33 | Tied up

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"And who are you kids?" One of them asked.

"You know who I am," Nakamura hissed.

"Who are they?" Komaeda whispered.

"They're the ones who killed Hinata-san," Nakamura whispered back.

Komaeda gritted his teeth.

"Let's make sure they don't tell anyone," A scientist said. They began walking towards Komaeda and Nakamura. The two students had their backs pressed against each other.

Komaeda was furious. He punched one of the men as hard as he could in the face.

"Agh! Fucking shit!" The man held his jaw, clearly in pain. Komaeda kicked him in the stomach.

"Filthy murderer!" He yelled, kicking the man again. He fell to the floor and Komaeda stepped on his stomach.

Suddenly, someone grabbed his arm. Another man was trying to restrain him.

Komaeda wasn't an experienced fighter. He'd only been able to hurt that man because no one was protecting him. Komaeda began trying to get the man to let go.

Komaeda saw that Nakamura had whipped out a pocket knife. He grinned.

"Don't come near me!" He threatened, holding the knife in front of him.

Komaeda had a secret weapon too, he couldn't use it now though. If he announced he was holding a weapon, they could steal it. He had to show it to them when no one was holding him.

The man, who was holding him, held a piece of cloth over his mouth.

Komaeda began to feel dizzy. He tried to fight back, but his body got weaker by the second.

"Komaeda-san!" Nakamura yelled as he saw him pass out. Due to him being distracted, the scientists were able to grab him.

When Komaeda woke up, he felt uncomfortable. He was tied up and laying next to Nakamura, who was still asleep.

"N-Nakamura-kun?" He called out. "Can you hear me?"

The other boy groaned.
"Wh-where are we?" He asked Komaeda.

"No idea, but I've dealt with stuff like this before, we'll be okay," He assured him.

"I'm so sorry for dragging you into this, man,"

Komaeda shook his head. "There's no time to be sorry. Scream as loud as you can,"

"We're probably somewhere no one can hear us,"

"I know. I just wanna annoy those guys,"

Nakamura chuckled and nodded. "Alright, let's give it everything we've got." He began stomping his feet on the floor and screaming.

"Let us out! Let us out! Let us out! Let us out!" Komaeda soon joined in.

Finally, one of the guy from before walked into the room.

"Shut the fuck up!"

"What are you gonna do with us, huh?" Komaeda asked. "Let us starve in here? Do you wanna kill two more high-schoolers?"

"We didn't kill your stupid friend! We imporved him! You like him, don't you?!"

"That doesn't justify killing someone! Of course I like Kamukura-kun, but that doesn't make this right!" He yelled. "You're nothing more than a filthy murderer. You're not a great scientist at all. I hope you rot in hell. I hope Hinata-kun's voice haunts you forever. You're gonna die with the knowledge, that you killed an innocent boy. Someone who had hopes and dreams. Someone who did nothing wrong." He said. "You don't deserve anything!" He hissed.

"Shut up!" The man screamed.

"No, never! We're gonna be found, you know? And you'll be busted," Nakamura said.

"Found? Pfft!" He laughed. "No one will find you,"

Komaeda titled his head. "Oh, really? The 'improved Hinata' you created just so happens to be the ultimate detective. He also happens to really care about me. He's gonna find us. And it won't end pretty for you guys," He promised.

The man just groaned and left.

"Komaeda-san, I-I'm scared,"

"Me too. We can't show that though,"

They spent several days in that room, sometimes getting small portions of food.

Nakamura had lost hope already, Komaeda hadn't given up.
Everytime a scientist walked into the room, Komaeda would argue with him. It had earned him a couple punches in the face, but he didn't care.

"Alright, I've had enough of your bullshit." The man said, walking towards Komaeda. He grabbed his face. "You know, I have a good punishment for you in mind. How about we improve you too, hm? You're gonna be just as great as Kamukura,"

Komaeda's eyes widened. "N-no!"

The man smirked. "Sounds like a yes to me. We'll get prepared now. See you in two days, Kamukura"

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now