5 | Trying

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In the Mangas he'd read, the love interest was always calm and collected. The average cool guy.

Kamukura supposed he could fall under that category. Well, except the 'average' part.

He often saw the boys backing the girls against a wall.

It seemed odd to him. Why try to scare someone you like?

He sighed. If it would get Komaeda to like him, he would do it.

Right now, the boy in question was using his locker.
Kamukura walked up to him.

"Oh, Kamukura-kun, hey!" Komaeda smiled. Kamukura slammed his hand next to Komaeda's head, against a locker.

"Uhm..." Komaeda raised an eyebrow.

"You're quite interesting, Komaeda." He winked.

"Thanks..? I should go now though." He tried to walk away, but Kamukura grabbed his wrist with his other hand and held it against the lockers too.

"Are you going to rob me?"

Kamukura had thought about to many ways of delivering his next line. He forced a chuckle.

"'Course not, pretty boy."

"Don't mock me!" Komaeda yelled.

"I'm not mocking you, buttercup."

In the Mangas Kamukura had read, the girls would all get shy and flustered.

All the actual girls he'd met so far, would never react like that though.

Komaeda's reaction didn't surprise him too much.
If even girls wouldn't act the way they're portrayed, why would a boy?

But then... how could he get Komaeda to be flustered?
He'd have to try out other ways.

Kamukura let go of Komaeda.

"About time." He huffed. "The heck was that?"

"I read shoujo Mangas."


"I wanted to try out certain techniques."

Komaeda laughed. "Shoujo Mangas are mostly just the fantasy of the people who come up with them and the ones who read them. Don't confuse that with reality."

Kamukura furrowed his eyebrows.

"We will see about that."

Later that day, Kamukura took Komaeda to another bookstore. Komaeda was looking for murder mystery books as Kamukura searched through the Manga section.

"I found a couple that I might like!" Komaeda smiled, walking up to Kamukura.

"Are there stories about two boys that love each other here?" Kamukura asked.

"Well... that kind of stuff is over there, but-"
Before Komaeda could finish his sentence, Kamukura had began reading.

"W-wait, don't look at it!" Komaeda ran towards him.

"They are sleeping with each other."

"I tried to warn you." Komaeda sighed. "There's barely anything with two boys that's not inappropriate."

"Odd." Kamukura turned the page.

"If it's odd, why are you looking at it?" Komaeda snatched the book away from Kamukura, closing it.

"How did they get to that stage in their relationship?"

"I don't know, it was written by a girl, I doubt she has experience with this."

"Why was it written by a girl..?"

"She probably likes boys and wants to see this stuff. Even if that's not good. Oh!" Komaeda smiled, pushing past Kamukura.

"You should read this!"

"What is it about?"

Komaeda grinned. "Mioda-san told me about it! It was written and illustrated by Yamada Hifumi, he goes to our school!"

"I asked what it is about."

"I'm not too sure, but Mioda-san said it was great. And it's about two boys liking each other like you wanted!"

"I see." Kamukura grabbed the Manga.

"Oh... it's the last one." Komaeda said.

"Did you want to have it?"

"No, that's fine!" Komaeda smiled. Kamukura knew he was lying, but he had a plan.

After they'd left the store, they went to Komaeda's house.

"Do you want to read the Manga I bought?"

"Like I said, it's fine! It belongs to you."

"Let's read it together."

"Huh?" They sat down next to each other and Kamukura opened the book.

Komaeda's cheek was pressed against his. They were very close to each other.

Kamukura memorized the romantic parts of the story. When they were done, he fell asleep on Komaeda's shoulder.

"Eh?" He looked at him. His movements made Kamukura's head fall onto his lap.

"Hm!" Komaeda squeaked, surprised.

Slowly, he began relaxing. Komaeda started twirling around Kamukura's hair.

Little did he know, the other had been awake this whole time.

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now