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Tbh I rly hate yandere! Nagito books and stuff it's gross. Like, taking any character with mental illnesses and making them a yandere is uncool. Don't romanticize stalking, murder and SA. If you do write that kinda stuff at least portray it as what it is: crimes.
Also it's demonizing nagitos love for Hajime which happens quite a lot with mlm characters like 😐.

Fr gonna write a yandere! Hajime x nagito book out of pure spite /j
Anyway enjoy the chapter though they're finally happy!!

Class 77-B had graduated now.

Most of them didn't go study anything else now since Hope's Peak students are allowed to do bascially anything they want.

Souda was a mechanic, obviously. He'd opened his own shop.

Kamukura was a therapist.

Komaeda had no idea what he wanted to be, so he just sat at home all day, cleaing everything, cooking, doing the laundry and sulking about not having a job yet.

Kamukura and Komaeda had moved in together into Komaeda's house.

It was evening now and Kamukura would come home at any minute. Komaeda had cooked dinner and now he was waiting for him in the kitchen.

Mioda had joked about Komaeda making a good housewife because of all this stuff, which made him really embarrassed.

He heard the keys open the front door and smiled.

Kamukura walked into the kitchen and gave him a kiss. "Hey,"

Komaeda hugged him. Kamukura rubbed his back.

"I, uhm, made food. I hope it's good, it's a new recipe. Hanamura-kun gave me some tips,"

Kamukura smiled. "I'm sure it tastes great, sweetheart,"

The petname made Komaeda's turn pink. He looked up and noticed that Kamukura seemed nervous.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine,"

After they ate dinner, Kamukura picked Komaeda up. He seemed energetic all of a sudden.

"I-izuru!" Komaeda yelped.

Kamukura smirked and threw him onto the bed.

"Jeez, be a bit more gentle, will you?!" Komaeda crossed his arms, looking away.

Kamukura nodded and grabbed his face. Gently, this time. He looked at Komaeda, as if asking for consent and kissed him, when he saw him nod.

The kiss was passionate and, with Komaeda's low stamina, had to be brought to a stop after a minute.

Komaeda was panting and looking up at Kamukura, who was hovering above him. He gave Kamukura a quick peck on the cheek and sat up, smiling.

Kamukura reached into his pocket with one hand and used the other to cup Komaeda's cheek.

"You're so beautiful..." He admired the other man. "I love you so much,"

"I love you too," Komaeda said.

"I wanna be with you forever, Nagito. I want to kiss you till the end of time,"

Komaeda chuckled. "I wanna be with you forever too,"

"Then let's make it official,"

Komaeda tilted his head, but realized the situation once Kamukura got onto one knee.

He gasped and looked around, shocked at the spontaneous idea of his boyfriend.

"Nagito." He began, pulling a box out of his pocket. "Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

Komaeda stood there, shocked, before he took in the situation. "Yes!"

He wrapped his arms around Kamukura and kissed him.

Kamukura carried him to the bed and they kissed again. Komaeda hugged him and began to cry. Kamukura did the same.

They sat there for what felt like hours, embracing each other and crying out of happiness.

"Izuru..." Komaeda looked up at him. God, Kamukura adored him as much as the day he fell in love with him.


"Sleepy..." He yawned.

Kamukura laughed. He got into bed and cuddled up to Komaeda.

"I'm sleepy too,"

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now