8 | cooking

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Just wanna say this really quick! I looked up some traditional Japanese meals for this. Specifically breakfasts and I wrote those in this chapter. I'm not Japanese though, so if there's someone who is reading this who is Japanese, feel free to correct me!

In the end, Souda decided to stay at Komaeda's house for the night.

They decided to watch the rest of the movies and stay up all night.

Souda really wanted to help Komaeda keep his mind off of things.

"Souda-kun, I'm tired," Komaeda whined. Souda pinched his cheeks in an attempt to keep him awake.

"Oww..." He weakly tired to pry the other's hands away, before the sleepiness took over him and he fell asleep on Souda's chest. He decided to turn off the TV and sleep as well.

The next day, he was woken up by Komaeda, who was wearing an apron and looking really determined.

"Souda-kun, wake up!"


"Get your lazy butt out of bed right now!" He scolded.

"Jeez..." Souda sat up, yawning. "Did ya make food or somethin'?" Souda asked, looking up at him.

"Mhm! Hanamura-kun taught me some stuff." Komaeda grabbed

Souda's hand and lead him into the kitchen. "Eat as much as you want!"

Souda sat down and grabbed a bottle of water, quickly pouring it into a cup.

Komaeda took off the apron and sat down as well.

"I really hope you like it. I'm, ah, not the best cook." His cheeks heated up slightly.

"I think it tastes pretty great." He said, chewing on some rice.

"I'm glad then." Komaeda had just started eating, when Souda already began drinking the miso soup.

"You're a fast eater," Komaeda pointed out.

"I'm just hungry. My parents never make breakfast like this."

"Well, this is still kind of basic, isn't it? Hanamura-kun said he thinks it would be best to approach cooking slowly and then try to teach me more extravagant meals."

"I guess." Souda shrugged, finishing the soup. "Still tastes better than bread."

"If you want, I could bring you lunch to school too!" Komaeda smiled. "I always prepared and extra bento for Hajime because he never had time to cook for himself."

"That'd be awesome, but, uh, don't overwork yourself," Komaeda laughed.

"Making two bentos won't put me into a coma, Souda-kun,"

"You're right." Souda chuckled. "Are you done eating?"

"Yep." Komaeda put the dishes into the sink. "You can wait in the living room while I do the dishes."

"Should I help you?"

"Well, I guess you could dry them."

"For sure."
When they were done with that, the both of them got dressed.
Komaeda looked at his phone and saw that he had gotten a text.

Hanamura-kun: Are you free for cooking lessons today?

"Souda-kun, would you like to come with me to Hanamura-kun's

"To learn how to cook? As long as I don't gotta do anything, it's


Komaeda: Would it be okay if Souda-kun tagged along?

Hanamura-kun: Ooh, for sure. The more, the merrier!

They quickly walked over to Hanamura's place, since it wasn't far away.

"So then, Komaeda-kun, are we still going to work on bento boxes?"

"I'd like to, at least. I want to make something that Souda-kun would like."

"Souda-kun? What about Hinata-kun?"

"Uhm... he's, ah... I don't have to make lunch for him anymore."

"Oh? Did you guys break up?" He smirked. "Are you on the market again, then?"

"We didn't break up, he... he's no longer with us." Hanamura's face fell.

"I-I'm so sorry!" He yelled. "I had no idea!"

"It's alright... not like it's your fault. Uhm, how about we change the topic of our discussion? What do you like to eat, Souda-kun?"

"Oh, I really like katsu!"

"I have the ingredients for that prepared in advance!" Hanamura grinned. "I know Komaeda-kun likes it too."

"That's right, I do!" He smiled.

"Now then, let's get started! Step number one?" Hanamura asked.

Komaeda looked around. "Ah, it should be at room temperature, so we have to close the windows." He pointed out.

After a while of Souda being bored and Hanamura helping Komaeda out, they were done.

"Thank you, Hanamura-kun! Is there any way I can make it up to you?" Komaeda asked.

Hanamura smirked.

"Well, you could always pay me by taking off your clo-"

"No." Komaeda smiled. "You know I'm not doing that."

"Aw, but you're such a good-looking guy, it'd be a waste not to show yourself off."

"That's just too bad, I'm still not doing anything like that." He said.

"Fine..." Hanamura rolled his eyes.

Komaeda and Souda left after that. They decided to go back to Komaeda's house.

When they went inside, Komaeda let out a sigh.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just... exhausted." He said.

"Do you wanna take a nap?"

"Mm... I don't know..." Souda walked closer to him and gave him a hug.

"Let's get you to bed, yeah?" Komaeda nodded and they went upstairs.

He quickly got into bed.

"Souda-kun, can you stay here, please?"


Komaeda pulled Souda into the bed, surprising the other, but soo enough, he relaxed too and the both of them fell asleep.
Later, Souda woke up to Komaeda holding onto him tightly.


"Komaeda? Buddy, you should wake up."

"Huh..?" He slowly opened his eyes. "Oh, right. You're still here."

"Yeah." He sat up."But I'll have to go soon. My parents will freak out if I don't."

"You're probably right. Should I walk you there?"


When they arrived at Souda's house, his father opened the door.

"Here there, Kaz!" He ruffled his son's hair. "Did you boys have fun?" He grinned.

"Mhm." Souda hummed, walking inside. "See you tomorrow, Komaeda!" He waved.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow!" He smiled.

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