.


The shorter boy smirked. "Is there a love triangle going on? If you ever feel lonely, I'd be glad to-"

"Shut up." He continued staring at Komaeda.

Komaeda whispered something in Souda's ear. He seemed scared. Souda suddenly looked at Kamukura and shot him a glare.

Komaeda tugged on his sleeve, making his friend look at him again, and shook his head.

Kamukura listened to them again.

"I didn't mean to... I was just so confused..." Komaeda said.

"It's not your fault,"

"It is!"

The whole day, Kamukura stared at Komaeda.

When school was over, he finally approached him. Komaeda stood in front of his locker and was changing his shoes when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and smiled nervously. He knew Kamukura was upset.

"Kamukura-kun? Can I help you?"

Kamukura had trouble expressing his emotions. The only time he didn't have trouble, was when he and Komaeda got together.

"I... am mad at you,"

Komaeda nodded. "I know... I'm sorry, I was cold to you yesterday and I'm really sorry for that,"

"I'm upset with you,"

"I know that. Again, I'm really sorry,"

Kamukura frowned. He was still mad at him. But Komaeda apologized, so he wasn't allowed to lash out.

"I'm still upset,"

"How can I make it up to you?"

"I don't know... this is frustrating." He gritted his teeth.

Kamukura remembered seeing an interview with a boxer. The boxer said that, whenever he was mad, he'd go practice. Maybe that would help Kamukura. Now, obviously, he wasn't gonna beat Komaeda up.

He would never, ever do that.

Maybe... taking his anger out on the lockers would help.

"Kamukura-kun? Are you listening-" He got interrupted by Kamukura punching a hole into the locker next to his head.

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now