16 | deal

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I'm sorry for all the Teruteru scenes, I know a lot of people don't like him, he's just easy to write. Also don't even worry I'm not supporting his behavior by this, he'll receive a proper punishment for his actions

"Nagito, I love you so much," Hinata muttered, pulling him closer. Komaeda's cheeks turned pink.

"I love you too..." He hid his embarrassed face in Hinata's chest

"Let's get married,"


"Not now, but sometime in the future,"

"Mm... I'd like that..." Komaeda looked up and briefly kissed Hinata.

The other grinned and rolled over, now hovering over Komaeda, who gave him a confused stare.

Hinata leaned down and covered Komaeda's face with kisses.

"H-Hajime!" He yelped. The other continued, making Komaeda more flustered with each kiss.

When he was done, Komaeda's cheeks were bright red.

"You're so pretty,"

"This is embarrassing..." Komaeda puffed out his cheeks and turned his head away from Hinata.

"Oh, you know you love me," The other teased. Komaeda sighed, before smiling.

"Yeah, I do,"

Komaeda remembered his warm lips on his face. He remembered it more clearly than anything else right now, it seemed.

"Komaeda-kun, you're not focused," Nanami said. "Is everything okay?" He smiled.

"You're too kind to trash like me. I'm alright, just... thinking,"

"You're not trash, but... if you say you're alright, I'll believe you. I think." With that, she turned her attention towards Mioda.

"Nanami-san was right, ahaha!" Hanamura giggled. "Were you thinking about something... intimate?"

"Why would I?"

"Ah, you seemed like it was a nice memory. If you wish to do something like that, I'd always be up for it! You're well within my strike zone!"

"Isn't everyone in your 'strike zone'?"

"Ah, but you're special, Komaeda-kun-"

"You say that to everyone you meet, don't you?"

"Because everyone is special in their own way!"

"Because you want to sleep with someone," Komaeda corrected. "But I won't do it. I doubt any of us will,"

"Feisty, are we? I like a good challenge!" He winked.

"Ew!" Souda groaned. "You've got a hand, use it!"

"Ah, but my hands could never compare to Komaeda-kun's slender, soft-"

"Shut it, jeez!" Komaeda hissed. "Imagine if I talked about you like that!"

"Ah, I would enjoy that. And I'd certainly take you up on the offer,"

"Leave him alone, Hanamura." Kamukura gave him a death stare, grabbing Komaeda's hand.

"O-Of course!" He hurried away.

"Thanks, Kamukura-kun."


"We're there!" Yukizome announced. "This is jabberwock island's Beach!" She pointed to two small cabins. "You guys can get dressed there,"

Everyone walked towards the cabins and went inside.

Komaeda quickly put on his jacket, not allowing anyone to see him shirtless. He still disliked the scars all over his legs, but there wasn't a way to solve that problem anyways, so he accepted it the way it was.

"Nidai-kun!" Hanamura beamed. "You are absolutely gorgeous! If you need someone to apply suncream on you, I'd gladly be the one to do it!"

"Gahaha, thanks, man! But Owari already said she'd do it!"

"I see... Souda-kun?"

"Absolutely not. Komaeda can help me out there,"

"Hey, Hanamura-kun?" Said boy asked.


"Can you stay here a bit longer with me? There's something I want to talk to you about,"

Hanamura's face went bright red and his nose began bleeding.

"A-are you okay?!" Komaeda freaked out.

"Of course, of course! I'd gladly 'talk' to you," He smirked.

Komaeda smiled, clapping his hands together. "Alright, I'm glad!"

"If he tries anything, call for me," Kamukura whispered, walking past Komaeda, who gave a quick nod.

When everyone had left, Komaeda sat down on a bench next to Hanamura.

"Isn't it hot in here? Maybe you should take off that jacket,"

"I'm okay, thanks for your concern,"

"So, you wanted to 'talk', correct?" He smirked.

"Mhm. So, the thing is, I- Wh-what the hell?!" He shrieked as Hanamura slid a hand up his jacket. "Wh-what are you doing?!"

"Uh... you wanted to 'talk'."

"Yeah, this isn't talking!"

"Oh... you, like, actually wanted to just talk. My bad,"

"Y-yeah... uhm, the thing is... I really don't like how you talk to everyone here. They're obviously uncomfortable,"

"Well, Komaeda-kun, I think we all know I won't stop,"

"Th-then let's make a deal," He nervously said. "You stop talking to them like that, but in return you're allowed to flirt with me all you want. Is that okay? I'm too worthless to reject your advances anyway,"

"Under one condition!"


"You have to flirt back," Komaeda's eyes widened.

"But I'm not actually interested in you!"

"Then just pretend you are,"

"I-I have a boyfriend! I can't do that!"

"Well that's too bad then, I suppose. Otherwise I won't say yes to the deal,"

"Mmm... f-fine..."

Komaeda left the cabin, feeling down. This isn't how he had expected it to go.

He had wanted to put up with a bit more weird stuff from Hanamura, but have him stop harassing his friends in return.

This wasn't okay. He didn't want to betray Hinata.

Hanamura put an arm around his waist and Komaeda forced a smile.

"Ah, you have such soft skin, Komaeda-kun,"

"Th-thank you..."

♡Strange emotions | Kamukoma | FINISHED♡Where stories live. Discover now