24 | Story

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Komaeda began the story once they both settled down.

"When I was young, I had a dog. He got ran over by a car in front of me. That was when I met Hajime. He cheered me up and went to get my mother. That was the day we became friends," He explained.

"My whole life, I've been haunted by good and bad luck. Whenever something good happens, something bad has to balance it out. When something bad happens, something good balances it out, get it?"

"I understand the concept, but not how it applies to your life," Kamukura said.

Komaeda nodded. "I was on a plane with my parents. We were flying back home from a vaication. There were hijackers on the plane. That's the bad luck. Then, a small meteor hit and killed them all. That's good luck. But, unfortunately, my parents got hit by it too and died as well. Bad luck. To make up for it, I inherited everything from them. That's good luck,"

"And... that actually happened?"

"Mhm. That's not all. In middle school, I got kidnapped. Obviously bad luck. Soon enough, the kidnapper realized no one was there to pay the ransom. He put me I a trash bag and threw me out. Inside the trash bag, I found a lottery ticket. I won the jackpot,"

"That's the good luck," Kamukura said.

"Exaclty. Hajime and I got closer and closer. We eventually started dating. Maybe that was my first mistake... Anyway, that was amazing luck. I'd been in love with him for a while and he actually liked me back. Unbelievable. Then he died," Komaeda said.

"I guess I sorta have abandonment issues because of that. I'm scared to get too close to people in fear that they might die, but once I like someone I always want to stay with them. I'm so messed up in the head..." He sighed. "I'm a lost cause, Kamukura-kun. Stop trying,"

"Never," He promised.

Komaeda hated himself for what he was about to do.

"Do you wanna end up like Hinata-kun? Do you wanna die and never have anyone find your body?"

Kamukura furrowed his eyebrows.

"Or do you wanna go down like my parents? My dog, perhaps? Wanna die like all of my other relatives? If you do, go ahead and keep trying to get with me. If you want to live, however, I'd recommend you keep your distance from scum like me,"


"Kamukura-kun, this is your last warning! Don't keep this up! I'm warning you-"


"I-if you want to live, you need to-"

"Komaeda!" He yelled. The other boy froze. "I know what you're doing. I'm not naive. You're trying to scare me. You want me to think you're insane,"

"I'm trying to keep you alive-"

Kamukura shook his head. "I know how to survive! I possess every talent you can think of, Komaeda! I know how to keep myself alive,"
Komaeda took a deep breath. He stayed silent for a few seconds.

Then, he held out his pinkie finger.

"You said you'd proof to me that you can stay alive, right? You said it now and you said it a few weeks ago. Do you swear to stand by what you said?"

"I do." He linked their fingers together.

Komaeda gave him a stern look. "Breaking pinkie-promises is basically a crime, you know? Make sure to keep your promise, Kamukura-kun,"

"I promise,"

Komaeda nodded. "Alright. I trust you." He smiled. He reached forward and pulled Kamukura into a hug.

"Ah. There there." He pat his head. He wasn't good at comforting people.

Kamukura laid down and pulled Komaeda with him. They both fell asleep, Komaeda on Kamukura's chest.

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now