25 | Storm

367 18 29

Thinks abt the Manga where nagito told Hajime rain doesn't hit him coz of his luck 💀

"Aw, jeez..." Komaeda sighed. "It's already so cold and now it's raining too?"

Kamukura handed him his umbrella.

Komaeda smiled. "That's kind, but I don't need it. Rain doesn't hit me,"

"Huh?" Kamukura asked.

"He's not lying, bro. Seems impossible, I know, but it's true," Souda said.

"Then why were you upset about the rain?" Kamukura asked.
"I might be lucky enough not to get hit by it, but that means I'll get bad luck too. I slip and fall all the time when it rains," Komaeda explained.

They all began walking. It was true. Komaeda didn't get hit by it.

"That's physically impossible," Kamukura pointed out.

Komaeda giggled. "I know,"

They kept walking. It was all silent except for a few cars driving by, the rain hitting the floor and Komaeda humming.

The city was peaceful.

"Halloween is soon," Souda said. "Mioda's throwing a party again,"

"Will you be attending?" Komaeda asked his friend.

Souda thought for a second. Then, he shrugged.

"Yeah. It's always a lot of fun,"

Komaeda smiled. "I bet it is! All of the ultimates together in one house! Ah, how hopeful that must be,"

"You seem like you're back to your old self," Souda laughed.

Komaeda just smiled, before speaking again. "Will you be attending too, Kamukura-kun?"

"I might. I haven't been to a party before. Will you go, Komaeda?"

He shook his head. "Not my thing,"

"Why not?"

"It's all so loud and there's flashing lights and everyone's dancing and... I'm not a fan of that,"

"Dude! You have go to come! Don't let me down, soul bro!" Souda grabbed his arm and shook him around.

"Sorry... Soul friend, I really don't want to go though,"

"Step outta your comfort zone a bit, bro!" He lightly hit his back. "You're eighteen, enjoy being young!"

"I enjoy not going to parties,"

"Please? Pretty please?"

"I won't go,"

"C'mon, for your best friend?"

Komaeda shook his head. "Mioda-san hasn't even invited me. She knows I won't want to go,"

"Ugh! You're no fun!"

Suddenly, thunder could be heard. Komaeda shrieked.

"Holy shit! I thought it was just kinda rainy." Souda looked around.

Komaeda latched onto Kamukura. "I-I don't like thunderstorms,"

"It's not a storm, man," Souda tried to calm him down.

Then, a big lightning bolt could be seen in the sky. A few seconds later, thunder roared again.

"I wanna go home now!" Komaeda said.

A strong wind burst made Souda's umbrella fly away.

"Oh come on!" He yelled. Komaeda took off his jacket and held it over Souda's head.

"Thanks, man,"

"Let's go to my house. It's pretty close to where we are," Komaeda said.

They all hurried over to his house.

When they finally arrived, Komaeda's jacket was soaked in water.

He got a towel and put it on the floor.

"Put your shoes on there." He said, hanging up the jacket he'd given Souda.

He jumped again when another thunderbolt filled the streets.

Kamukura put a hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down.
They all rushed into Komaeda's room and sat down on his bed.

Komaeda was holding Kamukura's hand tightly.

"So loud..." He muttered. Kamukura heard that and put his hands on the other's ears. Komaeda put his hands on top of Kamukura's.

"Y'all look gay," Souda said.

Kamukura rolled his eyes. "I am I love with him, that might be why,"

Komaeda signaled Kamukura to take his hands away from his ears.

"What did you guys- Kyaaah!"

Souda burst into laughter as Komaeda held his hands over his mouth.

"Dude, you scream like a girl,"

"Not my fault! What's wrong with the way girls sound anyway?" He
asked, cheeks red.

Souda just continued laughing. "Never expected a guy like you to sound like that,"

"Well, sorry that I scream weirdly!" He huffed, crossing his arms.

The storm didn't die down. In fact, it only got worse. Komaeda opened his computer to check the school's website and see if anyone had gotten hurt or something. Luckily, everyone was fine, but it did say that Hope's Peak wouldn't be open the next day, as it would be too dangerous.

He turned on the news and a reporter said that all citizens should find shelter and stay there as long as possible. Driving was prohibited.

"God dammit... I gotta call my mom." Souda said, walking into the other room to do so.

Komaeda had his head on Kamukura's lap as the other man played with his hair to calm him down. It seemed to relax him.

Komaeda yawned. Unfortunately, just as he was getting comfortable, another thunderbolt could be heard.

"Uwaaah!" Komaeda let out another surprisingly high scream. Then, he heard Souda laughing in the other room.

"Shut up!" He yelled.

He hid his face in Kamukura's chest, embarrassed even though Souda wasn't even in the same room as them.

Kamukura smiled ans stroked his hair. Komaeda tilted his head up a bit, looking at the other man.

"If you were in a relationship," Komaeda began. "Do you think... do you think you'd like kissing your partner?"

"I would like to kiss you," Kamukura answered.

Komaeda felt his face get hot. "A-and... what about like, well, petnames? Do you know any? I always called Hajime by his name, but sometimes he'd, uh... call me... well..." He averted his gaze.

"What did he call you?" Kamukura prodded.

"Ah... babe or baby... it was... kind of sweet as long as it wasn't in public,"

Kamukura nodded and gently cupped Komaeda's face.

"I can call you that, if you wish,"

Komaeda looked him in the eyes. He took a deep breath.

Was this right?

Should he... be close with Kamukura like this?

The other man pulled his face a bit closer, still leaving room for Komaeda to speak if he wished to object to his actions.

Komaeda brought his face closer to Kamukura's as well. They were only a few centimeters apart now.

He opened his mouth slightly and tilted his head. Kamukura put a hand on his waist and-

"My mom said I can stay here till the storm- Ayo! What the fuck?!" Souda exclaimed.

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now